AI Engine PRO (v2.0.6) Free Download

Meow Apps AI Engine PRO Nulled Free Download
Meow Apps AI Engine PRO Nulled Free Download
Meow Apps AI Engine PRO  Nulled Free Download
Meow Apps AI Engine PRO Nulled Free Download

Free Download Meow Apps AI Engine PRO v2.0.6

Meow Apps AI Engine PRO Free Download v2.0.6 | Meow Apps AI Engine PRO Nulled v2.0.6 Ready to take your WordPress site to the next level with AI? With AI Engine Nulled, you can easily generate content, try out a variety of tasks like translation and correction in our fun AI Playground, add a ChatGPT-style chatbot to your website, track the AI usages, set limits, etc! (LATEST)

You can also create datasets and fine-tune AI models to make your website even more awesome. And don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with an API for other plugins to tap into. Give it a try and see the magic for yourself. And more importantly, enjoy it.

Content Generation

Generate fresh and engaging content for your site.

Amazing Chatbot

Add a ChatGPT-style chatbot Nulled to your website.

AI Playground

Variety of tools like translation, correction, and ChatGPT-style discussions


Everything can be modified, adapted, used! AI Engine Nulled is much more than just features!

Easy Fine-tuning

Prepare datasets, manage them, and train new models based on them.

Statistics, Limitations, Forms and More!

You can sell an AI service for your users, based on your expertise!

AI Engine Features Pro Version

Everything from the Free Version

AI Forms

Create dynamic forms that will generate answers.


Create manually or dynamically an index (= database) of knowledge. The AI will use this to build its answers.


The chatbot will be aware of the content of the current page, and be able to discuss/analyze it.

Statistics & Limits

Keep track of every AI requests, helpers to get statistics, and allows you to set limits and conditions to the AI usage.

Much more to come…

Lot of features are in a development!

Sales Page

Sales Page (LATEST)

Changelog Meow Apps AI Engine PRO Nulled

2.0.4 (2023/11/30)
Fix: Missing extra information (such as embeddings) in the discussions tab.
2.0.3 (2023/11/26)
Add: Assistants are now usable in AI Forms.
Add: New tab “Fields” in “Queries” tab (to inspect what was send via the AI Forms).
Add: Added “Generate Image” in the AI CoPilot.
Fix: Models weren’t displayed correctly when Azure was chosen as the default environment.
🎵 Discuss with other users about features and issues on my Discord.
🌴 Keep us motivated with a little review here. Thank you!
2.0.1 (2023/11/21)
Add: Implemented the new OpenAI Assistants. It’s beta, but it’s there!
Update: The former “Assistants” (which were tools in the Admin section) have been renamed into “Utilities”.
Update: Better control of who/what is using the REST API.
1.9.99 (2023/11/17)
Update: Cleaner way of handling errors in the chatbot.
Update: Enhanced the way the files are uploaded, and follow the rules set by the Media Library.
1.9.98 (2023/11/16)
Update: Enhanced the Images Generator a lot, you can now add tasks to it, and let them run. The idea is to move this experience at some point to the Post Editor.
Update: The URLs returned by DALL-E are now properly converted into Markdown (and therefore, HTML on the front-end).
Update: Meow_MWAI_Query_Image is now using DALL-E 3 by default, and 1792×1024 as the resolution.
Update: Better Discussions UI, displaying the images if they are still available.
1.9.97 (2023/11/15)
Add: Support for DALL-E 3.
Fix: Many little fixes.
1.9.96 (2023/11/13)
Add: GPT-4 model without Vision (since its RPM is much higher).
Add: simpleJsonQuery function, to retrieve a JSON from the AI.
Add: New Transcription tab with Image to Text, Audio to Text, Prompt to JSON.
Add: Useful information are dynamically added under Max Tokens fields. Let’s try to make the issues around Max Tokens easier to understand and handle!
Add: Support for errors from OpenAI while using streaming.
Fix: MaxTokens in the forms was not working properly.
Fix: Android Speech Recognition was not working properly.
Fix: Issue with inputs and textareas when they were used as Output in the Forms.
1.9.95 (2023/11/10)
Add: New “Images” section in the Settings related to “Vision”.
Update: Much better handling of images (where/how it’s stored and sent to the models, their expiries, etc).
1.9.94 (2023/11/07)
Add: Support for GPT-4 Turbo.
Add: Support for Qdrant (alternative to Pinecone).
Add: Support for Vision within the chatbot. It is ultra experimental, but it’s there! Play with it, but the user experience has to be improved.
1.9.93 (2023/11/03)
🚀 Please check the previous changelog entry.
Update: Removed a lot of useless code related to legacy chatbot, finetuning, etc.
Fix: Conversations were not being logged for known IDs.
1.9.92 (2023/11/02)
Add: Multi-environments for AIs are now supported.
Update: Discussions are now formatted in the admin too.
Update: Added new Pinecone environments.
Update: Enhanced the text cleaning functions to optimize the tokens count.
Fix: Various fixes and enhancements.
🎃 This is major update; check your Settings, Chatbots and Forms.
1.9.91 (2023/10/24)
Update: Auto Sync Posts now can be set to use a specific environment, index and namespace.
Fix: Remove many warnings in the JS console.
Fix: Chatbot with IDs can now be overriden properly.
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