Woocommerce Msrp Pricing (v3.4.26) Free Download

Woocommerce Msrp Pricing Nulled
Woocommerce Msrp Pricing Nulled
Woocommerce Msrp Pricing
Woocommerce Msrp Pricing

Woocommerce Msrp Pricing Nulled v3.4.26 | Woocommerce Msrp Pricing Free Download v3.4.26 plugin lets you create and display product MSRP (manufacturer’s suggested retail price) in WooCommerce.

The WooCommerce MSRP plugin allows you to record Manufacturer Suggested Retail Prices / Recommended Retail Prices against your products, and have them displayed on the sales pages. This allows your customers to see why it’s a good idea to buy from you.

On your product edit screens you’ll now see an extra field in with the normal pricing information, labelled MSRP. You can enter the MSRP here and it will be shown on the front end to your customers. If you’re bulk importing products, then the MSRP can be imported by using meta.By default the MSRP will be shown struck-out – much like a sale price. You can style these however you want.

With this MSRP plugin, you will be able to define different MSRPs for products, decide when to show or hide these prices (based on conditions), you can also customize the name, style, and text of the price.


  • Hide MSRP for products with empty price.
  • Hide regular price for products on sale.
  • Set custom range format for variable products.
  • Apply price filter.
  • Add MSRP column to admin products list.
  • Add MSRP field to admin quick edit.
  • Add MSRP field to admin bulk edit.

You can set display options separately for single product, archives and cart pages:

  • Display: Do not show (i.e. visible to admin only); Show; Only show if MSRP is higher than the standard price; Only show if MSRP differs from the standard price.
  • Position: Before the standard price; After the standard price; Instead of the standard price.
  • Savings amount (and percent) templates.


Woocommerce Msrp Pricing Free Download Link

Changelog Woocommerce Msrp Pricing Nulled

2023.09.11 - version 3.4.21
* New: WooCommerce 8.1 compatibility

2023.07.26 - version 3.4.20
* New: WooCommerce 8.0 compatibility

2023.07.05 - version 3.4.19
* New: WooCommerce 7.9 compatibility
* Change: Ensure plugin strings are correctly escaped

2023.06.05 - version 3.4.18
* New: WooCommerce 7.8 compatibility

2023.05.03 - version 3.4.17
* New: WooCommerce 7.7 compatibility

2023.04.05 - version 3.4.16
* New: WooCommerce 7.6 compatibility

2023.03.06 - version 3.4.15
* New: WooCommerce compatibility up to 7.5
* New: Support for High Performance Order Storage

2023.02.10 - version 3.4.14
* New: WooCommerce compatibility up to 7.4

2023.01.05 - version 3.4.13
* New: WooCommerce compatibility up to 7.3
2022.11.30 - version 3.4.12
* New: WooCommerce compatibility up to 7.2

2022.11.02 - version 3.4.11
* New: WooCommerce compatibility up to 7.1

2022.09.28 - version 3.4.10
* New: WooCommerce compatibility up to 7.0

2022.08.24 - version 3.4.9
* New: WooCommerce compatibility up to 6.9

2022.08.01 - version 3.4.8
* New: WooCommerce compatibility up to 6.8

2022.05.25 - version 3.4.7
* Fix: Fix issue where an error could be thrown is some variations had no prices set

2022.05.10 - version 3.4.6
* Change: WooCommerce compatibility up to 6.5

2022.04.13 - version 3.4.5
* Change: WooCommerce compatibility up to 6.4

2022.01.03 - version 3.4.4
* Change: WooCommerce compatibility up to 6.3

2021.12.06 - version 3.4.3
* Fix: Fix issue where settings wouldn't show on some multi-site setups

2021.12.06 - version 3.4.2
* Change: WooCommerce compatibility up to WooCommerce 6.0

2021.08.16 - version 3.4.1
* Change: WooCommerce 5.6 compatibility

2021.06.29 - version 3.4.0
* Change: WooCommerce 5.5 compatibility
* Change: MSRP strings, including separators are now translatable
* Fix: Remove legacy updater code that caused odd messages on multi-site installations

2021.06.01 - version 3.3.1
* Change: WooCommerce 5.4 compatibility

2021.05.17 - version 3.3.0
* New: Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Feeds extension

2021.04.28 - version 3.2.2
* Change: WooCommerce 5.3 compatibility

2021.03.29 - version 3.2.1
* Change: WooCommerce 5.2 compatibility 

2021.02.02 - version 3.2.0
* Change: Work around warnings caused when REST product hooks fired with incomplete product objects
* Change: WooCommerce 4.9 & 5.0 compatibility

2020.12.07 - version 3.1.2
* Change: WooCommerce 4.8 compatibility

2020.11.11 - version 3.1.1
* Change: WooCommerce 4.7 compatibility

2020.11.04 - version 3.1.0
* New: product_msrp_info shortcode can be used without specifying product ID

2020.10.12 - version 3.0.2
* Fix: Correctly handle some combinations of tax settings

2020.10.05 - version 3.0.1
* Change: WooCommerce 4.6 compatibility

2020.09.21 - version 3.0.0
* New: Alternative MSRP display mode ("Show if your price is lower than MSRP")
* Change: Reword MSRP display modes for clarity
* Change: Remove compatibility with no longer supported WooCommerce versions

2020.09.09 - version 2.9.17
* Change: WooCommerce 4.5 compatibility

2020.07.02 - version 2.9.16
* Change: WooCommerce 4.3 compatibility

2020.06.12 - version 2.9.15
* Re-release as 2.9.14 did not release cleanly

2020.05.28 - version 2.9.14
* Change: WooCommerce 4.1 / 4.2 compatibility

2020.01.06 - version 2.9.13
* Change: WooCommerce 3.9 compatibility

2019.10.16 - version 2.9.12
* New: Introduce woocommerce_msrp_show_msrp_pricing filter
* New: Add shortcode & template tag for showing MSRP price

2019.08.29 - version 2.9.11
* Fix: Resolve issue saving settings when running WooCommerce 3.7.0
* New: Add WPML config file for MSRP syncing between languages

2018.11.15 - version 2.9.10
* Fix: Compatibility fixes for Product Add-ons integration. Requires Product Add-ons v3.0.3 or above.

2018.11.05 - version 2.9.9
* Fix: Fix issues caused when other post types created during product saving

2018.10.29 - version 2.9.8
* New: Update WooCommerce compatibility headers - requires WooCommerce v3.0+
* Change: Future custom tables compatibility work

2018.08.16 - version 2.9.7
* Change: Make price strings translatable, allowing i18n overrides

2018.01.29 - version 2.9.6
* Fix: Variation MSRP support in v1 product batch endpoints

2017.09.27 - version 2.9.5
* New: Add plugin headers for compatibility with future WooCommerce update checks
* New: Add .pot file for ease of translating the plugin
* Change: Do not show variation MSRP content if all variation prices are the
          same as each other, and all MSRPs prices are the same as each other.

2017.08.01 - version 2.9.4
* Fix: Savings amount could show incorrect values if saving was greater than 1000
* Fix: Do not through deprecated warnings for prices on variations on WooCommerce 3.x

2017.07.26 - version 2.9.3
* New: REST API v2 support
* Fix: Variation MSRPs not show for REST API v1

2017.07.22 - version 2.9.2
* Fix Javascript error which could occur under some configurations.

2017.07.13 - version 2.9.1
* Avoid warnings if price / MSRP are empty
* Do not show savings if MSRP & price are the same

2017.07.06 - version 2.9.0
* Move MSRP price on variations edit UI next to the other prices.
* Show savings now shows savings for variable products.

2017.06.27 - version 2.8.0
* Support for import / export via new importer / exporter in WooCommerce 3.1

2017.06.21 - version 2.7.0
* Introduce option to show savings against MSRP as amount, or percentage
* JS optimisations
* Clear out some old unused code

2017.06.08 - version 2.6.0
* Localize JS rather than manually outputting variables.
* Cut down on the volume of JS output for config dramatically
* Avoid issues with Storefront homepage layouts.

2017.03.06 - version 2.5.1
* Compatibility updates for WooCommerce 2.7

2017.03.02 - version 2.5.0
* Allow MSRP prices to be set, or cleared in bulk for variations.

2017.02.13 - version 2.4.1
* Fix issue where MSRP would not always show on variable products

2017.01.17 - version 2.4.0
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.7
* Fix positional placeholders in Product Add-Ons support

2016.08.24 - version 2.3
* Compatibility with Product Addons extension. Allows MSRP pricing to be stored, and displayed against product add-ons. Requires Product Addons greater than 2.7.22

2016.08.18 - version 2.2
* Make MSRP prices available via the WooCommerce REST API.

2016.08.02 - version 2.1.2
* Fix issue where MSRP would show as zero on variable products with no MSRPs set.

2016.06.02 - version 2.1.1
* Show price ranges for MSRPs for variable products.

2016.04.11 - version 2.0.2
* Re-release of 2.0.1 to rebuild JS

2016.04.07 - version 2.0.1
* Move MSRP price next to variation price for variable products.

2015.07.16 - version 2.0
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.4.
* Frontend javascript minified unless WP_DEBUG set to true.
* Support for localized prices, e.g. non '.' decimal separators.

2015.02.26 - version 1.7
* Minor tweak to tooltips on the admin screens. Props Nicola Mustone.

2015.02.22 - version 1.6
* Fix issue where MSRP values weren't loaded on the product edit form under WC 2.3
* Support for adding MSRP to Composite products

2014.01.11 - version 1.5
* WooCommerce 2.1 compatibility

2013.10.20 - version 1.4.1
* More consistent strings in admin area
* Coding standard cleanups

2013.07.28 - version 1.4
 * MSRP display for variable products on category pages

2013.04.04 - version 1.3.3
 * Improved 2.0 Compat

2013.03.08 - version 1.3.2
 * Show the MSRP price on grouped product pages in the list table

2012.12.04 - version 1.3.1
 * New updater

2012.10.09 - version 1.3
 * Show MSRP for variations properly
 * Show MSRP information on category pages, not just single product

2012.08.25 - version 1.2
 * 1.6.5 variation improvements

2012.08.14 - version 1.1
 * Fix problem where MSRP shown even if not set

2012.08.09 - version 1.0
 * First Release
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