Polylang Pro Nulled (v3.5.5) WordPress Plugin Free Download

Polylang Pro - The Most Popular Multilingual WordPress Plugin
Polylang Pro - The Most Popular Multilingual WordPress Plugin

Download Free Polylang Pro – WordPress Plugin v3.5.5

Polylang Pro WordPress Plugin Free Download v3.5.5 | Polylang Pro WordPress Plugin Nulled v3.5.5 is the most popular multi-language plugin in the WordPress directory. Write your posts or pages and you create categories and tags for your posts as usual, then assign a different language for each one of them.

The translation, regardless of whether it’s either in default or non-default languages, is not required.

The integration of Polylang fully integrated with WordPress and using just its core features built-in (taxonomies) maintain consistent performance on your website and build a multilingual website that can be accessed only one additional language, to 10 or more based on the requirements of your site.

There’s no limit on your number of language options you can add and WordPress Language packs automatically download when they are ready.



  • Translate posts, pages, media, categories, tags
  • REST API Support
  • Translations can share the same slug in the URL
  • Premium support
  • Translate slugs in URLS (custom post types, taxonomies and more…)
  • Translate menus and widgets
  • Use subdirectories, subdomains or separate domains
  • WPML API compatibility
  • Duplicate posts across languages
  • Translate Custom post types and custom taxonomies
  • Enable or disable languages
  • Additional integration with ACF Pro

Simple to use and effective

Create your own languages, install a language switcher and then you can begin translating! Polylang perfectly integrates into the WordPress administration interface and doesn’t alter your routine. Additionally, it integrates duplicate content across multiple languages for a smooth workflow.

High Performance

Polylang does not use any additional tables, and does not rely on shortcodes that are too long to analyze. It is a simple application that uses WordPress the built-in core features (taxonomies). It doesn’t need much memory nor impact any performance issues for your site. Furthermore, it’s compatible with the majority of cache plugins.

SEO Friendly

Polylang is compatible with the most popular SEO plugins, and it automatically manages multilingual SEO, such as opengraph and html hreflang tags. Additionally, it allows you to choose as you wish, one directory, a subdomain or one domain for each language.

Demo : polylang.pro

Other Features:

  • You are able to use any number of languages you’d like. RTL scripts are also supported. WordPress Language packs will be downloaded automatically and then updated.
  • The original content such as categories, post tags, and other metas are automatically copied when you add an article or page translation . Two posts could be synchronized so that they appear the same in various languages.
  • You can translate pages, posts categories, media, post tags menus, categories, post tags… custom post formats as well as custom taxonomies sticky posts, types of posts. RSS feeds, and the standard WordPress widgets are available.
  • The language can be defined by the content, or the language code in the URL, or you could use a separate subdomain or domain for each language .
  • A language switcher that can be customized is available in the form of a widget or the menu for navigation.

Polylang Pro Free Download Links

Changelog Polylang Pro Nulled

3.5.2 (2023-10-25)
Pro: Fix terms not filtered by the current language in the block editor custom taxonomy component panel
Fix incorrect rewrite rules leading to error 404 for the main site on mutisite #1375
3.5.1 (2023-10-17)
Pro: Fix terms not filtered by the current language in the block editor custom taxonomy component panel
Pro: Fix fatal error when using plain permalinks on multisite
Pro: Fix rewrite rules incorrectly refreshed when saving strings translations
Fix incorrect rewrite rules leading to error 404 on mutisite #1366
Fix fatal error when using symlinked MU plugins that are not in open_basedir #1368
3.5 (2023-10-09)
Requires WordPress 5.9 as minimum version
Pro: Manage navigation blocks translations in the site editor (requires WP 6.3)
Pro: Manage pages translations in the site editor (requires WP 6.3)
Pro: Manage patterns translations in the site editor (requires WP 6.3)
Pro: Remove compatibility with the navigation screen removed from Gütenberg 15.1
Pro: Add filter ‘pll_export_post_fields’ to control post fields exported to XLIFF files
Pro: Do not set default translation option to “translate” for ACF fields created before Polylang Pro is activated
Pro: Fix Polylang not set as recently active when automatically deactivated by Polylang Pro
Don’t output javascript type for themes supporting html5 #1332
Hook WP_Query automatic translation to ‘parse_query’ instead of ‘pre_get_posts’ #1339
Improve preload paths management for the block editor #1341
Fix rewrite rules in WP 6.4 #1345
Fix: always assign the default language to new posts and terms if no language is specified #1351
Fix ‘polylang’ option not correctly created when a new site is created on a multisite #1319
Fix front page display switched to “Your latest posts” when deleting a static home page translation #1311
Fix wrong language assigned to terms #1336
Fix error when updating a translated option while the blog is switched on a multisite #1342
3.4.6 (2023-09-13)
Pro: Security: Fix unsafe custom style injection in navigation language switcher block
3.4.5 (2023-08-07)
Requires PHP 7.0 as minimum version
Pro: Fix error in site editor with WP 6.3
Pro: Remove usage of block_core_navigation_submenu_build_css_colors() deprecated in WP 6.3
Pro: Fix categories and tags kept in old language after the language of a post has been changed
Add ‘pll_admin_ajax_params’ filter #1326
Fix error when changing the language of a post and the post type doesn’t support excerpts #1323
3.4.4 (2023-07-18)
Pro: Register a default (empty) value for the “lang” param when listing posts and terms in REST API
Pro: Fix categories list refresh when the language of a post is changed in the block editor
Pro: Fix store “pll/metabox” is already registered
Add Kirghiz to the predefined list of languages #1308
Fix incorrect flag url when WordPress is installed in a subfolder #1296
Fix wrong home page url in multisite #1300
3.4.3 (2023-06-13)
Adapt the language filter for get_pages() for WP 6.3 #1268
Fix static front page displaying latest posts when it is not translated #1295
Fix a database error in ANSI mode #1297
Fix a database error when accessing posts from another site in multisite #1301
3.4.2 (2023-05-30)
Fix empty languages displayed when Falang data are remaining in the database #1286
Fix PHP warning on term_props #1288
Fix blog page displayed in the customizer instead of the static front page when changing a setting #1289
3.4.1 (2023-05-25)
Fix incorrect site titles in My Site admin bar menu on multisites #1284
Fix incorrect home url when using multiple domains or subdomain and a static front page #1285
3.4 (2023-05-23)
Requires WP 5.8 as minimum version
Pro: Language fallbacks are now stored in language description instead of a term meta.
Pro: Add more error messages when doing wrong when importing or exporting translations
Pro: Avoid to check for translations files existence if no language fallbacks are defined.
Pro: Reduce the number of DB queries when exporting posts for translation
Pro: Fix incorrect post slug after XLIFF import
Pro: Fix a performance issue with the autocomplete field in the block editor languages panel
Pro: Fix translations not refreshed when switching the language in the block editor sidebar
Pro: Fix a performance issue in Site editor
Pro: Fix a possible bug in Site editor when language term_id and term_taxonomy_id are different
Pro: Fix deactivated language re-activated when it is edited.
Pro: Fix language switcher in legacy widget menu not correctly rendered in widget block editor
Pro: Fix error 404 for untranslated attached attachement
Pro: Fix a deprecated notice in ACF integration
Pro: Fix update compatibility with WP Umbrella
Refactor core to allow to easily translate contents stored in custom tables
Strings translations are now stored in a language term meta instead of post meta of specific post type #1209
Deprecate the filters pll_languages_list and pll_after_languages_cache #1210
Add a new property PLL_Language::$is_default #1228
Add a custom admin body class pll-lang-{$language_code} #1190
Add support for new WPML API filters #1266
Fix languages metabox autocomplete field not always returning expected results #1187
Fix language not displayed if the transient has been saved with an empty array #1247
Fix a PHP warning Attempt to read property "home_url" on bool #1206
Fix a conflict leading to a performance issue when translating the theme Astra options #1196
Fix related translations resetted when updating Yoast SEO titles settings #1111
Fix a fatal error in case the registered strings option is corrupted #1264
Fix the language extraction from the URL in plain permalinks #1270
Fix content cleared when switching the language of a new post in the block editor #1272
Fix: Prevent saving strings translations with an empty source #1273
= 3.3.3 (2023-04-11) =

* Pro: Adapt the submenu colors of the navigation language switcher block to WP 6.2
* Pro: Fix the dropdown setting in the navigation language switcher block
* Add Amharic, Aragonese and Spanish from Dominican Republic to the list of predefined languages #1248
* Fix a deprecated notice in WP 6.2 when using multiple domains without the Internationalization PHP extension (intl) #1245

= 3.3.2 (2023-03-06) =

* Pro: Add compatibility with FSE changes introduced by WP 6.2
* Pro: Adapt the navigation language switcher block for consistency with WP 6.2
* Only store term ids in taxonomy relationships cache for WP 6.0+. Props @ocean90 #1154
* Remove usage of `get_page_by_title()` deprecated in WP 6.2 #1213
* Fix fatal error if the mu-plugins folder is not readable #1217
* Fix a compatibility issue with plugins not expecting a null 'update_plugins' transient #1224

= 3.3.1 (2023-01-09) =

* Pro: Allow to translate Oembed, URL and Email ACF fields
* Pro: Fix ACF REST API mixing fields
* Pro: Fix ACF compatibility loaded when no language exist
* Pro: Fix headers of exported PO files.
* Pro: Fix spacing in language switcher navigation block preview
* Work around a bug in Sendinblue for WooCommerce causing a fatal error. #1156
* Fix a regression with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate. #1186

= 3.3 (2022-11-28) =

* Requires WP 5.7 as minimum version
* Pro: Allow to export and import XLIFF files for posts
* Pro: Honor the provided context for the navigation language switcher block.
* Pro: Remove the parent hyperlink in the navigation language switcher block.
* Pro: Add spacing between flag and name in the navigation language switcher block.
* Pro: Disallow some special characters in translated slugs to avoid 404 errors.
* Pro: Fix string translation not imported when the original is registered but has never been saved in database.
* Pro: Fix string translation not imported when it includes an html entity.
* Pro: Fix navigation language switcher block rendering in block editor.
* Pro: Fix navigation language switcher may be displayed wrong color.
* Translate the post pages in get_post_type_archive_link() on admin side too. #1000
* Enable the block editor in page for posts translations to match the WordPress behavior since version 5.8 #1002
* Improve the site health report #1062 #1076
* Set the current language when saving a post #1065
* The search block is now filtered by language #1081
* Display slug of CPT and taxonomies in Custom post types and Taxonomies settings. Props @nicomollet #1112
* Add support for wpml-config.xml to MU plugins #1140 Props Jeremy Simkins
* Fix some deprecated notices fired by PHP 8.1 #975
* Fix some missing canonical redirect taxonomies #1074
* Fix redirect when permalink structure has no trailing slash #1080
* Fix language switcher in legacy navigation menu widget not rendered in widgets block editor #1083
* Fix language in tax query when an OR relation is used #1098
* Fix parent of translated category removed when assigning an untranslated parent #1105
* Fix is_front_page() when a static front page is not translated #1123
* Yoast SEO: Fix posts without language displayed in the sitemap #1103
* Yoast SEO: Avoid syncing robots meta. #1118

= 3.2.8 (2022-10-17) =

* Fix PHP warning when a filtered taxonomy has no query var #1124
* Fix SQL error when attempting to get objects without languages and no language exist #1126
* Fix error when term slugs are provided as array in WP_Query #1119, #1132 Props Susanna Häggblom
* Fix a CSS regression in the wizard causing the default language icon to be removed #1137

= 3.2.7 (2022-09-20) =

* Work around a WooCommerce 6.9.x bug causing a fatal error in the wizard. #1116

= 3.2.6 (2022-09-06) =

* Pro: Fix a conflict with Kadence blocks
* Pro: Fix a conflict with Flatsome builder
* Fix media translation setting having no effect

= 3.2.5 (2022-06-28) =

* Pro: Fix creation of WC product categories with shared slug via REST API
* Pro: Fix conflict with WooBuilder when editing a WC product
* Fix: Force empty string translation to empty string #1058
* Fix CSS conflict with Dynamic content for Elementor #1060

= 3.2.4 (2022-06-07) =

* Pro: Remove "Navigation menus" from the post type settings list
* Pro: Fix block editor languages panel missing in WordPress 5.6
* Pro: Fix wrongly indexed languages list returned by REST API when the first language is deactivated.
* Revert fix for category feed not redirected when the language code is wrong #1054
* Fix wrong redirect of category when the url includes a query string #1048
* Fix querying multiple categories failing

= 3.2.3 (2022-05-17) =

* Pro: Fix a fatal error when inserting a term
* Pro: Fix translation of the block cover when duplicating a post
* Pro: Fix a CSS issue in bulk tranlate form introduced by WP 6.0
* Pro: Fix a CSS issue in string import/export metaboxes.
* Prevent random languages order in WP 6.0 #1041
* Translate site title in retrieve password email #1042
* Fix 'lang' attribute in language widget dropdown #1039

= 3.2.2 (2022-04-25) =

* Pro: Fix redirect occuring for tags sharing the same slug as their translations
* Fix quick edit allowing to modify the language of the default category when it should not #1018

= 3.2.1 (2022-04-14) =

* Pro: Fix users with editor role not able to save or publish posts
* Pro: Fix FSE compatibility not loaded when the plugin Gütenberg is active
* Pro: Fix a fatal error occuring with Yoast SEO Premium
* Pro: Fix a fatal error with ACF when no language is defined

= 3.2 (2022-04-12) =

* Requires WP 5.6 as minimum version
* Pro: Add compatibility with the full site editing introduced in WP 5.9
* Pro: Add a language switcher block for the navigation block introduced in WP 5.9
* Pro: Add compatibility with the new gallery block introduced in WP 5.9
* Pro: Make the language switcher block available in the widget section of the customizer
* Pro: Fix wrong category when translating the latest posts block
* Pro: Fix the language switcher block when using the dropdown option
* Pro: Fix some edge cases with locale fallback
* Pro: Fix post template replacing the post content when duplicating a post
* Pro: Fix synchronization groups not correctly cleaned up when a language is deleted
* Pro: Fix incorrect sticky property when duplicating / synchronizing posts
* Pro: Fix "Page for posts" label after the page has been bulk translated
* Pro: Fix translated slug when the url includes a query string
* Pro: Synchronize ACF layout fields if a child field is synchronized or translatable
* Pro: Fix wrong field group translation displayed when using object cache with ACF
* Update plugin updater to 1.9.1
* Add compatibility with the block site title introduced in WP 5.9
* Add the list of wpml-config.xml files in the site health information
* Improve the performance of the get_pages() filter #980
* Improve the compatibility of 'wpml_object_id' with the original filter #972
* Prevent term_exists to be filtered by language in WP 6.0
* Fix some PHP 8.1 deprecations #949 #985
* Fix a fatal error in PHP 8.1 #987
* Fix category feed not redirected when the langage code is wrong #887
* Fix default category not created for secondary languages (introduced in 3.1) #997
* Fix parent page when the parent post type is not translatable #1001
* Fix the Yoast SEO breadcrumb when it includes a non-synchronized taxonomy #1005
* Fix a PHP Notice when adding a new language and Yoast SEO is active #979
* Fix a PHP warning in Yoast SEO compatibility #954

= 3.1.4 (2022-01-31) =

* Pro: Adapt duplication and synchronization of the gallery block refactored in WP 5.9
* Fix UI glitch in the classic editor custom fields form when changing a post language in WP 5.9 #970

= 3.1.3 (2021-12-14) =

* Fix user description escaping #934
* Fix dismissable notice when creating a term in WP 5.9 #936
* Fix empty search not handled correctly. Props Dominik Schilling #937
* Fix warning occurring when a 3rd party plugin attempts to register anything else than a string using the WPML API #942
* Fix Yoast SEO columns not corectly drawn when quick editing a post #943

= 3.1.2 (2021-10-11) =

* Pro: Fix parent page not filtered by language in the block editor since WP 5.6
* Pro: Fix XLIFF mime type for PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1
* Fix settings page displaying the media modules whne no language are defined
* Enforce Yoast SEO to use dynamic permalinks #882
* Yoast SEO: Fix static front page and blog page breadcrumb

= 3.1.1 (2021-08-16) =

* Pro: Fix a fatal error with The Events Calendar
* Allow to remove the cookie with the pll_cookie_expiration filter #905

= 3.1 (2021-07-27) =

* Add compatibility with WordPress 5.8
* Raise Minimum WordPress version to 5.4
* Pro: Allow to filter blocks by language in the widget block editor
* Pro: Allow to export and import XLIFF files for string translations
* Pro: Add the language switcher in the navigation block (experimental)
* Pro: Replace dashicons by svg icons in the block editor
* Pro: The Events Calendar: Add compatibility with Views V2 (only for sites using only one domain)
* Pro: Fix + icon displayed in the block editor sidebar when the user cannot create a translation
* Add a warning section to the site health for posts and terms without languages #825
* Require the simplexml extension in the site health if a wpml-config.xml is found #827
* Remove the information about the WPML compabitility mode in settings #843
* The browser preferred language detection is now deactivated by default
* The media are now untranslated by default
* Highlight the language filter in the admin toolbar when it's active #821
* Allow to query comments in multiple languages (just as posts and terms) #840
* Don't disable the translation input field in the classic metabox #841 Props Onatcer
* Optimize all images including flags #848 Props lowwebtech
* Don't redirect if WordPress doesn't validate the redirect url to avoid redirects to /wp-admin/ #879
* Fix media appearing to have a language after the language is changed in the media library grid view  #807
* Fix media not all deleted when bulk deleting from the grid view of the media library #830
* Fix when more than one language switcher are added to the same menu #853
* Fix PHP notice when adding a CPT archive link to a menu #868 Props davidwebca

= 3.0.6 (2021-06-22) =

* Fix a conflict with the WooCommerce cart translation and cache plugins #876

= 3.0.5 (2021-06-08) =

* Pro: fix original post not assigned to a new translation when the languages sidebar is closed
* Pro: Attempt to fix zip file corrupted on some installations when exporting string translations
* Support session cookie with the pll_cookie_expiration filter #835
* Fix javascript error when a plugin defines its own editor for translated post types #837
* Fix languages displayed in screen options when editing a term #850
* Cache: fix post type archive cache not cleared when saving a post #828

= 3.0.4 (2021-04-27) =

* Improve performance in the pages (or hierarchical post types) list table
* Fix an ajax conflict with WooCommerce License manager

= 3.0.3 (2021-03-23) =

* Fix a warning when a language is corrupted in database (term_language missing)
* Fix confirmation modal with WooCommerce and WordPress < 5.6
* Fix an ajax conflict with WooCommerce Tree Table Rate Shipping and HubSpot All-In-One Marketing

= 3.0.2 (2021-03-16) =

* Move hreflang attributes higher in the head section #771
* Fix custom flags not working (introduced in 3.0)
* Fix translation of the confirmation modal when changing the language of a post
* Fix js and css not loaded when Polylang is used as a mu-plugin (introduced in 3.0)
* Fix support for html5 stylesheet link tags #775
* Fix possible warning in frontend-filters-links.php
* Yoast SEO Premium: Take over the multilingual compatibility removed in Yoast SEO Premium 15.8 #796
* Yoast SEO: Fix CPT breadcrumb title when the option is left empty #794
* Yoast SEO: Fix sitemap.xml not redirected on secondary domains #789

= 3.0.1 (2021-03-10) =

* Fix media gallery messed when editing a post in the classic editor
* Fix missing script dependency on old WP versions
* Fix CSS conflict with WooCommerce Bookings for WP < 5.6
* Fix conflict resulting in '__' already defined in block-editor.js. #779
* Fix search form removed for some themes. Props Marián Kadaňka. #780
* Fix fatal error with very old versions of Yoast SEO. Props Nicola Peluchetti. #781

= 3.0 (2021-03-08) =

* Add compatibility with WordPress 5.7
* Remove upgrades from Polylang older than 1.8
* Remove deprecated class PLL_Pointer
* Pro: Hide the license keys
* Pro: Fix redirect to the home page of a deactivated language
* Pro: Fix synchronization of post status not working
* Pro: Fix language switcher block not working in a post retrieved in REST API
* Pro: Fix PO export of strings with line breaks
* Pro: Fix file block title customization lost
* Add a dialog box to ask a confirmation about a language change in classic and block editors
* Improve browser language detection #591
* Improve robustness and documentation of code
* Fix media library after the language has been chnaged in the editor metabox
* Fix duplicated title attribute on flag link in posts list
* Fix legacy block editor language metabox compatibility with WordPress 5.6
* Fix uploaded theme and plugin files in media library
* Fix site title not translated in email change confirmation email
* Fix remaining deprecated jQuery notices #741
* Fix compatibility with GN publisher
* Fix compatibility with Woodmart theme search form
* Fix compatibility issue with 3rd party ajax requests since jQuery 3.3 #744
* Fix CSS conflict with WooCommerce Bookings
* Fix browser error when displaying an embed and using a cache plugin #757
* Fix post type archive title and metadesc not translated in Yoast SEO
* Fix PHP notice in REST API

= 2.9.2 (2021-02-02) =

* Pro: Fix translation of CPTUI plural label and description not working
* Add Spanish (Ecuador) to the list of predefined languages
* Fix typo in "WordPress" string translation group. Props Viktor Szépe #682

= 2.9.1 (2020-12-15) =

* Fix PHP notice: Undefined property: PLL_Cache_Compat::$options with cache plugins. Props bahaa-almahamid. #658
* Fix title of the search results page with Yoast SEO > 14.0

= 2.9 (2020-12-07) =

* Add compatibility with WordPress 5.6
* Pro: Add locale fallback used when the theme or plugins translations are not available
* Pro: Fix SSO and browser preferred language redirect when using multiple domains
* Pro: Fix post slugs for German and Danish in the REST API
* Pro: Fix a fatal error in ACF integration when saving url modifications with multiple domains
* Pro: Fix a deprecated notice fired by ACF since the version 5.9.2
* Pro: Fix ACF relationship fields not reloaded when changing the language in the classic editor
* Update plugin updater to version 1.8
* Add Lower Sorbian to the list of predefined language
* Options are now translated on backend when using the admin language filter
* Keep previous translations when modifying an option value
* Add navigation markup to the language switcher widget
* Fix canonical redirect for taxonomy terms
* Fix a fatal error when deleting a post with a translation group corrupted in the database
* Fix a fatal error when switching to plain permalinks and using multiple domains
* Fix a conflict with WP Sweep which could corrupt languages
* Fix title displayed instead of meta description with Yoast SEO > 14.0
* Fix PHP Notice: Undefined index: wp_the_query in /frontend/choose-lang-content.php on line 92

= 2.8.4 (2020-11-03) =

* Pro: Remove useless bulk translate action for ACF fields groups
* Pro: Fix the translation of the CPTUI labels when the language is set from the content
* Fix sitemaps redirected to the default language since WP 5.5.1
* Fix object cache not flushed for sticky posts #601
* Fix blog page broken when trashing a page and the blog page is not translated in all languages
* Fix custom flags ignored in WPML compatibility mode
* Fix breadcrumb for untranslated post types in Yoast SEO

= 2.8.3 (2020-10-13) =

* Honor install_languages capability to download language packs
* Pro: Fix integrations not loaded (with The Events Calendar, CPTUI, Content blocks)
* Pro: Fix fatal error with ACF if a flexible content includes a repeater and a relationship
* Pro: Fix terms sharing their slug impossible to update without changing the slug
* When available, use wpcom_vip_get_page_by_path() instead of get_page_by_path()
* Fix queries filtered when editing a post that was declared untranslatable after it got a language
* Fix issues with Yoast SEO 14.0+ (breadcrumbs, canonical, title and description)

= 2.8.2 (2020-09-08) =

* Pro: Fix posts sharing the same slug displayed on the same page
* Fix: Don't use a javascript localized string removed in WP 5.5 #568
* Fix fatal error in site health when no language is defined #563
* Fix various issues with Yoast SEO 14.x #65, #503, #505
* Fix fatal error with MU Domain Mapping when saving domains in Polylang settings #569

= 2.8.1 (2020-08-25) =

* Pro: Fix fatal error with WP 4.9
* Fix pll_the_languages() with 'raw' option returning html flag instead of flag url #558
* Fix compatibility with Duplicate Posts not correcly loaded #557
* Fix custom flag size in admin bar language switcher #559
* Fix tag clouds mixed in the classic editor #561

= 2.8 (2020-08-17) =

* Pro: Add a language switcher block
* Pro: Add compatibility with block image edition introduced in WP 5.5
* Pro: Fix our private taxonomies being displayed in the ACF field group rules.
* Pro: Fix incorrect flags loaded from the block editor
* Pro: Fix SSO causing a wrong redirect when using subdomains (introduced in 2.7.4)
* Pro: Fix a performance issue on the plugins list
* Pro: Fix option to automatically duplicate media in all languages when uploading a new file not honored in block image
* Use composer for autoload and Polylang Pro dependency on Polylang
* Display a flag for each post in the posts list tables (same for terms). #515
* Add test for the homepage translations to Site Health
* Add debug information to Site Health
* Add compatibility with the sitemaps introduced in WP 5.5 #451
* Always filter WP_Query by the current language
* Support wildcards in "admin-texts" parent keys in wpml-config.xml
* Fix sticky posts showed for all languages when the admin language filter is active #469
* Fix a performance issue on the pages list
* Fix dependency to jQuery Migrate removed from WP 5.5 #539
* Fix: output secure cookie when using a cache plugin and ssl #542
* Fix the possibility to create 2 terms with the same name in the same language, without specifying the second slug.
* Fix sticky posts appearing 2 times in WP 5.5

= 2.7.4 (2020-06-29) =

* Pro: Allow using our /untranslated-posts REST endpoint for non-public post types
* Pro: Fix broken display in the block editor sidebar when a language has no flag
* Pro: Fix SSO breaking the preview on secondary domains
* Pro: Fix ACF translation option not working for term custom fields
* Pro: Fix a styling issue in the fields group list table in ACF 5.9
* Add Spanish from Puerto Rico to the predefined list of languages

= 2.7.3 (2020-05-26) =

* Security: Slash metas
* Pro: Fix categories not savedafter the language has been switched in the block editor
* Pro: Fix ACF fields stored as integers instead of strings
* Pro: Fix ACF untranslated posts or terms being copied when creating a new translation
* Pro: Fix PHP notice with ACF when a repeater or group is included in a flexible content
* Pro: Fix "DevTools failed to load SourceMap" warning in browser console
* Update plugin updater to 1.7.1
* Honor the filter "pll_the_language_link" when the language switcher displays a dropdown #506
* Fix "Something went wrong" message when quick editing untranslated post types #508
* Fix wpseo_opengraph deprecated warning #509

= 2.7.2 (2020-04-27) =

* Pro: Re-allow to modify the capability for strings translations
* Pro: Fix redirect for posts having the same slug as a media
* Pro: Fix PHP notice with ACF flexible content
* Pro: Fix a fatal error with InfiniteWP
* Update plugin updater to 1.7
* Fix font in setup wizard

= 2.7.1 (2020-04-09) =

* Pro: Fix untranslated post types filtered by the parameter in the REST API #493
* Fix fatal error when the function idn_to_ascii is not available
* Fix PHP warning warning when a 3rd party plugin declares options not stored in DB in wpml-config.xml #492
* Fix fatal error when a 3rd party plugin declares options stored as objects in wpml-config.xml #494

= 2.7 (2020-04-06) =

* Minimum WordPress version is now 4.9
* Pro: Strings translations can now be exported and imported (in PO format)
* Pro: Allow to decide individually which ACF fields to copy or synchronize
* Pro: Add action pll_inactive_language_requested
* Pro; Fix fatal error in The Events Calendar compatibility when no language is defined yet
* Pro: Fix bulk translate when a post has no language
* Pro: Fix reusable block saved without language
* Pro: Fix post requested by slug not filtered in REST API, when the slug is shared
* Add a setup wizard
* Add Swahili, Upper Sorbian, Sindhi and Spanish from Uruguay to the list of predefined languages
* Add flags in the predefined list of languages
* Allow to hide the metaboxes from the screen options
* The deletion of the plugin's data at uninstall is now controlled by a PHP constant instead of an option #456
* Add parent in ajax response when selecting a term in autocomplete field #328
* Add Vary: Accept-Language http header in home page redirect. Props @chesio #452
* Improve performance to register/unregister WPML strings
* Add support for the action wpml_switch_language
* Add post_status to the list of accepted args of pll_count_posts()
* Apply the filter pll_preferred_language in wp-login.php
* Use filtered wrappers to create meta when creating media translations #231
* Allow to translate the Twenty Seventeen header video Youtube url #460
* Notices are now dismissed per site instead of per user #478
* Fix terms not visible in the quick edit when only one language is defined and teh admin language filter is active
* Fix post state not displayed for translations of the privacy policy page #395
* Fix wildcards not correctly interpreted in wpml-config.xml
* Fix product categories with special characters duplicated when importing WooCommerce products #474

= 2.6.10 (2020-02-19) =

* Pro: Fix sticky posts not filtered in REST API (introduced in 2.6.9)
* Fix wrong language detected if a child page uses the slug of another language
* Fix a PHP notice with PHP 7.4. #438
* Fix lang-item-first class in language switcher when the current language is hidden. #445
* Fix partially a conflict with Fusion Builder (the other part of the conflict being in Fusion Builder).

= 2.6.9 (2020-01-15) =

* Pro: Use 'parse_query' rather than 'rest_{$type}_query' to filter REST requests.
* Pro: Filter the comments REST endpoint.
* Pro: Fix duplication of terms without language.
* Pro: Fix fatal error when Admin Columns is activated and no language is defined yet.
* Fix shortlink when using one subdomain or domain per language

= 2.6.8 (2019-12-11) =

* Pro: Fix conflict with JetThemesCore from Crocoblock
* Fix: better detection of REST requests when using plain permalinks
* Fix usage of deprecated action wpmu_new_blog in WP 5.1+
* Fix PHP notices with PHP 7.4

= 2.6.7 (2019-11-14) =

* Require PHP 5.6
* Fix PHP warning in WP 5.3

= 2.6.6 (2019-11-12) =

* Pro: Fix wrong ajax url when using one domain per language
* Pro: Fix conflict with user switching plugin when using multiple domains
* Pro: Fix latest posts block in WP 5.3
* Fix database error when attempting to sync an untranslated page parent
* Fix a conflict with the theme Neptune by Osetin

= 2.6.5 (2019-10-09) =

* Pro: Require ACF 5.7.11+ to activate the compatibility to avoid fatal errors with older versions
* Pro: Avoid translating empty front slug (could cause a wrong redirect to /wp-admin)
* Pro: Fix filter wp_unique_term_slug not always correctly applied.
* Pro: Fix a conflict with Divi causing post synchronization buttons to be displayed multiple times
* Avoid notice in WP CLI context

= 2.6.4 (2019-08-27) =

* Pro: Fix a conflict preventing meta synchronization when ACF is active
* Pro: Fix post metas not correctly copied when translating a Beaver Builder page
* Pro: Fix a fatal error when posts made with Elementor are synchronized
* Pro: Fix Prewiew button not working correctly when using one domain per language
* Pro: Fix post synchronization not available for WP CRON and WP CLI
* Fix future posts not available in the autocomplete input field of the languages metabox
* Fix translations files not loaded on REST requests
* Fix deleted term parent not synchronized

= 2.6.3 (2019-08-06) =

* Pro: Fix fatal error when updating an ACF field from frontend
* Pro: Add action 'pll_post_synchronized'
* Allow to get the current or default language object using the API. Props Jory Hogeveen. #359
* Fix empty span in languages switcher widget when showing only flags
* Fix wpml_register_single_string when updating the original string

= 2.6.2 (2019-07-16) =

* Pro: Fix slow admin in case the translations update server can't be reached
* Pro: Fix value not correctly translated for ACF clone fields in repeater
* Fix strings translations mixed when registered via the WPML compatibility. #381

= 2.6.1 (2019-07-03) =

* Pro: Fix Yoast SEO sitemap for inactive languages when using subdomains or multiple domains
* Fix fatal error in combination with Yoast SEO and Social Warfare
* Fix post type archive url in Yoast SEO sitemap

= 2.6 (2019-06-26) =

* Pro: Remove all languages files. All translations are now maintained on TranslationsPress
* Pro: Move the languages metabox to a block editor plugin
* Pro: Better management of user capabilities when synchronizing posts
* Pro: Separate REST requests from the frontend
* Pro: Copy the post slug when duplicating a post
* Pro: Duplicate ACF term metas when terms are automatically duplicated when creating a new post translation
* Pro: Fix hierarchy lost when duplicating terms
* Pro: Fix page shared slugs with special characters
* Pro: Fix synchronized posts sharing their slug when the language is set from the content
* Pro: Fix PHP warning with ACF Pro 5.8.1
* Pro: Fix ACF clone fields not translated in repeaters
* Better management of user capablities when synchronizing taxonomies terms and custom fields
* Extend string translations search to translated strings #207
* Update plugin updater to 1.6.18
* Honor the filter `pll_flag` when performing the flag validation when creating a new language
* Modify the title and the label for the language switcher menu items #307
* Add support for international domain names
* Add a title to the link icon used to add a translation #325
* Add a notice when a static front page is not translated in a language
* Add support for custom term fields in wpml-config.xml
* Add filter `pll_admin_languages_filter` for the list of items the admin bar language filter
* Add compatibility with WP Offload Media Lite. Props Daniel Berkman
* Yoast SEO: Add post type archive url in all languages to the sitemap
* Fix www. not redirected to not www. for the home page in multiple domains #311
* Fix cropped images not being synchronized
* Fix auto added page to menus when the page is created with the block editor
* Fix embed of translated static front page #318
* Fix a possible infinite redirect if the static front page is not translated
* Fix incorrect behavior of action 'wpml_register_single_string' when updating the string source
* Fix fatal error with Jetpack when no languages has been defined yet #330
* Fix a conflict with Laravel Valet. Props @chesio. #250
* Fix a conflict with Thesis.
* Fix a conflict with Pods in the block editor. Props Jory Hogeveen. #369
* Fix fatal error with Twenty Fourteen introduced in version 2.5.4. #374

= 2.5.4 (2019-05-28) =

* Add Kannada to the predefined languages list
* Yoast SEO: Fix primary product cat not copied or synchronized
* WPMU Domain Mapping: Fix incorrect domain used for the theme
* Fix style-rtl.css not loaded when the language is set from the content #356
* Fix Jetpack featured pages not working. Props Anis Ladram. #357
* Fix Call to undefined function wp_generate_attachment_metadata()

= 2.5.3 (2019-04-16) =

* Add de_AT and pt_AO to the predefined languages list
* Pro: Add filter pll_translate_blocks
* Pro: fix PHP notice when the queried post type has been modified to an array
* Pro: fix PHP warning when combined with The Event Calendar and Page builder by SiteOrigin

= 2.5.2 (2019-02-12) =

* Pro: Fix translated slugs not accepting forward slashes
* Pro: Fix fatal error with ACF Pro 5.7.11
* Fix parent categories incorrectly synchronized #327

= 2.5.1 (2019-01-16) =

* Security: Fix categories and media duplication not protected from CSRF
* Pro: Allow to update the plugin with WP CLI
* Pro: Fix search in the button block not filtered in the correct language (needs WP 5.1)
* Add Saraiki to the predefined languages list
* Fix a conflict causing a blank page with Divi

= 2.5 (2018-12-06) =

* Add compatibility with WP 5.0
* Fix custom flags when the WP content folder is not in the WP install folder
* Fix PHP notice if a language has no flag

= 2.4.1 (2018-11-27) =

* Pro: Add compatibility with REST API changes made in WP 5.0
* Pro: Fix sticky posts in the REST API
* Pro: Fix overwritten custom post slug when the post is updated with the REST API
* Pro: Fix bulk translate for media
* Fix a conflict with Custom sidebars and Content aware sidebars
* Fix a conflict with the theme Pokemania
* Fix PHP notices when using the function 'icl_link_to_element' for terms
* Fix title slugs for posts written in German

= 2.4 (2018-11-12) =

* Minimum WordPress version is now 4.7
* Pro: Add the possibility to bulk duplicate or bulk synchronize posts.
* Pro: Add compatibility with Admin Columns
* Pro: Add synchronized posts to the REST API
* Pro: Fix variations messed when changing WooCommerce attributes slugs
* Pro: Fix incorrect language for ajax requests made on front by The Events Calendar
* Pro: Fix term not duplicated correctly when the language is set from the content
* Refactor the core to activate on front and for the REST api actions that were previously available only in the backend (language checks, synchronizations...).
* Add flags to widgets displayed in only one language (Props Jory Hogeveen) #257
* Honor the filter 'pll_the_language_args' for all options in menus #237
* Add better filters for default flags and custom flags
* Custom flags can now be stored in the polylang directory in the theme
* Custom flags can now use SVG
* Add compatibility with Jetpack featured content module
* Fix Twenty Fourteen featured posts possibly not filtered per language
* Fix home url not working with WordPress MU Domain mapping
* Fix Assigning a parent category breaking the hierarchy of translated category
* Fix: Accept 0,1 and 1.0 as q factors in browser preferred language detection (Props Dominic Rubas)
* Fix performance issue when using hundreds of widgets
* Fix translations possibly wrong if the post language is changed without saving the post after

= 2.3.11 (2018-10-03) =

* Pro: Add action 'pll_created_sync_post'
* Pro: Fix language and translations not included for tags in the REST API
* Fix Assigning a parent category breaking the hierarchy of translated category

= 2.3.10 (2018-08-16) =

* Fix Lingotek notice not dismissable
* Fix fatal error with the widget calendar

= 2.3.9 (2018-08-14) =

* Add a notice to inform about Polylang for WooCommerce
* Deprecate PLL_Pointer
* Fix bulk editing pages with no language breaking hierarchy #281
* Fix an edge case where rewrite rules could be messed on a multisite
* MU Domain Mapping: fix secondary domain redirected to primary domain

= 2.3.8 (2018-07-16) =

* Pro: Duplicate term meta when duplicating a post creates new terms
* Pro: Add compatibility with ACF Pro when it's bundled with the theme
* Pro: Fix a fatal error when duplicating posts
* Set cookie during the home redirect
* Accept a port in the url to detect the site home
* Add filter 'pll_is_cache_active' to allow to load the cache compatibility #270 #274
* Fix potential fatal error when a 3rd party misuses the 'wpml_active_languages' filter #268
* Fix Uncaught TypeError: s.split is not a function. Props Wouter Van Vliet #262
* Fix text alignment for RTL scripts in Lingotek panel #247
* Fix html language attribute filter on admin
* Fix cookie expiration time when set in js. Props Jens Nachtigall #271
* Fix fatal error when a 3rd party misuses the WP_Query tax_query param. Props JanneAalto #252
* Fix an edge case which could mess home pages on a multisite

= 2.3.7 (2018-06-07) =

* Pro: The Events Calendar: Fix untranslated events shown in all languages
* Avoid displaying edit links of translations of the privacy policy page to non-admin
* Fix draft created when creating a new page on multisite
* Do not prevent using the cache for home when using WP Rocket 3.0.5 or later #236
* Fix language filter applied to wrong queries on admin side

= 2.3.6 (2018-05-17) =

* Pro: Fix post type archive slug not translated in ACF page link fields
* WP 4.9.6: Translate the privacy policy page
* WP 4.9.6: Add the translated user descriptions to exported personal data
* Update Plugin updater to version 1.6.16
* Fix conflict with the plugin View Admin As. Props Jory Hogeveen. #253

= 2.3.5 (2018-05-08) =

* Pro: Fix translated CPT slugs when one CPT name is a substring of another one. Props Steve Reimer.
* Pro: Fix canonical redirection for post types archives when the CPT slug is translated
* Pro: Fix ACF private key uselessly synchronized when the public custom field is not synchronized
* Add filter 'pll_filter_query_excluded_query_vars'
* Redirect www. to non www. when using multiple domains
* Fix Yoast SEO category sitemap not filtered by language when using multiple domains
* Fix PLL_COOKIE === false not honored when using a cache plugin. #248
* Fix empty predefined languages list

= 2.3.4 (2018-03-27) =

* Pro: Fix conflict with Pods related to translated slugs for custom post types
* Add Friulian to the predefined languages list
* Fix conflict (javascript error) with Gütenberg #225
* Fix conflict on ajax requests introduced by WooCoommerce 3.3.4
* Fix queries by 'category_name' not auto translated #238

= 2.3.3 (2018-03-15) =

* Pro: Fix tax query using a term sharing slugs (fix a conflict with Fusion Builder)
* Restore Polylang (free) on REST requests, while disabling the language filter as in v2.3
* Rework auto translated query with taxonomy in different language #223
* Synchronize Yoast SEO primary category (needs Yoast SEO 7.0+)
* Fix PHP warning introduced by Yoast SEO 7.0 #229
* Fix tax query when using the relation 'OR'
* Fix a conflict with the combination of Barrel + WP Bakery Page Builder
* Fix broken redirect with MU domain mapping #226
* Fix site title not translated in password change email

= 2.3.2 (2018-03-05) =

* Pro: Fix REST requests not filtered by the requested language (introduced in 2.3).
* Pro: Fix error 404 on single posts if posts are untranslatable
* Deactivate Polylang (free) on REST requests by default.
* Fix translated terms unassigned from posts when deleting a term
* Fix auto translated query with taxonomy in different language returning empty results since WP 4.9 #223
* Fix conflict with a homepage option of the theme Extra
* Fix warning when filtering get_pages()

= 2.3.1 (2018-02-15) =

* Pro: Fix GET REST request with slug parameter deleting the post slug
* Fix http request with a custom query var being redirected to the home page #216

= 2.3 (2018-01-30) =

* Pro: Duplicating a post now duplicates untranslated terms and the featured image (if media are translatable)
* Pro: Add filter 'pll_sync_post_fields'
* Pro: Translate ACF Pro clone fields when creating a new field group translation
* Pro: Allow to share slugs when creating a post or term with the REST API
* Pro: Load asynchronously the script added on front for multiple domains and subdomains
* Pro: Fix 'lang' parameter not interpreted when the query includes 'name'
* Refactor the synchronization of metas for better synchronization and performance improvement
* Refactor the synchronization of taxonomy terms for performance improvement
* Refactor language and translations saving for performance improvement
* Refactor the synchronization of sticky posts
* Remove all languages files. All translations are now maintained on https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/polylang #199
* Refactor the list of languages to merge predefined languages, Facebook locales and fixes for W3C locales
* Automatically deactivate Polylang when activating Polylang Pro
* Disable programmatically translated post types and taxonomies in settings. Props Ulrich Pogson. #180
* Set the cookie language in Javascript when a cache plugin is active
* Automatically remove the home page from cache when requesting the detection of the browser preferred language
* Use relative urls for the admin language filter in admin bar. #209
* Disable auto translation of WP_Term_Query if it has a 'lang' parameter
* Don't filter REST requests by default. #211
* Fix Yoast SEO statistics in dashboard showing only the default language. #211
* Fix WP Rocket clearing the cache of the wrong adjacent post
* Fix random header image
* Fix home page not correctly loaded when adding a query var
* Fix: Impossible to change the language code when the language code is also a WordPress locale.

= 2.2.8 (2018-01-09) =

* Pro: Fix: Impossible to link past events by translation in The Events Calendar
* Disallow to delete translations of the default term for all taxonomies
* Fix: Auto add pages adds WooCommerce pages in default language to menus in all languages
* Fix most used tag cloud in Tags metabox in WP4.9+. Props Pär Thernström. #208

= 2.2.7 (2017-11-30) =

* Fix queries by taxonomy broken since WP 4.9
* Fix PHP notice in icl_object_id()

= 2.2.6 (2017-11-22) =

* Pro: Fix query by post name and alternative language always returning the post in current language (when sharing slugs)
* Pro: Fix query by taxonomy and alternative language returning empty results
* Rework how translation files are loaded in ajax on front when the user is logged (in WP 4.7+)
* Add filter 'get_objects_with_no_lang_limit'
* Force loading the admin side when using WP CLI (Props chrisschrijver)
* Fix check for terms with no language not scaling
* Fix pll_count_posts not working with multiple post types
* Fix inconsistent spacing between flag and language name in language switcher parent menu item (Props Amit Tal)
* Fix spacing between flag and language name when displaying an RTL language
* Fix get_terms not accepting comma separated values for 'lang' parameter (Props Pavlo Zhukov)
* Fix possible wrong language detected in url when using subdomains (Props Pavlo Zhukov)
* Fix double escaped query

= 2.2.5 (2017-11-09) =

* Update plugin updater class to 1.6.15
* Add $link in cache key of links filters
* Add support for 'nav_menu' post type in wpml_object_id
* Fix conflict with Timber (introduced in 2.2.4)

= 2.2.4 (2017-10-26) =

* Pro: Fix unknown language not redirected to default when using multiple domains
* Pro: Fix empty 'lang' query var not deactivating the language query filter
* Pro: Fix conflict with The Events Calendar and Visual Composer when used together
* Add new filter `pll_hide_archive_translation_url` #174
* Add support for undocumented and deprecated WPML functions `wpml_object_id_filter` and `icl_get_current_language`
* Fix 'orderby' and 'order' in `wpml_active_languages`. Needs WP 4.7+
* Fix `icl_get_languages` not returning all languages when skip_missing = 0. Props Loïc Blascos
* Fix `pll_translate_string` not working on admin #178
* Fix PHP Warning in widget video in WP 4.9
* Fix query using 'any' post type not filtered per language (introduced in 2.2)
* Fix untranslatable string in About metabox. Props Farhad Sakhaei
* Fix error with PHP 7.1 and Duplicate Post. Props Enea Scerba
* Fix query auto translation not active in ajax requests on frontend
* Fix query auto translation for 'postname' and 'pagename'
* Fix terms query auto translation not working for 'include' when no taxonomy is provided (WP 4.5+)

= 2.2.3 (2017-09-24) =

* Fix editor removed on pages (introduced in 2.2.2)

= 2.2.2 (2017-09-22) =

* Pro: Fix Duplicate post button not working when the user meta has been corrupted
* Fix PHP notice with the plugin Members #175
* Fix page template select displayed when editing a translated page for posts
* Fix incompatibility with WP 4.8.2 (placeholder %1$s in prepare)

= 2.2.1 (2017-08-30) =

* Pro: partially refactor REST API classes
* Pro: Fix duplicate content user meta not removed from DB when uninstalling the plugin
* Fix strings translations not removed from DB when uninstalling the plugin
* Fix incorrect translation files loaded in ajax on front when the user is logged in (WP 4.7+)
* Fix widget language dropdown removed when saving a widget (introduced in 2.2)
* Fix queries with negative values for the 'cat' parameter (introduced in 2.2 for queries made on frontend)
* Fix performance issue in combination with some plugins when the language is set from the content (introduced in 2.2)

= 2.2 (2017-08-16) =

* Pro: Add support for the REST API
* Pro: Add integration with The Events Calendar
* Pro: Refactor ACF Pro integration for post metas and integrate term metas
* Pro: Ask confirmation if synchronizing a post overwrites an existing translation
* Pro: Separate sync post logic from interface
* Pro: Fix 'Detect browser language' option automatically deactivated
* Pro: Fix redirect to 404 when the 'page' slug translation includes non alphanumeric characters.
* Pro: Fix untranslated post type archive slug
* Pro: Fix ACF taxonomy fields not copied when the taxonomy is not translated #156
* Pro: Fix fatal error with ACF4
* Support a different content text direction in admin #45
* Add support for wildcards and 'copy-once' attribute in wpml-config.xml
* Add minimal support for the filters 'wpml_display_language_names' and 'icl_ls_languages'
* Improve compatibility with the plugin WordPress MU Domain Mapping #116
* Improve speed of the sticky posts filter #41
* Remove redirect_lang option for multiple domains and subdomains
* Use secure cookie when using SSL
* Allow to copy/sync term metas with the filter 'pll_copy_term_metas'
* Filter ajax requests in term.php according to the term language
* Add error message in customizer when setting an untranslated static front page #47
* Load static page class only if we are using a static front page
* Refactor parse_query filters to use the same code on frontend and admin
* Don't use add_language_to_link in filters
* Move ajaxPrefilter footer script on top
* Use wp_doing_ajax() instead of DOING_AJAX constant
* Fix queries custom tax not excluded from language filter on admin
* Fix WP translation not loaded when the language is set from the content on multisite.
* Fix the list of core post types in PLL_OLT_Manager for WP 4.7+
* Fix post name and tag slug incorrectly sanitized for German and Danish
* Fix lang attribute in dropdowns
* Fix wpml_permalink filter #139
* Fix WPML constants undefined on backend #151
* Fix a conflict with the plugin Custom Permalinks #143
* Fix menu location unexpectedly unset

= 2.1.6 (2017-07-17) =

* Pro: fix duplicate post button not working in PHP 7.1
* Pro: fix CPTUI untranslated labels on admin
* Adapt related posts filter to use slug instead of name to follow changes made on Jetpack server ( Props Steve Kaeser )
* Fix PHP notices when translating CPT and custom tax titles in Yoast SEO
* Fix PHP warning when all plugins are networked activated

= 2.1.5 (2017-05-31) =

* Add compatibility with new media widgets introduced in WP 4.8
* Removing the language information in URL for the default language is now default
* Update plugin updater class to 1.6.12
* Pro: fix PHP notices when duplicating the content
* Fix: test existence of `twentyseventeen_panel_count` instead of relying only on the active template
* Fix: set current property to false when removing the current-menu-item class #134 props @mowar
* Fix PHP notice when editing a term without language
* Fix possible PHP notice when deleting a category
* Fix fatal error with Gantry 5

= 2.1.4 (2017-05-16) =

* Pro: fix user not logged in on secondary domain when previewing changes
* Pro: fix archive links without language code in ACF link field (ACF 5.4.0+)
* Fix redirection from www subdomain to wrong language domain.
* Fix: selecting "Front page displays latest posts" in the customizer not cleaning the languages cache
* Fix accessibility of the admin language switcher

= 2.1.3 (2017-04-11) =

* Pro: Fix translated slug of 'page' if it is translated to an empty string
* Update plugin updater class to 1.6.11
* Strings registered with a wpml-config.xml file or WPML functions are now multiline by default
* Translate the site title in emails sent to the user
* Fix sanitize_user for specific locales
* Fix deprecation notice in Yoast SEO integration
* Fix: Clean term cache after the language has been set in mass #119

= 2.1.2 (2017-03-09) =

* Pro: Add filter 'pll_xdata_nonce_life'
* Pro: Fix translation of WooCommerce product attribute slug
* Pro: Fix product synchronization in WooCommerce 2.7
* Pro: Fix error message when bulk trashing synchronized posts
* Add option to discard item spacing in the output of pll_the_languages() ( Props Ceslav Przywara ) #93 #95
* Add as, dzo, kab, km, ml_IN, nl_BE, pa_IN, rhg, sah, ta_IN, tah, te, tt_RU to the predefined list of languages
* Update plugin updater class to 1.6.10
* Fix: Remove the dependency to is_ssl() to detect the language in the url ( language set from the directory name )
* Fix issue with secondary level domains
* Fix strings not translated in emails
* Fix incorrect usage of add_action() ( Props Peter J. Herrel ) #103
* Fix wrong redirect in customizer in WP 4.7

= 2.1.1 (2017-02-15) =

* Pro: Add filter 'pll_enable_duplicate_media' for a fine control of automatic media duplication
* Add filter 'pll_links_model' for the links model class name
* Trim any starting ^ from modified rewrite rules
* Pro: Fix wrong count of plugins to update
* Fix slashed strings translations not saved #94

= 2.1 (2017-01-25) =

* Minimum WordPress version is now 4.4
* Pro: Add support for synchronized posts (same post in multiple languages)
* Pro: Add support for custom post type UI and the Divi Builder
* Improve support of Yoast SEO (no category base and post type archive breadcrumb title)
* Move Languages menu at top level instead of submenu of the WordPress settings
* Copy the original post date when creating a translation and when the date is synchronized (Props Jory Hogeveen) #32
* Remove hreflang attributes on paged pages and paged posts
* Add label to widget language dropdown for better accessibility (Props Lawrence Francell) #53 #56
* Remove constants POLYLANG_URL and PLL_LOCAL_URL
* wp_get_sidebars_widgets() and is_active_sidebar() are now filtered according to widgets languages #54
* Add functions pll_esc_html__(), pll_esc_html_e(), pll_esc_attr__() and pll_esc_attr_e() to the API (Props jegbagus) #83
* Pro: Fix conflict between WooCommerce shop on front and translated shop base slug
* Pro: Fix $wp_rewrite search base and author_base not translated #68
* Pro: Fix page preview does not log in the user when using subdomains
* Fix: avoid setting the language cookie on 404 pages
* Fix: rewrite rules order modified for custom post types archives
* Fix: conflict with WP All Import causing our filters to fail in "Add Media" modal when editing a post
* Fix: auto add pages not working for nav menus assigned to several locations
* Fix: Jetpack infinite scroll for multiple domains #58 #74
* Fix: serialize error in Strings translations when balanceTags option is active #63
* Fix: static front page preview when redirected from the languages page #49
* Fix: Auto add pages not working for nav menus assigned to several locations
* Fix: Conflict with Woocommerce Show Single Variation
* Fix: Parent page not synchronized in Quick edit (introduced in 2.0.8)
* Fix: WPML API wpml_element_has_translations and wpml_post_language_details
* Fix: unattached media translations not in language switcher
* Fix: Conflict with WP Residence advanced search

= 2.0.12 (2016-12-19) =

* Fix plugin not loaded first (introduced in 2.0.11)
* Fix wrong translations files loaded when the language is set from the content in WP 4.7 #76
* Fix notice when a tax query has no terms (using EXISTS or NOT EXISTS)

= 2.0.11 (2016-12-12) =

* Pro: Fix shared term slugs broken by a late change in WP 4.7 #73
* Pro: Fix media taxonomies lost when creating a media translation when taxonomies sync is activated #72
* Fix fatal error in customizer when Twenty Seventen is activated and another theme is previewed #71
* Fix wrong plugin language on admin if user locale is different from site locale in WP 4.7

= 2.0.10 (2016-12-05) =

* Add support for front page panels of Twenty Seventeen
* Remove draft posts from the language switcher even when the user is logged in
* Fix: Make argument 2 of icl_object_id optional
* Fix a conflict with the Divi theme (#67)

= 2.0.9 (2016-11-15) =

* Fix javascript error in some ajax requests

= 2.0.8 (2016-11-14) =

* Disable admin language feature in WP 4.7+
* Pro: fix case where a media could lose its parent post when translated on the fly by the content duplication
* Pro: fix on the fly media created at content duplication attached to parent page instead of child page
* Fix translations input fields not populated in languages metabox when creating a new translation in WP 4.7
* Fix possibility to delete the translations of the default category in WP 4.7
* Fix tag search not filtered per language in Quick edit in WP 4.7
* Fix dropdown language switcher not working for untranslated pages

= 2.0.7 (2016-10-18) =

* Fix issues with static front pages introduced in version 2.0.6

= 2.0.6 (2016-10-17) =

* Pro: Fix translated paged slug not working on paged static front page
* Add support for WPML filter 'wpml_language_form_input_field'
* Fix PHP notice when using the WPML filter 'wpml_current_language'
* Fix cases where the admin language filter is not correctly taken into account
* Fix paged static front pages in plain permalinks
* Fix paged static front pages for multiple domains (#43)
* Fix warning occurring when a 3rd party plugin attempts to register anything but a string in the strings translations panel
* Fix cross domain http request for media when using multiple domains or subdomains
* Fix error 404 on pages when no language has been created yet

= 2.0.5 (2016-09-22) Five years after! =

* Pro: Fix conflict with WPBakery Visual Composer
* Pro: Fix conflict between multiple domains SSO and FORCE_SSL_ADMIN
* Pro: Fix duplicated fields not displayed in new translation in ACF Pro 5.4+
* Add Tibetan and Silesian to the predefined languages list
* Remove duplicated strings from the strings translations (even when they have a different name or group)
* The languages and translations of custom post types and taxonomies are no more activated by default at activation
* Allow to deactivate auto translation in secondary by setting 'lang' to an empty value
* Fix: invalidate the cache of PLL_MO ids when adding a new language
* Fix: don't filter secondary queries when editing a post in an untranslated post type

= 2.0.4 (2016-09-06) =

* Add Gujarati to the predefined languages list
* Fix conflict with Page Builder. Other parts of the conflict are fixed in Page Builder 2.4.14
* Fix plugins translations incorrectly loaded in WP 4.6
* Fix error 404 on paged urls when using a non standard port

= 2.0.3 (2016-08-16) =

* Pro: Fix PHP notice when hiding the language code in url and the language is set from subdomains
* Pro: Fix one more media being created when the duplicate media in all languages is activated (introduced in 2.0)
* Pro: Fix shared term slugs not working on PHP 7
* Pro: Fix Polylang storing integers in some ACF Pro fields where ACF Pro stores strings
* Pro: Fix ACF Pro custom fields synchronized even when the custom fields synchronization option is deactivated (#40)
* Fix PHP notice: Undefined variable: original_value in /modules/wpml/wpml-api.php on line 168
* Fix translations loaded too soon by plugins not correctly reloaded since WP 4.6 (#39)
* Fix: Remove the delete link for translations of the default category on PHP 7
* Fix unescaped i18n strings in Lingotek presentation

= 2.0.2 (2016-08-03) =

* Avoid fatal error when a 3rd party theme or plugin has a malformed wpml-config.xml file: the malformed wpml-config.xml file is simply ignored

= 2.0.1 (2016-08-02) =

* Fix fatal error on PHP < 5.4 (introduced in 2.0)
* Fix custom flags not being loaded (introduced in 2.0)

= 2.0 (2016-08-02) =

* Pro: Improve integration with ACF Pro
* Pro: Add support for single sign on across multiple domains or subdomains
* Pro: Add support for browser language detection when using multiple domains
* Pro: Add support for translation of the static portion of the post permalink structure
* Pro: Fix deactivated languages appearing in Yoast SEO sitemaps
* Pro: Fix impossibility to visit a deactivated language when using subdomains or multiple domains (#10)
* Pro: Fix when sharing slug on the page for posts, only one of them is accessible (#33)
* Add the possibility to use the language switcher as dropdown in menu
* Add support for custom logo introduced in WP 4.5 (#6)
* The backend current language ( PLL()->curlang ) is now equal to the language of current post or term being edited (#19)
* The sample permalink is now updated when changing the language in the Languages metabox
* Revamp the wpml-config.xml reader to use simplexml instead of our custom xml parser
* Improve support for the WPML API (including Hook API introduced in WPML 3.2)
* Add support for translation of meta titles and descriptions of custom post types and custom taxonomies in Yoast SEO
* Replace uncached functions by WPCOM VIP functions when available
* Improve compatibility with WP 4.6
* Fix parent category wrongly assigned to post when synchronizing children categories (#21)
* Fix custom fonts not loaded when using multiple domains or subdomains
* Fix remove_accents() not working for German and Danish (#24)
* Fix incorrect static front pages urls on backend
* Fix impossible to directly enter the page number in strings translation table (introduced in 1.9.3)
* Fix conflict with WP Sweep (needs WP Sweep 1.0.8+)
* Fix potential performance issue by querying only taxonomies to show in quick edit to filter the category checklist
* Fix conflict (database error) with ReOrder-posts-within-categories plugin
* Fix languages per page option not saved

= 1.9.3 (2016-06-28) =

* Pro: Allow to add slashes in url slugs translations
* Pro: Fix archive links not using translated slugs
* Pro: Fix visitor being redirected to 404 if his browser preference is set to an inactive language
* Fix strings translations table always back to page 1 when submitting the form (#14)
* Fix get_pages( array( 'lang' => '' ) ) not querying all the languages
* Fix switching the admin language filter can override the static front page settings (#16)

= 1.9.2 (2016-06-06) =

* Pro: fix unreachable hierarchical custom post type posts when they are sharing slugs across languages
* Fix missing argument 3 in icl_t
* Fix conflict with WooCommerce product variations

= 1.9.1 (2016-05-23) =

* Pro: add compatibility with Beaver Builder
* Pro: fix media wrongly created when adding a new media translation
* Add azb, ceb, de_CH_informal, es_GT, mr, nl_NL_formal to the predefined list of languages
* Fix the language switcher not linking to media translations for anonymous visitors

= 1.9 (2016-04-27) =

* Pro: add the possibility to translate custom post types slugs, taxonomies slugs and more
* Pro: add the possibility to share the same post or term slug across languages
* Pro: add the possibility to duplicate the content when creating a new translation
* Pro: add the possibility to create all translations at once when uploading a media
* Pro: add the possibility to disable a language
* Add license and update management
* Add inline docs for all filters and actions
* When possible, the rel alternate hreflang now display only the language code (without the country code)
* When combined with flags in the language switcher, wrap the language name inside <span> tags
* Add customizer selective refresh support for the language switcher widget ( needs WP 4.5+ )
* Fix dynamic options of the language switcher widget not working in the customizer
* Fix possible error 404 on page shortlink when using subdomains or multiple domains
* Fix get_adjacent_post() and wp_get_archives() for untranslated post types ( needs WP 4.4+ )
* Fix language homepage urls not present in Yoast SEO sitemap (when the homepages display posts)

= 1.8.5 (2016-04-03) =

* Revert from $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] to $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] to detect if the user is on login/register/signup page
* Fix incompatibility introduced by WP 4.5 in Edit single taxonomy term screen
* Fix existing post overridden when creating a language and a conflicting plugin sets the global $post on languages pages

= 1.8.4 (2016-03-06) =

* Revert canonical redirection of static front page when combining plain permalinks + default language hidden in url (introduced in 1.8.2)

= 1.8.3 (2016-03-04) =

* fix: All pages are redirected to the home page on some installations (introduced in 1.8.2)

= 1.8.2 (2016-03-02) =

* Add support for the 'wpml_get_default_language()' function from the WPML API
* Stop blocking saving settings when errors are detected (invalid domains)
* Use publicly_queryable => true instead of public => true for the language taxonomy (WP 4.5+)
* fix: PHP notice when pll_default_language() is called before a language is created
* fix: PHP notice undefined property PLL_Language::$page_on_front
* fix: canonical redirection of static front page when combining plain permalinks + default language hidden in url
* fix: YARPP compatibility broken in v1.8
* fix: Remove the delete link for translations of the default category (introduced back by WP 4.3)
* fix: settings not displayed with WP 4.1 or older

= 1.8.1 (2016-01-31) =

* Update the list of Facebook locales used for Opengraph support with Yoast SEO and Jetpack
* fix: secondary query with translated post type and untranslated taxonomy mixes languages (introduced in 1.8)
* fix: issue with paged static front page when hiding the default language in url
* fix: potential issue with cache after synchronizations
* fix: trailing slash added to canonical home url outputted by Yoast SEO when using default permalinks

= 1.8 (2016-01-19) =

* Minimum WordPress version is now 4.0
* Add ary, bn_BD, en_ZA, es_AR, fr_CA and fr_BE to the predefined languages list
* Adopt WordPress coding standards
* New structure for translated posts and terms (=> several methods of PLL_Model are deprecated).
* Revamp the management of the static front page and page for posts
* Improve performance for navigation menus with a lot of pages
* The Polylang and WPML API are now loaded when 'plugins_loaded' is fired (on frontend only if at least one language has been defined)
* Add 'pll_get_post_translations()' and 'pll_get_term_translations()' to the API
* Add filter 'pll_cookie_expiration' to change the cookie expiration time
* Add support for 'wpml_get_language_information()' function from the WPML API
* The default language is now managed directly from the languages list table
* Various accessibility improvements
* It is now possible to choose the languages flags from the available list (custom flags on frontend still work as previously)
* Revamp the settings page (now a list table with inline configuration)
* Add an option to remove all data when uninstalling the plugin
* Add test of subdomains and domains accessibility
* Add post state for translations of the front page and posts page
* Add better support of the customizer menus introduced in WP 4.3
* Media taxonomies (created by 3rd party plugins) are now filtered by language when editing a media
* Synchronization of taxonomies (created by 3rd party plugins) and meta are now enabled for media
* The 'hreflang' tag now refers to the locale instead of the 2-letters language code
* Workaround for WordPress locales not being W3C valid (see #33511)
* Workaround a bug in Nextgen Gallery causing redirect on album
* Add compatibility with Duplicate Post plugin to avoid duplicated post keeping the link to translations
* Add compatibility with Jetpack Related Posts
* fix: incorrect rewrite rules after changing how the language is set (need to flush rewrite rules after this)
* fix: password protected pages don't work on multiple domains
* fix: ensure that the page parent is in the correct language when using bulk edit
* fix: is_tax set on category and post tags archives when it should not
* fix: automatically added new top-level pages to menus are not filtered by language
* fix: nav menus locations are messed when changing the default language
* fix: error 404 for untranslated taxonomies pages
* fix: single posts and pages links do not include the language code when using the default permalinks and forcing the language code in url
* fix: missing trailing slash on home url when using default permalinks or a static front page
* fix: sticky visibility is copied to new translation only if the synchronization is activated
* fix: remove "» Languages » [language name]" from the feed title
* fix: spaces are not honored when searching strings translations
* fix: default language not set and terms translations not correctly imported when using WordPress Importer
* fix: the browser language detection does not differentiate 'en_US' and 'en_GB'
* fix: non alphanumeric characters query vars values lead to an infinite redirection loop on static front pages
* fix: user profile not saved for a language when the language code contains a "-"
* fix: non translated posts page always link to the static front page even when they should not
* fix: remove hreflang="x-default" when using one domain per language
* fix: deprecated function notice in WP 4.5 alpha
* fix: wrong url for attachments when media are translated and using subdomains
* fix: wrong url for unattached attachments when using subdirectories (since WP 4.4)
* fix: wrong url scheme for custom flags

= 1.7.12 (2015-11-13) =

* The language taxonomy is now public for compatibility with WP 4.4
* fix: nav menus locations are not correctly populated in customizer in WP 4.4
* fix: the termmeta table was still deleted at upgrade
* fix: fatal error when using the argument 'post_id' in 'pll_the_languages()' (introduced in 1.7.11) [props EKesty](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-on)
* fix: potential notice in 'pll_the_languages()' [props mattkeys](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-on)

= 1.7.11 (2015-10-15) =

* fix: conflict with GET ajax requests sent by the jquery method load
* fix: notice in frontend-nav-menu.php at line 211 (introduced in 1.7.10) [props Jesse Graupmann](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/warning-and-notice-on-upgrade)
* fix: the parent list in page attributes metabox is not in the correct language (introduced in 1.7.10)
* fix: error 404 for attachments
* fix: the language switcher is not displayed when combining "Forces link to front page" and "Hides languages with no translation"

= 1.7.10 (2015-09-28) =

* Add Occitan translation contributed by [Cédric Valmary](http://www.totenoc.eu/)
* Add de_DE_formal, en_NZ, es_CO, hy, oci, ps and tl to the predefined languages list
* Add the filter 'pll_predefined_languages' and the actions 'pll_language_edit_form_fields' and 'pll_language_add_form_fields'
* the termmeta table (used in Polylang < 1.2) is no more deleted when uninstalling the plugin (as it will soon be included in WP)
* fix: prevent creating a media translation if one already exists
* fix: Attempt to translate the nav menus for themes registering a theme location but not using it in wp_nav_menu()
* fix: Jetpack infinite scroll
* fix: issue with terms languages when two languages have the same name
* fix: notices when deleting a tag and Lingotek is active
* fix: the languages cache is not cleaned when updating the site home url
* fix: conflict with the theme Ambition
* fix: front page canonical url displayed by Yoast SEO
* fix: typo in options definition at install [props null.bit](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/suggestions-for-two-new-filters?replies=5#post-7466159)
* fix: error when adding a term in a non-translated taxonomy

= 1.7.9 (2015-08-17) =

* Minimum WordPress version is now v3.9
* Add: hreflang="x-default" on front page when the default language code is not hidden in urls
* fix: remove hreflang links in html head section of paged archives to please Google
* fix: conflict with WPSEO sitemap caching when using multiple domains. [props Junaid Bhura](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp-seo-sitemap-and-translation-subdomain-issue?replies=8#post-7113817)
* fix: change the order of strings translations columns for better display on mobile devices in WP 4.3
* fix: various issues with nav menus and customizer in WP 4.3
* fix: correctly disallow unchecking both show names and show flags in the language switcher form

= 1.7.8 (2015-07-21) =

* fix: conflict with PHP < 5.4 introduced in 1.7.7

= 1.7.7 (2015-07-20) =

* Add Romanian translation contributed by uskro
* Add Japanese translation contributed by [Eiko Toda](http://www.eikotoda.com)
* Update French translation contributed by [fxbenard](http://fxbenard.com/)
* The language locale is now validated with the same pattern as in WP 4.3. See #28303
* fix: make sure that the language switcher never finds translations for untranslated post types (could occur when the post type was previously translated)
* fix: display the default category according to the admin language filter in settings->writing
* fix: flushing rewrite rules at network activation and de-activation is back. [props RavanH](https://polylang.wordpress.com/2015/06/10/polylang-1-7-6-and-multisite/comment-page-1/#comment-1138)
* fix: avoid a conflict with WP Super Cache preloading (loading 'polylang_mo' posts which are 404). [props ecdltf](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/polylang_mo-and-404s-take-2)
* fix: customizer menus issues introduced by changes in WP 4.1
* fix: strings translations are not saved when pressing enter
* fix: it is not possible to de-activate the translation for custom post types and taxonomies from wpml-config.xml
* fix: conflict with plugins using stringified json in ajax requests

= 1.7.6 (2015-06-10) =

* Add Galician translation contributed by [Toño Calo](http://fedellar.wordpress.com/)
* fix: incorrect post type archive link for untranslated post types
* fix: notices in wp-import.php
* fix: avoid flushing rewrite rules at network activation and de-activation
* fix: the note below the category list table displays the default category according to the admin language filter
* fix: wrong future posts permalinks
* fix: deleting a media translation deletes the file too
* fix: when using persistent object cache, get_terms is not always filtered by the correct language on admin side
* fix: it is possible to create two categories having the same translation
* fix: fatal error when using the dropdown language switcher in WP < 4.1

= 1.7.5 (2015-05-11) =

* Add 'pll_languages_list' filter
* fix: warning when a plugin calls 'icl_object_id' with an untranslated post type (seen in ACF 4.4.1)
* fix: the language is not correctly set from the url when using PATHINFO permalinks (introduced in 1.6!)
* fix: notice when a search is filtered by a taxonomy term in a different language

= 1.7.4 (2015-05-03) =

* fix: translated taxonomies and post types from wpml-config.xml are not filtered on frontend (introduced in 1.7.2)
* fix: WPML strings translations not always loaded (introduced in 1.7)
* fix: $.ajaxPrefilter() may not work as expected [props ScreenfeedFr](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/ajaxprefilter-may-not-work-as-expected)
* fix: can't hide the language code for the default language when using subdomains
* fix: incorrect static front page url when hiding the default language information
* fix: an untranslated posts page may display posts in all languages
* fix: javascript error when changing the language of a hierarchical post type from the languages metabox in WP 4.2
* fix: subdomains urls are malformed when the main site uses www.
* fix: suggest tags are not filtered in quick edit
* fix: parent page dropdown list not filtered in quick edit

= 1.7.3 (2015-04-11) =

* the transient 'pll_languages_list' now stores an array of arrays instead of an array of PLL_Language objects
* fix: fatal error for users hosted at GoDaddy (due to PLL_Language objects stored in a transient)
* fix: additional query vars are removed from home page
* fix: categories are not filtered by the admin language switcher in posts list table (introduced in 1.7)
* fix: when using multiple domains, the domain url is lost when modifying the language slug
* fix: the queried object is incorrectly set for author archives (introduced in 1.6.5)
* fix: notice when a nav menu assigned to a translated nav menu location has been deleted
* fix: no canonical redirection when using pretty permalinks and querying default permalinks

= 1.7.2 (2015-03-23) =

* fix: comments are filtered for posts in a post type not managed by Polylang
* fix: translated static front page don't work when setting PLL_CACHE_HOME_URL to false (introduced in 1.7)
* fix: the query for taxonomies on custom post types is broken (when adding the language code to the url)

= 1.7.1 (2015-03-20) =

* fix: wrong redirection when using a static front page and replacing the page name by the language code (introduced in 1.7)

= 1.7 (2015-03-19) =

* Minimum WordPress version is now v3.8
* Add new languages to the predefined languages list: Swiss German, Hazaragi
* Add compatibility with nested tax queries introduced in WP 4.1
* Add compatibility with splitting shared terms to be introduced in WP 4.2
* Add the possibility to change the domain in the default language when using multiple domains (avoids a conflict with the domain mapping plugin)
* Add the possibility to set the language from the code in url when using default permalinks
* Adding the language code in url is now default at first activation (should improve the out of the box compatibility with other plugins and themes)
* Add new language switcher option to hide a language with no translation
* pll_the_languages() now outputs the js code to handle language change in dropdown list (as done by the widget)
* Improve performance by using base64 encoded flags + various slight optimizations
* Improve protection against chained redirects
* The find posts list is now filtered per media language when clicking on attach link in Media library
* Copy alternative text when creating a media translation
* The category checklist in quick edit is now filtered per post language instead of admin language filter
* Quick and bulk language edit don't break translations anymore if the new language is free
* Make it impossible to change the language of the default categories
* Make sure that a default category defined in settings->writing is translated in all languages
* Tweak css for mobiles in add and edit term form
* Tweak the query getting the list of available posts in the autocomplete input field in the post languages metabox
* fix: after adding a term translation, need to refresh the page before adding a new term
* fix: term translations rows are not modified in list table when a term is added / deleted or inline edited
* fix: post translations rows are not modified in list table when a post is inline edited
* fix: using brackets in language name breaks strings translations
* fix: quick edit may conflict with other plugins
* fix: impossible to use several dropdown languages widgets
* fix: pll_the_languages() may display a dropdown with empty options
* fix: the categories widget does not work correctly with dropdown
* fix: autosave post always created after manual save
* fix: tax query not filtered by language when using 'NOT IN' operator on a translated taxonomy
* fix: incorrect translation url for searches filtered by taxonomy
* fix: backward incompatibility for edited_term_taxonomy action introduced in WP 4.2
* fix: the home link may be incorrect on MS Windows
* fix: tags in wrong language may be assigned when bulk editing posts in several languages
* fix: tags created when bulk editing posts are not assigned any language
* fix: Illegal string offset 'taxonomy' introduced in v1.6.5
* fix: Undefined property: WP_Query::$queried_object_id when calling pll_the_languages(array('raw' => 1)) in a function hooked to 'wp'. props [KLicheR](https://wordpress.org/support/profile/klicher)
* fix: Notice in admin.php when used with MailPoet plugin

= 1.6.5 (2015-02-18) =

* Add new correspondences between WordPress locales and Facebook locales (for WPSEO and Jetpack users)
* fix: quick draft posts are always assigned the default category in the default language
* fix: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in wp-includes/query.php introduced in WP 4.1
* fix: is_tax and is_archive are not correctly set when a custom taxonomy term is queried
* fix: conflict introduced by WPSEO 1.7.2+

= 1.6.4 (2015-02-01) =

* Add es_MX to predefined languages list
* Add compatibility with WordPress SEO sitemaps for multiple domains and subdomains
* fix: a new post is assigned the wrong (untranslated) default category if no category is assigned by the user
* fix: the home links now have the right scheme even if PLL_CACHE_HOME_URL is not set to false
* fix: fatal error when using old versions of WPSEO (I should do what I tell other to do!)
* fix: strings translations are not switched when using switch_to_blog

= 1.6.3 (2015-01-09) =

* Add Georgian translation contributed by [Tours in Georgia](http://www.georgia-tours.eu/)
* fix: WXR export does not include the language of untranslated terms (will now work only for newly saved terms)
* fix: better cleaning of DB when translated objects are deleted
* fix: incorrect (ajax) translations links when modifying a term language
* fix: warning: Illegal string offset 'taxonomy' introduced by the combination of WP 4.1 and some plugins.

= 1.6.2 (2014-12-14) =

* fix: bugs and inconsistencies compared to WPML in 'icl_get_languages' (should fix a conflict with Avada)
* fix: https issue
* fix: stop displaying an error when adding en_US as new language (translation not downloaded)
* fix: infinite redirect loop on (unattached) attachment links
* fix: impossible to add tags in post quick edit (introduced in 1.5)
* fix: the customizer does not land to the right page when cumulating: static front page + page name in url + default language code not hidden
* fix: read parent theme wpml-config.xml before child theme
* fix: add protection to avoid empty language
* fix: page preview link again

= 1.6.1 (2014-11-19) =

* Add Brazilian Portuguese translation contributed by [Henrique Vianna](http://henriquevianna.com/)
* Improve compatibility with Types: allow custom fields to be populated when creating a new translation
* Make it impossible to remove the translations of the default category
* Fix: possibility to add a path when using multiple domains (same path for all languages) broken since v1.5.6
* Fix: preview link for non default language when using multiple domains
* Fix: error displayed when setting the static front page and only one language has been defined
* Fix: revert changes on rewrite rules with front introduced in 1.6
* Fix: conflict with WordPress SEO when no language has been created

= 1.6 (2014-10-27) =

* Add Croatian translation contributed by Bajro
* Add new languages to predefined languages list: Azerbaijani, English (Australia), English (UK), Basque
* Add flag in front of the language select dropdown for posts and terms
* Add widget text translation
* Add opengraph support for locale and translations when WordPress SEO or Jetpack are activated
* Add error message if attempting to assign an untranslated page as static front page
* Add 'pll_sanitize_string_translation' filter to sanitize registered strings translations when saved
* Fix: change the en_US flag to US flag. The UK flag is now associated to en_GB
* Fix: change Belarusian locale from be_BY to bel to in agreement with translate.wordpress.org
* Fix home pages duplicate urls when using domains or subdomains
* Fix rewrite rules with front
* Fix: terms are always in default language when created from post bulk edit

= 1.5.6 (2014-10-11) =

* Fix: the admin language filter is not active for paginated taxonomy in nav menu admin panel
* Fix: wrong redirection if a domain is a substring of another domain (ex: mysite.com and mysite.co)
* Fix: impossible to translate numeric values in options defined in wpml-config.xml
* Fix: call to undefined method PLL_Links::get_translation_url() with Avada theme
* Fix: manage_{$this->screen->taxonomy}_custom_icolumn is a filter and not an action

= 1.5.5 (2014-09-10) =

* Fix: missing argument 4 in icl_translate
* Fix: conflict with Vantage theme
* Fix: possible issue with cookie domain on 'localhost'
* Fix: filtering string translations does not work when the group name contains a space
* Fix: Possible 404 error for attachments
* Fix: PHP notice when a shared term is not translated in all taxonomies

= 1.5.4 (2014-08-13) =

* Add new API functions: pll_get_post_language, pll_get_term_language, pll_translate_string
* Add better compatibility with Jetpack 3
* Fix: attachments don't get any language when uploaded from frontend
* Fix: authors cannot create tags
* Fix: too restrictive capability checks for some edge cases
* Fix: conflict with WPSEO: taxonomy metas cannot be saved

= 1.5.3 (2014-07-12) =

* Add: Capability check before creating links in post list table
* Add: Possibility not to cache languages objects with option PLL_CACHE_LANGUAGES (for GoDaddy users)
* Fix: Saving a header or a background in menu Appearance resets nav menus locations (introduced in 1.5)
* Fix: sub-sub-options and deeper levels defined in wpml-config.xml are not translated
* Fix: Fatal error when creating a new site when Polylang is network activated (introduced in v1.5.1)
* Fix: Admin language forced to English when activating Polylang (before creating any new language)
* Fix: 'pll_count_posts' second parameter not taken into account
* Fix: 'edit-post' and 'create-posts' capabilities are not differentiated when saving a post

= 1.5.2 (2014-06-24) =

* Fix: Revert post translations terms cleaning introduced in 1.5 as it seems to cause problems
* Fix: Impossible to delete a biographical info (introduced in 1.5)
* Fix: Security issue reported by [Gregory Viguier](http://www.screenfeed.fr/)

= 1.5.1 (2014-06-19) =

* Add: filter 'pll_settings_tabs' and action 'pll_settings_active_tab_{$tab}'
* Add: possibility to add a path when using multiple domains (same path for all languages)
* Fix: Bad redirection if /language/ is added to urls (introduced in 1.5)
* Fix: Nav menu locations are not saved in customizer (introduced in 1.4)
* Fix: Unable to unset nav menu locations
* Fix: Incorrect link for date archives in language switcher (introduced in 1.5)
* Fix: Fatal error when using featured content in Twenty Fourteen
* Fix: Posts bulk edit broken (introduced in 1.5)
* Fix: Polylang does not play nice with switch_to_blog
* Fix: Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in admin-filters-columns.php on line 81

= 1.5 (2014-05-29) =

* Add Ukrainian translation contributed by [http://getvoip.com/](http://getvoip.com/)
* Refresh translation metaboxes (again): now translated posts are chosen from an autocomplete input field
* Categories and post tags translations are also chosen in an autocomplete input field
* Better error management on languages pages
* Use Dashicons instead of Icomoon icons for WP 3.8+
* Check if translated post is readable by the current user before displaying the language switcher
* Minimum Twenty Fourteen version is now 1.1
* Code cleaning
* Add support for Quick draft introduced in WP 3.8
* Add support for object cache plugins for recent posts and recent comments widgets
* Add support for pages with modified query in the language switcher (ex: when multiple post types queried on the same page)
* Add new API functions: pll_languages_list, pll_set_post_language, pll_set_term_language, pll_save_post_translations, pll_save_term_translations, pll_count_posts
* Add new filter pll_the_languages_args
* Add support for ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE == 'all' on admin side
* Fix: Galician flag
* Fix: static page on front pagination is broken
* Fix: search url may be broken
* Fix: PHP notice in icl_get_languages
* Fix: more robust way of detecting language in url when using directory
* Fix: delete translations terms orphans in database
* Fix: inconsistent behavior when setting page on front from customizer
* Fix: deleting a category assigns posts to wrong default category
* Fix: quick edit breaks synchronization
* Fix: some security issues

= 1.4.5 (2014-04-19) =

* Fix: Notice when combined with WPSEO 1.5+
* Fix: Impossible to disable a widget language filter once set (introduced in 1.4.4)
* Fix: Unexpected redirection of the homepage with language code when permalink structure has no trailing slash (introduced in 1.4.4)
* Fix: Some installs lead to wrong redirection when using domains (introduced in 1.4.4)
* Fix: Possible infinite redirection while previewing posts (introduced in 1.4.4)
* Fix: Uploaded medias don't get a language since WP 3.9
* Fix: Compatibility with Twenty Fourteen Ephemera widget in the version shipped with WP 3.9

= 1.4.4 (2014-04-09) =

* Add: Compatibility with widgets customizer introduced in WP 3.9
* Fix: No post in translation dropdown after switching the language in edit post (introduced in 1.4.3)
* Fix: No canonical redirection when there is no language code in url and the language code is not hidden for the default language
* Fix: Suppress language cookie when using multiple domains

= 1.4.3 (2014-03-22) =

* Add: Serbian translation contributed by Sinisa
* Add: Myanmar translation contributed by Sithu Thwin
* Fix: comment form redirects to wp-admin when using multiple domains or subdomains.
* Fix: fatal error with old versions of PHP (tested on PHP 5.2.4)
* Fix: Bad gateway experienced by users hosted by wpengine.com
* Fix: links got from tiny MCE link button are filtered with admin language filter instead of current post language
* Fix: possibly wrong redirection in check_language_code_in_url when using multiple domains or subdomains

= 1.4.2 (2014-02-24) =

* Add: check multiple post types in PLL_Model::count_posts
* Fix: error 404 on category links when setting the language by content (introduced in 1.4.1)
* Fix: PHP notices in frontend-nav-menu.php with Artisteer themes
* Fix: decrease the memory usage of untranslated posts list
* Fix: home page not correctly redirected to canonical when using page on front and page name is kept in url

= 1.4.1 (2014-02-16) =

* Add: Czech translation contributed by [Přemysl Karbula](http://www.premyslkarbula.cz)
* Fix: the displayed language is not correct in quick edit for categories and post tags
* Fix: the language switcher does not display the correct link for translated parent categories if only children have posts
* Fix: 3rd parameter of icl_object_id is not optional
* Fix: issue when combining multiple domains and browser detection -> the combination is now forbidden
* Fix: conflict Shiba Media Library: link between media translations is lost when using media quick edit
* Fix: notice when using taxonomies in wpml-config.xml
* Fix: incorrect post format link
* Fix: Twenty Fourteen Ephemera widget strings are not translated

= 1.4 (2014-01-22) =

* Add Traditional Chinese translation contributed by [香腸](http://sofree.cc/)
* Minimum WordPress version is now v3.5
* Refresh translations metaboxes: now translated posts are chosen in a dropdown list
* Check if translated archives for category, tag and post format are empty before displaying the language switcher
* Add specific management of translated featured tag in Twenty Fourteen
* Add the possibility not to cache homepage urls with option PLL_CACHE_HOME_URL (for users having several domains).
* The function get_pages is now filtered by language
* Ajax requests on frontend are now automatically detected. It is no more necessary to set 'pll_load_front' :)
* Various performance improvements
* 'pll_get_post_types' and 'pll_get_taxonomies' filters must be added *before* 'after_setup_theme' is fired
* Pre 1.2 data will be removed from DB at first upgrade at least 60 days after upgrade to 1.4
* Removed some duplicate code between admin and frontend
* Bug correction: incorrect pagination when using domains or subdomains
* Bug correction: post format link not translated
* Bug correction: impossible to use child terms with same name in hierarchical taxonomies
* Bug correction: the terms list table is filtered according to new translation language instead of admin language filter

= 1.3.1 (2013-12-13) =

* Bug correction: fatal error on settings page if a static front page without language is set
* Bug correction: wrong home url when using different domains per language

= 1.3 (2013-12-11) =

* Refresh admin UI for better look in WP 3.8 and more dynamic comportment
* The "Detect browser language" option does now also controls returning visits (based on cookie).
* Improved performance by optimizing some queries for WP 3.5+
* The user biography in default language is now stored in default WordPress usermeta
* Add language parameter in API function pll_home_url and allow to call it on admin side
* Calling 'get_terms' with the 'lang' parameter now uses a cache object per language
* Bug correction: conflict with unstranslated taxonomies
* Bug correction: possible malformed translation archive url in language switcher
* Bug correction: a wrong language may be displayed in quick edit dropdown
* Bug correction: it is possible to add multiple translations (in the same language) for a single taxonomy term
* Bug correction: non public post types and taxonomies are visible in Polylang settings
* Bug correction: the language is always chosen from cookie (or browser preferences) in some installations
* Bug correction: Firefox language preference is not recognized when comparison is made on locale (instead of ISO 639-1 language code)
* Bug correction: incorrect tax_query in PLL_Auto_Translate

= 1.2.4 (2013-11-28) =

* Better support for theme customizer
* Bug correction: admin bar search does not filter by language
* Bug correction: possible conflict on secondary query when querying taxonomies or single page
* Bug correction: post type is not included in url when editing or adding a term translation
* Bug correction: various warnings and PHP notices

= 1.2.3 (2013-11-17) =

* Avoid fatal error when upgrading with Nextgen Gallery active
* Bug correction: menus locations of non default language are lost at theme deactivation
* Bug correction: impossible to set menus locations of non default language in some specific cases
* Bug correction: bbpress admin is broken

= 1.2.2 (2013-11-14) =

* Updated Polish translation thanks to [Bartosz](http://www.dfactory.eu/)
* Delay strings translations upgrade from 'wp_loaded' to 'admin_init' to avoid fatal error when wp-ecommerce is active
* Remove Jetpack infinite scroll compatibility code as it seems useless with new Polylang 1.2 code structure
* Bug correction: fatal error when doing ajax on frontend
* Bug correction: ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE incorrectly defined when doing ajax on frontend
* Bug correction: ['current_lang'] and ['no-translation'] indexes disappeared from pll_the_languages raw output
* Bug correction: invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /polylang/include/mo.php on line 57
* Bug correction: cookie may not be correctly set
* Bug correction: languages columns may not be displayed in custom post types and custom taxonomies tables

= 1.2.1 (2013-11-11) =

* Update badly encoded Latvian translation
* Suppress one query in PLL_WPML_Config when not in multisite
* Bug correction: strings translations are not correctly upgraded
* Bug correction: nav menus locations are not correctly upgraded for non default language

= 1.2 (2013-11-10) =

This version does include important changes in database. More than ever, make a database backup before upgrading

* Add Arabic translation contributed by [Anas Sulaiman](http://ahs.pw/)
* Major rewrite with new structure
* Change the language and translations model from meta to taxonomy (no extra termmeta table created anymore)
* Move the strings translations from option to a custom post type
* Add support for language code in subdomain and for one different domain per language (experimental)
* Add support of WordPress Importer plugin. Export must have been done with Polylang 1.2+ (experimental)
* Add support for theme navigation customizer (was de-activated by Polylang since WP 3.4)
* Request confirmation for deleting a language
* Better management of default category for each language
* Now check if date and post type archives are translated before displaying the language switcher
* Update management of the 'copy' action of the custom fields section in wpml-config.xml
* Add support for ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE and ICL_LANGUAGE_NAME of the WPML API on admin side
* Add support of WPSEO custom strings translations when the language is set from content
* Modify admin language filter for valid html and better visibility
* Synchronization is now disabled by default (due to too much conflicts / questions on the forum)
* Include rel="alternate" hreflang="x" selflink per google recommendation
* Improve inline documentation
* Bug correction: wrong datatype for second argument in polylang/include/auto-translate.php (introduced in 1.1.6)
* Bug correction: same id is used for all language items in menu
* Bug correction: wpml-config.xml file not loaded for sitewide active plugins on network installations
* Bug correction: page parent dropdown list (in page attributes metabox) not correctly displayed when switching from a language with empty list

= 1.1.6 (2013-10-13) =

* Add the possibility to display the upgrade notice on plugins page
* Bug correction: Illegal string offset 'taxonomy' in polylang/include/auto-translate.php
* Bug correction: user defined strings translations are not loaded on admin side
* Bug correction: untranslated post types are auto translated
* Bug correction: tags are not added to post when the name exists in several languages and they are not translations of each other

= 1.1.5 (2013-09-15) =

* Add compatibility with Aqua Resizer (often used in porfolio themes)
* Add support of 'icl_get_default_language' function from the WPML API
* Remove the 3 characters limitation for the language code
* Change default names for zh_CN, zh_HK, zh_TW
* Bug correction: urls are modified in search forms

= 1.1.4 (2013-08-16) =

* Add simplified Chinese language contributed by [Changmeng Hu](http://www.wpdaxue.com)
* Add Indonesian language contributed by [ajoull](http://www.ajoull.com/)
* Bug correction: nav menu locations are lost when using the admin language filter
* Bug correction: the cookie is not set when adding the language code to all urls (introduced in 1.1.3)

= 1.1.3 (2013-07-21) =

* Add Venetian language contributed by Michele Brunelli
* Bug correction: wrong rewrite rules for non translated custom post type archives
* Bug correction: 'post_id' parameter of pll_the_languages does not work
* Bug correction: warning in wp_nav_menu_objects with Artisteer generated themes
* Bug correction: warning when used together with theme my login plugin
* Bug correction: language slug is modified and translations are lost when creating a nav menu with the same name as a language

= 1.1.2 (2013-06-18) =

* Posts and terms now inherit parent's language if created outside the standard WordPress ui
* Improve the compatibility with the plugins Types and The Events Calendar, and again with WordPress SEO
* Improve performance
* Improve html validation
* Add 'raw' argument to 'pll_the_languages'
* Add the filter 'pll_translation_url'
* Bug correction: no language is set for a (translated custom taxonomy) term when added from a (non translated) custom post type edit page
* Bug correction: warning if 'get_terms' is called with a non-array 'include' argument (introduced in 1.1.1)
* Bug correction: warning if the menu language switcher has nothing to display

= 1.1.1 (2013-05-20) =

* Move nav menu language switcher split from 'wp_nav_menu_objects' to  'wp_get_nav_menu_items' filter
* Add the filter 'pll_redirect_home'
* Automatically translate ids in 'include' argument of 'get_terms' (useful for the menus in the Suffusion theme)
* Add compatibility with Jetpack infinite scroll
* Bug correction: rtl text direction not set when adding the language code to all urls (introduced in 1.1)
* Bug correction: hide again navigation panel in theme customizer as it still doesn't work
* Bug correction: is_home not set on translated page when searching an empty string
* Bug correction: fatal error when creating a post or term from frontend (introduced in 1.1)
* Bug correction: attachments may load a wrong language when media translation was enabled then disabled
* Bug correction: warning when querying posts before the action 'wp_loaded' has been fired (in auto-translate.php)
* Bug correction: potential issue if other plugins use the filter 'get_nav_menu'
* Bug correction: interference between language inline edit and search in admin list tables
* Bug correction: auto-translate breaks queries tax_query when the 'field' is set to 'id'
* Bug correction: search is not filtered by language for default permalinks (introduced in 1.1)
* Tests done with WP 3.6 beta 3 and Twenty thirteen

= 1.1 (2013-05-10) =

* When adding the language to all urls, the language is now defined in (plugins_loaded, 1) for better compatibility with some plugins (WordPress SEO)
* When querying posts and terms, ids are now automatically translated
* Add the possibility to group string translations
* Add the possibility to delete strings registered with 'icl_register_string'
* Move the option 'polylang_widgets' in general polylang options
* Better integration of the multilingual nav menus (everything is now integrated in the menus page of WordPress
* The language switcher is now a menu item which can be placed everywhere in a nav menu
* Posts or terms created from frontend are now assigned the current language (or another one if specified in the variable 'lang')
* Bug correction: continents-cities-xx_XX.mo not downloaded
* Bug correction: a gzipped 404 page is downloaded when a mo file does not exist on WordPress languages files repository
* Bug correction: post_date_gmt not synchronized together with post_date
* Tests done with WP 3.6 beta 2 and Twenty thirteen

= 1.0.4 (2013-04-08) =

* Add Estonian translation contributed by [Ahto Naris](http://profiles.wordpress.org/ahtonaris/)
* Now compatible with languages files stored in wp-content/languages/themes
* Bug correction: page preview does not work when adding the language code to all urls
* Bug correction: error when a post type or taxonomy label is not a string
* Bug correction: admin text section of wpml-config.xml (introduced in 1.0.3)
* Bug correction: infinite redirect loop when querying an unattached media and the language code is added to all urls
* Bug correction: the text direction is not set from Polylang options when the language code is added to all urls
* Bug correction: get_adjacent_post is filtered by language even for post types without language
* Bug correction: the home url is not not in the correct language in wp-login.php
* Bug correction: the language is not correctly set when using date and name permalinks (introduced in 1.0.3)

= 1.0.3 (2013-03-17) =

* Add Catalan translation contributed by [Núria Martínez Berenguer](http://nuriamb.capa.webfactional.com)
* Add Ukrainian translation contributed by [cmd soft](http://www.cmd-soft.com/)
* Improve compatibility with WordPress SEO (sitemap for categories and tags)
* A query is no more filtered by language when setting the parameter 'lang' to an empty value
* Add the possibility to create a custom wpml-config.xml file in wp-content/polylang/
* Bug correction: custom menus are not displayed on search page (introduced in 1.0.2)
* Bug correction: sql error when filtering terms by language (introduced in 1.0.2)
* Bug correction: SSL doesn't work properly
* Bug correction: php notice on IIS servers
* Bug correction: clicking on the radio buttons in the admin language switcher does not work in Chrome
* Bug correction: on multisite, the signup page is redirected to the home page
* Bug correction: date archives are not correctly filtered for the default language when hiding the language code and using date and name permalinks
* Bug correction: only one wpml-config.xml file is parsed

= 1.0.2 (2013-02-26) =

* Add the possibility to query comments by language
* Add the possibility not to set a cookie by defining PLL_COOKIE to false (Polylang may not work as expected on some pages)
* Now a returning visitor is redirected to its preferred language when visiting the front page in the default language
* Add compatibility with the plugin Custom field template (copy and synchronize custom fields)
* Improve compatibility with plugins or themes which overwrite columns in posts list table
* Add the filter 'pll_get_flag'
* Add support of 'icl_unregister_string' function from the WPML API
* Bug correction: synchronizing custom fields breaks the plugin Advanced Custom Fields
* Bug correction: 'pll_default_language' broken
* Bug correction: rewrite rules are not flushed when re-activating the plugin
* Bug correction: feed urls are not correctly escaped when using default permalinks
* Bug correction: notice Undefined index: media_support
* Bug correction: custom post types and taxonomies set in wpml-config.xml are not hidden
* Bug correction: get_terms cannot query multiple languages
* Bug correction: 'icl_register_string' is now persistent as in WPML (fixes Nextgen gallery translations which were not working)

= 1.0.1 (2013-01-28) =

* Add Swedish translation contributed by [matsii](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/matsii)
* Add 2 new API functions : 'pll_is_translated_post_type' and 'pll_is_translated_taxonomy'
* Bug correction: when using a static front page, the posts page is not filtered by language (introduced in 1.0)
* Bug correction: disable translation for hard coded menu as it creates more problems than it solves (introduced in 1.0)

= 1.0 (2013-01-24) =

* Add Hungarian translation contributed by Csaba Erdei
* Add Norwegian translation contributed by [Tom Boersma](http://www.oransje.com/)
* Add Slovak translation contributed by [Branco (WebHostingGeeks.com)](http://webhostinggeeks.com/user-reviews/)
* Code cleaning -> remove compatibility with versions older than 0.8
* Add search in the string translations list table
* Add options to better control the synchronization of various metas for posts
* It is now possible to synchronize sticky posts and publication dates
* Add option to disable the multilingual support of media
* Add options to better control the multilingual capability of custom post types and taxonomies
* Better integration with new media management in WP 3.5
* Improve menu translation for themes which register a theme location but don't use it in wp_nav_menu (hard coded menu)
* Add the pll_preferred_language filter allowing plugins to modify the language set by browser preferences detection
* Add support of the WPML config file
* Add support of 'icl_get_languages' and 'icl_link_to_element' functions from the WPML API
* Add compatibility with YARPP and improve compatibility with WordPress SEO
* Change cookie name which conflicts with Quick cache and allow users to overwrite it by defining the constant PLL_COOKIE
* Bug correction: again the canonical redirection
* Bug correction: the languages are not correctly displayed after they have been modified using quick edit
* Bug correction: undefined index notice when saving strings translation when the admin language filter is active
* Bug correction: rewrite rules are not correctly flushed when adding / deleting a language (introduced in 0.9.2)
* Bug correction: the list of pages is displayed when a static font page translation is not translated (now replaced by the list of posts)
* Bug correction: permalinks are not modified when doing cron and the language code is added to all urls
* Bug correction: creating a new term with the same name as a language may modify the language code (slug)

= 0.9.8 (2012-12-05) =

* Bug correction: ajax on frontend does not work when adding the language code to all urls
* Bug correction: search forms using the get_search_form filter do not work

= 0.9.7 (2012-12-04) =

* Bug correction: the admin language filter does filter non translatable post types
* Bug correction: again the canonical redirection
* Bug correction: fatal error when Polylang is used together with 'Author Avatars List'
* Bug correction: widget titles uselessly appear in the strings translations table when the widget is set for only one language
* Tests done with WordPress 3.5 RC3 and Twenty Twelve

= 0.9.6 (2012-11-26) =

* It is now possible to query the terms by language using the WordPress function 'get_terms'
* Bug correction: search for empty string in default language displays posts in all languages when hiding the URL language information for default language
* Bug correction: completely reworked the canonical redirection introduced in 0.9.5 which created more problems than it solved
* Bug correction: ajax for media translations does not work
* Started tests with WordPress 3.5 RC1 and Twenty Twelve

= 0.9.5 (2012-11-13) =

* The user can now choose the number of languages and strings translations to display
* Add compatibility with the 'icl_object_id' function and ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE and ICL_LANGUAGE_NAME constants from the WPML API
* Add 17 languages to the predefined list (automatic download and update of language files won't work)
* Bug correction: post preview does not work when adding the language code to all urls
* Bug correction: redirect to front page in default language when posting a comment on static front page
* Bug correction: impossible to create terms with the same name in different languages
* Bug correction: query string added by other plugins is erased when adding the language code to all urls
* Bug correction: redirect erase 'POST' variables on homepage when adding the language code to all urls
* Bug correction: English (en_US) loads rtl style when using a localized WordPress package with an rtl language
* Bug correction: on some installation strings translations do not work with some special characters
* Bug correction: incoming links are not redirected to canonical url when adding the language code to all urls and hiding the code for the default language
* Bug correction: search form does not work in non default language when using permalinks without trailing slash

= 0.9.4 (2012-10-23) =

* Add Afrikaans translation contributed by [Kobus Joubert](http://translate3d.com/)
* Add Belarusian translation contributed by [Alexander Markevitch](http://fourfeathers.by/)
* Add Afrikaans (af) and Belarusian (be_BY) to predefined languages list (automatic download and update of language files won't work)
* Add the possibility to translate the date format and time format
* Add compatibility with the 'icl_get_home_url' function from the WPML API
* Bug correction: still some issues with string translations
* Bug correction: search is not filtered by the (default) language when the language is set by content and the language code is hidden for the default language
* Bug correction: posts & pages preview urls are broken when adding the language code to all urls
* Bug correction: automatically added new top-level pages to menus are not filtered by language
* Bug correction: the admin language filter messes the categories languages when editing a post and the parent dropdown list when editing a category
* Bug correction: search form does not work when using a static front page (introduced in 0.9.2)
* Bug correction: can't set languages for categories and post tags on blogs created after polylang has been activated at network level
* Bug correction: menus don't work with catch box theme ('has_nav_menu' not correctly filtered)

= 0.9.3 (2012-10-08) =

* Add Bulgarian translation contributed by [pavelsof](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/pavelsof)
* Add compatibility with WPML API for strings translations
* Bug correction: dates are not translated (introduced in 0.9.2)
* Bug correction: the language is lost when keeping - No change - for language in bulk edit
* Bug correction: categories and tags are duplicate (when default language is set automatically to existing content and categories and tags share the same name)

= 0.9.2 (2012-09-30) =

* Support new WordPress (WP 3.5+) convention for js and css files naming
* Improve performance, mainly on frontend
* Bug correction: the category language is not set when creating it in the post editor (introduced in 0.9)
* Bug correction: unable to add a query string when using a static front page
* Bug correction: ajax tag suggestion in "edit post" conflicts with the admin content language filter
* Bug correction: ugly notices when trying to access a static front page which has not been translated
* Bug correction: the language code is added to custom post types and taxonomies permalinks even if they are not translatable
* Bug correction: some arrays in wp_locale mix English and other language
* Bug correction: the media language is not correctly set when uploading from post if the post has not been saved after choosing the language

= 0.9.1 (2012-09-20) =

* Add Finnish translation contributed by [Jani Alha](http://www.wysiwyg.fi)
* Bug correction: improve the robustness of the admin content language filter
* Bug correction: the language switcher displays languages which have no posts or pages (introduced in 0.9)
* Bug correction: wrong default language when adding a new media
* Bug correction: the dropdown language switcher does not switch language when there is no post translation
* Bug correction: issue with translations when using category quick edit
* Bug correction: home redirects to 404 when combining static front page + force_lang = 1 + hide_default = 0

= 0.9 (2012-09-12) =

* Add Turkish translation contributed by [darchws](http://darch.ws/)
* Add media translation support
* Add a persistent content language filter on admin side (WP 3.2+ required)
* Add biographical info translation
* Add multiline support for string translations
* Add the possibility to clean the strings translation database
* Add quick edit and bulk edit support for posts and pages
* Add quick edit support for categories and tags
* The language is now loaded with 'setup_theme' action instead of 'wp' action when always adding language information url
* Search form now does use javascript only for searchform.php when pretty permalinks are not used
* Add the option PLL_SEARCH_FORM_JS to disable the js code used to modify the search form
* Suppress the option PLL_SYNC, replaced by an option in the language settings ui
* Suppress the PLL_DISPLAY_ALL option
* Suppress the template tag 'the_languages' (replaced by 'pll_the_languages' since v0.5)
* Suppress the function 'pll_is_front_page' (useless since 0.8.2)
* Bug correction: the browser language is sometimes not correctly detected by Android
* Bug correction: the rtl text direction is not correct when editing an existing language
* Bug correction: rss feed does not work if translated site title or tagline contains special characters
* Bug correction: post types and taxonomies labels are not translated on frontend
* Bug correction: the filter 'pll_copy_post_metas' does not work for metas with multiple values
* Bug correction: translations table for post and terms are uselessly serialized two times
* Bug correction: attempt to suppress conflict with themes which hardcode the name of nav menus (but do define a theme location)
* Bug correction: homepage displays all posts when the front page displays a static page and no page is selected for front page (but one is selected for posts page)
* Bug correction: widgets disappear when Polylang is enabled

= 0.8.10 (2012-08-06) =

* Add Lithuanian (lt_LT) to predefined languages list (automatic download and update of language files won't work)
* Add Lithuanian translation contributed by [Naglis Jonaitis](http://najo.lt/)
* Bug correction: empty string translation issue
* Bug correction: 'wp_list_pages' does not filter custom post types
* Bug correction: warning if posts are queried before the action 'wp_loaded' has been fired
* Bug correction: notice in twentyten when requesting a date archive with no posts

= 0.8.9 (2012-07-20) =

* Add Portuguese translation contributed by [Vitor Carvalho](http://vcarvalho.com/)

= 0.8.8 (2012-07-18) =

* Validation improvement thanks to kg69design
* Bug correction: custom post types rewrite rules are broken when registered with query_var=>false
* Bug correction: user admin language not deleted when uninstalling the plugin
* Bug correction: pll_current_language('name') returns locale instead of language name
* Bug correction: ajax on frontend does not work
* Bug correction: homepage pagination broken when redirecting the language page to a static front page
* Bug correction: taxonomies conflicts on custom post types
* Bug correction: the admin language is not updated when edited by other users

= 0.8.7 (2012-06-10) =

* Add the possibility to load Polylang API for ajax requests on frontend
* Bug correction: search form is broken when using a static front page
* Bug correction: admin bar search does not work
* Tests done with WordPress 3.4 RC2

= 0.8.6 (2012-05-23) =

* Add the possibility to use a local config file to set options
* Improve robustness (less PHP notices)
* Bug correction: Menus not showing in preview mode
* Bug correction: fatal error when customizing a theme in WP 3.4 beta 4
* Bug correction: second page of search results returns 404 when using pretty permalinks

= 0.8.5 (2012-05-14) =

* Bug correction : sites using static front page are messed in v0.8.4

= 0.8.4 (2012-05-13) =

* Add a new argument 'post_id' to the function pll_the_languages to display posts translations within the loop
* Bug correction: every posts in every languages are shown on the homepage when requesting the wrong one with or without 'www.'
* Bug correction: every posts in every languages are shown when requesting /?p=string
* Bug correction: the language is not correctly set for wp-signup.php and wp-activate.php
* Bug correction: wrong home links when using permalinks with front with WP 3.3 and older
* Bug correction: wrong redirection after posting a comment when adding the language information to all urls
* Bug correction: term language may be lost in some situations
* Bug correction: post language is set to default if updated outside the edit post page
* Bug correction: javascript error in WP 3.1
* Bug correction: can't toggle visibility of tags metabox in edit post panel
* Tests done with WordPress 3.4 beta 4

= 0.8.3 (2012-04-10) =

* Add Danish translation contributed by [Compute](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/compute)
* Add Spanish translation contributed by Curro
* Add the possibility to add a content in a different language than the current one by setting explicitly the lang parameter in the secondary query
* Add support of PATHINFO permalinks
* Bug correction: secondary queries not correctly filtered by language
* Bug correction: wrong archives links when using permalinks with front
* Bug correction: wrong homepage link when keeping 'language' in permalinks with front
* Bug correction: flush_rewrite_rules notice when setting up a static front page (introduced in 0.8.2)
* Bug correction: every posts in every languages are shown when hitting the homepage with a query string unknown to WP (thanks to Gonçalo Peres)
* Bug correction: every posts in every languages are shown on the homepage when PHP adds index.php to the url
* Tests done with WordPress 3.4 beta 1

= 0.8.2 (2012-03-20) =

* Add Italian translation contributed by [Luca Barbetti](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/lucabarbetti)
* Improve performance on admin side
* Comment status and ping status are now copied when adding a new translation
* Deprecated API function 'pll_is_front_page' as it is now useless
* Bug correction: Wrong translation url for taxonomies when adding the language information to all urls
* Bug correction: "translation" of search page does not work if the site is only made of pages
* Bug correction: wrong language permalink structure introduced in 0.8.1
* Bug correction: wrong language set when clicking on "add new" translation in edit category and edit tags panels
* Bug correction: site does not display if no languages are set
* Bug correction: get_author_posts_url is 404
* Bug correction: homepage is 404 when using a static front page and adding the language information to all urls

= 0.8.1 (2012-03-11) =

* Add Latvian translation contributed by [@AndyDeGroo](http://twitter.com/AndyDeGroo)
* It is now possible to synchronize multiple values for custom fields
* Add new API function pll_current_language
* Add the pll_rewrite_rules filter allowing plugins to filter rewrite rules by language
* WP 3.4 preparation: disable the menu section in the customize theme admin panel (unusable with Polylang)
* Bug correction: removing 'language' in permalinks does not work in WP 3.4 alpha
* Bug correction: problems with custom post type archives when 'has_archive' is set (thanks to AndyDeGroo)
* Bug correction: 404 error when combining %postname% permastructure with "Add language information to all URL" option
* Bug correction: translated custom strings are duplicated if registered several times
* Bug correction: queries with an array of post types are not correctly filtered
* Bug correction: wp-login.php always in English

= 0.8 (2012-02-29) =

* Sticky posts are now filtered by language
* It is now possible to use the language page as home page
* Add an "About Polylang" metabox on the languages admin page
* Add the pll_the_languages filter allowing to filter the whole output of the language switcher
* Add a new argument 'display_names_as' to the function pll_the_languages
* Add pll_get_post_types & pll_get_taxonomies filters allowing to enable / disable the language filter for post types & taxonomies
* Add ckb to predefined languages list
* Completely reworked the string translation storage in the database
* Some performance improvements on admin side
* Improve compatibility with other plugins broken by the home url filter
* Add an option to disable the home url filter
* Add an option to disable synchronization of metas between translations
* Bug correction: body class 'home' is not set on translated homepage
* Bug correction: robots.txt is broken when adding the language code to all urls (including default language)
* Bug correction: bad name for the Czech flag
* Bug correction: bad language information in rss feed for WP < 3.4
* Bug correction: signup broken on multisite
* Bug correction: the translation url is set to self when using a static front page and no page for posts and there is no translation
* Bug correction: problems with custom post type archive titles
* Bug correction: problems with custom post type if rewrite slug is different from post_type (thanks to AndyDeGroo)
* Bug correction: quick edit still breaks translation linking of pages (thanks to AndyDeGroo)
* Bug correction: bad rewrite rules for feeds (introduced in 0.7.2)
* Bug correction: the order is not saved when creating a language
* Bug correction: the categories list is not updated when adding a new category (ajax broken)

= 0.7.2 (2012-02-15) =

* Add Polish translation contributed by [Peter Paciorkiewicz](http://www.paciorkiewicz.pl)
* Add 5 new languages to predefined list
* completely reworked rewrite rules
* WP 3.4 preparation: add new WordPress languages files to download when creating a new language
* Bug correction: custom nav menus do not work in Artisteer generated themes
* Bug correction: having a single language causes multiple warnings while saving post/page.
* Bug correction: custom nav menu broken on archives pages
* Bug correction: the language switcher does not link to translated post type archive when using pretty permalinks
* Bug correction: the tags are not saved in the right language when translated tags have the same name
* Bug correction: bad link in post preview when adding language code to all urls
* Bug correction: feed not filtered by language when adding language code to all urls
* Bug correction: duplicate canonical link when used together with WordPress SEO by Yoast
* Bug correction: the all posts admin page is messed if another plugin adds a column
* Bug correction: 404 error on static front page when adding language code to all urls (including default language)

= 0.7.1 (2012-02-06) =

* Allow using 3 characters languages codes (ISO 639-2 or 639-3)
* The predefined languages dropdown list now displays the locale to help differentiate some languages
* Add 5 new languages to predefined list
* Bug correction: the filter 'pll_copy_post_metas' does not work
* Bug correction: impossible to add a tag in the edit post panel
* Bug correction: rewrite rules not correct
* Bug correction: cache issue with css and js files

= 0.7 (2012-01-30) =

* Add Hebrew translation contributed by [ArielK](http://www.arielk.net)
* Add support for RTL languages for both frontend and admin
* Twenty Ten and Twenty Eleven languages files are now automatically downloaded when creating a new language
* Improve filtering tags by language in the edit post panel
* Category parent dropdown list is now filtered by language
* Category parents are now synchronized between translations
* Add the possibility to have the language information in all URL
* Add support for post formats
* Add option allowing not to show the current language in the language switcher (for both menu and widget)
* Add a title attribute (and the possibility to personalize it with a filter) to flags
* pll_get_post and pll_get_term second parameter is now optional and defaults to current language
* Add pll_the_language_link filter allowing to filter translation links outputted by the language switcher
* The option PLL_DISPLAY_ALL is no longer supported
* Bug correction: Autosave reset to default language
* Bug correction: blog info not translated in feeds
* Bug correction: post comments feed always in default language
* Bug correction: undefined index notice when setting up a custom menu widget
* Bug correction: rewrite rules are not correctly reset when deactivating the plugin
* Bug correction: is_home not correctly set on pages 2, 3...
* Bug correction: avoid naming conflicts (in sql queries) with other themes / plugins
* Bug correction: bad language detection and url rewriting of custom post types archives

= 0.6.1 (2012-01-12) =

* Add Dutch translation contributed by [AlbertGn](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/albertgn)
* Disable everything except the languages management panel while no language has been created
* Bug correction: can't have the same featured image in translated posts
* Bug correction: parent page dropdown does appear only after the page has been saved
* Bug correction: archives widget not working anymore
* Bug correction: string translations does not work for WP < 3.3
* Bug correction: fix fatal error in string translations caused by widgets using the old API
* Bug correction: the strings translation panel is unable to translate strings with special characters
* Bug correction: Polylang "is_front_page" returns true on archives pages

= 0.6 (2012-01-07) =

* Add Greek translation contributed by [theodotos](http://www.ubuntucy.org)
* WordPress languages files are now automatically downloaded when creating a new language (and updated when updating WordPress)
* Add the possibility to change the order of the languages in the language switcher
* Add the possibility to translate the site title, tagline and widgets titles
* Categories, post tags, featured image, page parent, page template and menu order are now copied when adding a new translation
* Translations are now accessibles in the "Posts", "Pages", "Categories" and "Post tags" admin panels
* Improve the dropdown language switcher widget (sends now to translated page or home page based on options)
* Move custom flags from polylang/local_flags to wp_content/polylang
* Add two options to "pll_the_languages" ('hide_if_no_translation' and 'hide_current'). *The function does not output ul tag anymore*
* Improve API
* Bug correction: Twenty eleven custom Header problem with v0.5.1
* Bug correction: front-page.php not loaded for translated front page

= 0.5.1 (2011-12-18) =

* Improved German translation contributed by [Christian Ries](http://www.singbyfoot.lu)
* Bug correction: translated homepage not recognized as home page when it displays posts
* Bug correction: predefined language list does not work on IE8
* Bug correction: on some installations, "Add New" post doesn't keep intended language
* Bug correction: fatal error when Polylang is used together with the plugin Tabbed Widgets
* Bug correction: language Switcher points sometimes to wrong places

= 0.5 (2011-12-07) =

* Add multisite support
* Rework the Polylang admin panel. There is now a set of predefined languages
* Improve categories and tags language filter in the edit post panel
* Categories and tags created in the edit post panel are now created with the same language as the post
* The language switcher can now force the link to the front page instead of the translated page
* The nav menus can now display a language switcher
* Improved performance
* Optimized the calendar widget (less code and sql queries executed)
* Added the possibility to display posts and terms with no language set (see the documentation to know how to enable this functionality)
* Started the creation of a small API for theme and plugin programmers
* Bug correction: when using a static front page, the page for posts does not work when using the default permalink settings
* Bug correction: the search form does not work if a static front page is used
* Bug correction: quick edit breaks translations
* Bug correction: categories and post tags translations don't work for more than 2 languages
* Bug correction: the output of wp_page_menu is not correct for non default languages

= 0.4.4 (2011-11-28) =

* Bug correction: When using a static front page, the translated home page displays posts instead of the translated page
* Bug correction: Automatic language setting of existing categories and post tags does not work correctly

= 0.4.3 (2011-11-19) =

* Add Russian translation contributed by [yoyurec](http://yoyurec.in.ua)
* Bug correction: impossible to suppress the language name in the language switcher widget settings
* Bug correction: post's page does not work when using a static front page
* Bug correction: flags in local_flags directory are removed after an automatic upgrade (now works for an upgrade from 0.4.3+ to a higher version)
* Bug correction: switching to default language displays a 404 Error when hiding the default language in url and displaying the language switcher as dropdown
* Other minor bug corrections
* Tests done with WordPress 3.3 beta 3

= 0.4.2 (2011-11-16) =

* Bug correction: language settings page is broken in v0.4.1

= 0.4.1 (2011-11-16) =

* Bug correction: flags shows even when you set doesn't to show
* Bug correction: custom taxonomies do not work
* Bug correction: some users get the fatal error: call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in /wp-includes/user.php on line 227

= 0.4 (2011-11-10) =

* Add a documentation (in English only)
* Add the possibility to hide the url language information for the default language
* Add the possibility to set the admin language in the user profile
* Add the possibility to fill existing posts, pages, categories & tags with the default language
* Add support for custom post types and custom taxonomies
* Add the possibility to display flags in the language switcher
* Add CSS classes to customize rendering of the language switcher
* Add the possibility to display the language switcher as a dropdown list
* Add support for calendar widget
* Improve performance: less sql queries
* Improve data validation when creating or updating languages
* Bug correction: 'wp_list_pages' page order is ignored when the plugin is enabled
* Bug correction: when using 'edit' or 'add new' (translation) for posts, the categories appear in the wrong language
* Bug correction: pages are not included in language post count
* Bug correction: the language switcher does not display languages if there are only pages
* Bug correction: the widget filter does not allow to come back to 'all languages' once a language has been set
* Other minor bug corrections

= 0.3.2 (2011-10-20) =

* Bug correction: authors pages are not filtered by language
* Bug correction: language pages use the archive template
* Bug correction: database error for comments on posts and pages
* Bug correction: "Add new" translation for pages creates a post instead of a page
* Bug correction: the search query does not look into pages

= 0.3.1 (2011-10-16) =

* Bug correction: the widget settings cannot be saved when activating Polylang
* Bug correction: the archives widget does not display any links
* Bug correction: ajax form for translations not working in the 'Categories' and 'Post tags' admin panels

= 0.3 (2011-10-07) =

* Add language filter for widgets
* Improved performance for filtering pages by language
* Improved security
* Minor bug correction with versions management

= 0.2 (2011-10-05) =

* Add language filter for nav menus
* Add German translation
* Add language filter for recent comments
* Add ajax to term edit form
* Add ajax to post metabox
* Improved performance for filtering terms by language
* Bugs correction

= 0.1 (2011-09-22) =
* Initial release
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