Jobpilot (v2.77.21) Job Portal Laravel Script Free Download


Jobpilot Job Portal Laravel Script Free Download v2.77.21 | Jobpilot Job Portal Laravel Script Nulled v2.77.21 is a cutting-edge, high-quality, and well-organized job portal Laravel script designed to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers. This modern website is built on extensive UX research to provide the best possible experience for creating a job board platform that both candidates and employers will love.

Jobpilot Jobpilot Job Portal Laravel Script Nulled is equipped with advanced features and powerful functions to meet the needs of professional job board websites. Its robust capabilities make it suitable for various purposes, including directory listings, agencies, job search platforms, freelancer networks, startups, corporations, and other business types. Whether you are running a technology-focused site or aiming to connect candidates with employers, Jobpilot offers the tools and services to facilitate seamless interactions.

The design of Jobpilot Free Download is centered around delivering an exceptional user experience. Extensive UX research has been conducted to ensure that candidates and employers can effortlessly navigate the platform and easily find what they are looking for. The intuitive interface and well-organized layout enhance usability, making it simple for users to search for jobs, employers, or candidates that match their requirements.

Jobpilot’s flexibility allows it to adapt to various job portal needs. It offers customization options, enabling website owners to tailor the platform to their specific branding and requirements. Whether you are creating a niche job board or a comprehensive job search portal, Jobpilot can be customized to suit your unique vision and business goals.

Jobpilot’s comprehensive features enable effective job matching between candidates and employers. Job seekers can search for suitable positions, apply directly through the platform, and manage their job applications. Employers, on the other hand, can post job listings, review applications, and connect with potential candidates seamlessly. This streamlined process facilitates efficient recruitment and enhances the overall hiring experience.

Jobpilot Nulled is the ultimate Laravel script for modern job portals, providing a powerful and user-friendly platform for connecting job seekers and employers. With its advanced features, customization options, and emphasis on delivering an exceptional user experience, Jobpilot is an ideal choice for creating professional job board websites. Whether you are a directory, agency, freelancer network, or corporation, Jobpilot offers the tools and functionalities necessary to create a successful job portal. Streamline your job search and recruitment processes with Jobpilot and provide a platform that job seekers and employers will truly appreciate.


v2.77.28 – 25th September, 2023

- fix: Fixed featured jobs slider arrow issue.
- fix: Addressed issues with slider buttons causing page reload
- fix: Fixed text editor issue added for CMS.
- fix: Resolved Iconpicker issue on the Jobategory page
- fix: Fixed design issues on small devices in the candidate settings modal
- fix: Fixed unwanted translated menu items
- fix: Default language not found issue from admin dashboard
- improvement: Performed query optimization for improved performance.
- improvement: Cleaned up the app code-base.
- improvement: Updated the Help widget.
- improvement: Made improvements to the language module

v2.77.17 – 13th September, 2023

- fix: language auto select issue
- fix: preference contact social fix
- fix: blog filter category issue
- fix : validation improvement
- improvement: extra jobs card height issues
- improvement:  improvements in session data
- improvement:Candidate Search and others UX Improve
- style: location search field design broken issues are fixed
- chore: code optimize and changed home page box content

v2.77.8 – 8th September, 2023

- fix: Cookies issue fix
- fix: Job edit page namespace issue fix
- fix: Login route issue fix
- fix: Candidate profile page issue fix
- fix: Candidate setting page jobalert update issue fix
- improvement: Jobs list load more jobs feature improved
- improvement: Added pagination in the company details page
- improvement: Query optimization
- and many more...

v2.77.0 – 2nd September, 2023

- feat: Plan description multilingual
- feat: Footer description multilingual
- feat: Bulk import in the category, role, industry, organization, profession, benefit, tag feature added
- feat: Added skills in the job creation page
- feat: Job posting with no company reference and under the administration
- feat: Candidates/companies can change their account email and username facility added
- improvement: Jobs SEO improvements
- improvement: Remove extra map addresses and set pointer after the search
- improvement: Job status change based on the job expiry date
- fix: Menu builder bugs issue fix
- fix: Job apply not working issue fix
- fix: Stripe setting issue fix
- fix: Responsive design issue fix
- fix: Payperjob zero pricing job published
- and many more...


v2.71.0 – 22th July, 2023

- feat: Website menu builder added
- feat: Language sync feature added
- feat: Featured jobs in the job listing page
- feat: Current location added in the job listing page
- feat: Order invoices are visible in the company dashboard
- feat: Candidates could see their resume uploaded
- feat: Job application status visible to candidates
- feat: Datepicker rtl support
- improvement: Added vacancy in the job details page
- fix: Google job indexing issue fix
- fix: Company job limitation issue fix
- fix: Candidate details location issue fix
- fix: Candidate resume views issue fix
- fix: Admin already exists validation issue fix
- fix: Midtrans payment issue fix
- improvement: Application translation improvements
- improvement: Design improvements
- and many more...


v2.63.0 – 10th June, 2023

- feat: Vite.js integration
- feat: Added why choose us section
- improvement: Added vacancy in the job details page
- fix: Refund policy translation issue fix
- fix: Candidate auto-generated profile image issue fix
- fix: Logo cropped issue fix
- fix: Duplicate benefits and tags issue fix
- and many more...

v2.61.0 – 3rd June, 2023

- feat: Laravel 9 compatibility
- feat: Bulk job import feature added
- feat: Multiple language translations:  Organization Type
- feat: After applying for a job, the employer receives mail notification added
- feat: Display the exact location on the job details page
- feat: Flutterwave new package integration compatibility with laravel 9
- style: Smooth Slide animation on setting and account setup tabs
- fix: Insert image in WYSIWYG editor issue fix
- and many more...


v2.55.0 – 16th May, 2023

- feat: Company can create benefits while creating a job
- feat: Shuffle and randomize the job listing
- feat: Added whatsapp button in the candidate profile
- feat: Design of the new invoice page
- feat: Employer listing filter
- feat: Candidate with multiple job roles alert
- feat: Blog post in multiple languages
- fix: Job details url change issue fix
- fix: Careerjet and Indeedjob http issue fix
- fix: Editing issue on admin panel skill, category, role, industry, profession, benefit, tag


v2.48.8 – 16th March, 2023

- Map location selection issue fix
- Candidate page responsive issue fix
- Enable/Disable ip based country, currency and language selection


v2.48.5 – 28th February, 2023

- Candidate create page issue fix
- Job details empty salary issue fix
- Improved Kanban board pages
- Improved about page brand logo management
- SEO improvements to the job and post details

v2.48.0 – 24th February, 2023

- Added candidate current employment status in experience
- Auto generating profile image
- After enabling auto job approval, the pending job message issue was resolved
- Map displayed on company details page
- Display current location in the map search field on the settings page
- Not resetting previous data after preview candidate resume issue resolved
- On the job details page, salaries are displayed in the current language
- Fixed job counts by job category and job role
- Multiple language translations: Job Category, Job Role, Benefits, Skills, Tags, Industry Type, Profession
- Added Job Category, Job Role search in posting job page
- Added Google job posting feature
- New sign-up mails are being sent to candidates and companies
- Added job custom salary option
- Added refund policy page
- Added email template customization
- Remove nationality field
- Improvement Social login feature
- Design improvements
- Minor bug fixes


v2.31.1 – 24th January, 2023

- Admin dashboard company update issues fix
- Admin dashboard candidate update mail notification added

v2.30.11 – 24th January, 2023

- Leaflet map region not save issue fix

v2.30.10 – 3rd January, 2023

- Website responsive design issue fix

v2.30.9 – 2nd January, 2023

- Plan middleware missing line fix

December, 2022

v2.30.8 – 27th December, 2022

- After the purchase plan session issue fix
- Choosing a plan is necessary after a newly company created feature added issue fix

v2.30.6 – 26th December, 2022

- Added highlighted or featured job duration
- One click application upgrade feature added
- Website currency show/hide option added
- External page added for careerjet and indeed jobs
- Choosing a plan is necessary after a newly company created feature added
- Repeating view count for candidate resume for 30 days feature added
- Candidate job posting benefits management has been added
- Candidate language management has been added
- Candidate resumes viewable on the company application page feature added
- Candidates can create resumes in the meantime of submitting an application feature added
- Responsive design issue fixed
- Minor bug fixed and improved functionality

November, 2022

v2.20.8 – 29th Novembar, 2022

- Login & Register page social login showing condition fix
- Duplicate helper function remove
- Employee details social media hide if not found
- IP wise country, currency & language selection fix

v2.20.4 – 23th Novembar, 2022

- Leaflet map dragging issue fix
- Leaflet map autocomplete searching issue fix
- Autocomplete job searching issue fix
- Notification static content issue fix

v2.20.0 – 21th Novembar, 2022

- Job edit functionality with auto/manual activation
- Pay per job integration
- Leaflet & Openstreat map integration
- Location wise careerjet & indeed jobs integration
- Candidates education & experience setting
- Multiple currency conversion integration
- Job benefits and tags integration
- Much design improvements and bug fixes

October, 2022

v2.12.0 – 9th October, 2022

- Contact and newsletter spam protection
- Candidate and employer account auto/manual activation

v2.10.3 – 3rd October, 2022

- Candidate technology skills feature added
- Candidate language skills feature added
- Map selected country wise cities feature added
- Company application kanban board issue fix
- Admin profile image update issue fix
- Login & Register page responsive design fix

September, 2022

v2.7.3 – 21st September, 2022

- Multiple language terms and privacy issue fix
- Auto company name/candidate name generate issue fix

v2.7 – 1st September, 2022

- Sitemap generate feature added
- Multiple language terms and privacy content features added
- Employer account auto/manual activation feature added
- application functionality & designs improvements
- bug fixes

August, 2022

v2.4.5 – 22nd August, 2022

- Candidate setting map design issue fix
- Company registration process social media information update issue fix
- Company bookmarks page candidate profile details fix
- Job, Candidate, Company filter text update
- Candidate setting page design and functionality issue fix

v2.4 – 11th August, 2022

- Job application kanban board
- Candidate multiple cv/resume
- Candidate cv selection before the job apply
- Many design improvement
- Bug fixes

July, 2022

v2.0.12 – 24th July, 2022

Jobpilot - v2.0.12
- Company job notification link fix

v2.0.11 – 23rd July, 2022

- Candidate bio field validation added
- Datepicker design fix
- Location filtering issue fix in job listing page
- Country, city, state relation issue fix
- Offline payment issue fix
- Login page topbar spacing added
- Notification red dot design fix
- Company step progress navbar design fix
- Online payment currency issue fix
- Job details link issue fix
- Candidate profile modal visible issue fix

v2.0 – 21st July, 2022

- Geo Location (Google Map & Map Box)
- Location Based Jobs
- Single and Multiple Country Wise Jobs
- Near Location Jobs
- Careerjet and Indeed Jobs
- Job Search Auto Complete
- New Payment Gateways
  - Flutterwave
  - Instamojo
  - Midtrans
  - Mollie
  - SSl Commerz
  - Local and Bank Payment
- Clone Job
- New Navigation Design
- RTL Support
- Responsive Design Fix

v1.3.4 – 4th July, 2022

- Image delete if exists issue fix
- Cookies setting update issue fix
- Footer social link update issue fix
- Seo validation issue fix
- Datepicker design issue fix
- Company default country select issue fix
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