Laravel Nova (v4.27.18) Administration Panel For Laravel Nulled

Laravel Nova - Administration Panel For Laravel
Laravel Nova - Administration Panel For Laravel

Download Free Laravel Nova – Administration Panel For Laravel v4.27.18

Laravel Nova Administration Panel For Laravel Free Download v4.27.18 – Nova Laravel | Laravel Nova Administration Panel For Laravel Nulled v4.27.18 is a nicely designed Laravel management panel. The developers of Laravel have been carefully designed to make you the most productive galaxy developer.

Features of Laravel Nova

Code Driven Configuration

Simple PHP code is used to set your whole Nova dashboard. Nothing in the database is stored in your Nova setup. Configuring without pain. Doubtless to use.

Keeps Your Application Pure

It is easy, without affecting your Eloquent models, to add a Nova management panel to an existing Laravel application. You are ready to lift off after setting up a Nova resource for each model.

Laravel + Vue.js = ❤️

Nova is a smart, single-page Laravel and Vue.js application. It is as smooth as silk and it’s a simple to write custom components.

Resource Management

For your Eloquent models, Nova provides a full CRUD interface. There is full support for every sort of Eloquent relationship. Do you need to change your polymorphic relationship pivotal data? We’ve covered you.


Actions are PHP task that a resource or group of resources can be executed using. Do you have a time-long action? No issue, the queued actions of Nova will keep your management team sharp.


To offer your consumers a rapid look at various areas of your data, write customizable filters for your resource indices. We have integrated “soft removed” resources filters in order to get you started.


Need a little more than a filter can provide to modify the resource list? No difficulty. Add lenses for full control over the whole Eloquent query to your resource.


Nova makes it easy to show your application fast with custom measurements, such that three graph types are generated in seconds. We have supplied query helpers to make everything like pie easier. to put the cherry on top.

Custom Tools

For the customized tools, Nova offers CLI generators. We’re going to provide you a view component and endless options. Construct and distribute the customer-based tools that your organization needs or design the next major Nova add-on.


Nova Nulled is wonderfully integrated into the existing licensing regulations of Laravel Nulled. Let your Nova resources leverage your current application policies to assess the capacity of a user automatically. Support is also provided for relationships, tools, actions, lenses and fields for thorough authorization.

Custom Fields

Does a field type not covered by Nova need? No issue – utilize the Nova CLI to create the custom field and control it completely.

Scout Search Integration

Feel the power of the ecosystem of Laravel by connecting your Nova panel Nulled with Laravel Scout. Once you do, Algolia and the cloud will produce blazing quick search results.

Laravel Nova Free Download Link


Changelog Laravel Nova – Administration Panel For Laravel Nulled

v4.28.0 (Silver Surfer)
Latest Release

Released Oct 24, 2023

Nova will now display page titles with the page title first and the application name second.
Fixed an issue where Number filters weren't correctly applied when the value was zero.
Fixed an issue where MorphTo relationship labels were ignoring field labels on detail views.
Fixed an issue where Repeater fields using unique fields weren't correctly saving.
v4.27.14 (Silver Surfer)
Released Oct 10, 2023

Added new MenuItem::filter method to allow creating links to resources with filters already applied.
Nova now allows Badge labels to be a callback.
Improved the visual style of menus.
Fixed an issue where standalone actions wouldn't refresh the index table.
v4.27.13 (Silver Surfer)
Released Sep 19, 2023

Nova now pauses resource polling when selecting all resources or when resources are selected.
Added meta tag to Nova's layout to prevent search engines from indexing the page.
Improved visual style of some components.
Fixed an issue resolving Nova's initial path in certain scenarios.
Fixed an issue with the Code field when display null values on the detail page.
Fixed an issue deleting rows in `Repeater fields.
Fixed an issue where Repeater fields using uniqueField could cause errors.
Fixed an issue where clicking the backdrop of a modal didn't emit the correct events.
Fixed an issue preventing running actions and deleting many-to-many relationships when using pivot fields.
Fixed an issue preventing required fields from showing their asterisk on Lens action modals.
Fixed an issue with Repeater fields when using multiple repeatable types.
Fixed an issue with Repeater fields when submitting from a parent resource form.
Fixed an issue where the query params when selecting all resources didn't include the current search term.
Fixed an issue with inconsistent Ctrl/Command keypresses in Global search.
Fixed an issue where filterable MorphTo fields didn't remember the selected option from the filter query hash.
Fixed an issue with exporting CSVs with Laravel Octane.
Nova now allows use validation rules following Laravel 10's ValidationRule contract without using enclosing the rule in an array.
v4.27.12 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 13, 2023

Nova will now hide the "Mark Read" notification button when the notification is already marked as read.
v4.27.11 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 13, 2023

Fixed several visual issues with loading overlays.
v4.27.10 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 11, 2023

Fixed a visual issue with notifications in dark mode.
v4.27.9 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 11, 2023

Fixed a visual issue with notifications in dark mode.
v4.27.8 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 10, 2023

Improved Notification Center styling
Added ability to delete all notifications.
v4.27.7 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 10, 2023

Fixed a visual issue with Nova notifications.
v4.27.6 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 10, 2023

Fixed a visual issue with Nova notifications.
v4.27.5 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 10, 2023

Fixed issue with Nova notifications.
v4.27.4 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 09, 2023

Fixed Nova asset compilation issues with the 4.27.x versions.
v4.27.3 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 09, 2023

Added missing translation for Notifications.
v4.27.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 09, 2023

Fixed issue where deleting a notification hid Notification Center incorrectly.
v4.27.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 09, 2023

Improved visual look of Notification Center.
Clicking items in Notification Center now hides Notification Center.
v4.27.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 09, 2023

Nova now allows combining the message and danger methods with the modal, download, deleted, and visit methods.
Nova now allows dependent fields to reset the field value with $field->setValue(null).
Nova::initialPath now accepts a Closure to allow for dynamic initial paths.
Added the ability to set the timeout and retry properties on Action classes.
Fixed a visual issue with the Line field's base text sizing.
Fixed several visual issues with notifications.
Fixed an issue preventing default values from being set on Repeater fields.
Fixed an issue where the notification route wasn't available in some auth setups.
Fixed an issue where ActionEvent::target expected the relationship to use the SoftDeletes trait.
Fixed an issue preventing Global Search from using the with property on underlying resource models.
Fixed an issue where Lenses were not respecting the peekable setting on Fields.
Fixed an issue where Date fields were displaying negative one day when in negative offset timezones.
Fixed a visual issue peeking hover cards and modals.
Fixed an issue preventing Select components from allowing integer values.
v4.26.5 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 14, 2023

Added some missing translations for the Repeater field.
Fixed an issue preventing users from unsetting a Date field value.
Fixed an issue where field events weren't firing for attach and update-attached views.
Fixed an issue where Repeater fields weren't removing items when using the JSON preset.
v4.26.4 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 07, 2023

Nova will now close the mobile menu when navigating to a new page.
Fixed an issue where Action::$withoutActionEvents was being ignored in some scenarios.
Fixed a visual issue on mobile with pagination.
Fixed an issue with opening notifications in a new tab.
Fixed an issue with dependent fields when using gte, gt, lt, and lte validation rules.
Fixed an issue with repeatable fields not supporting Eloquent casting when using the HasMany preset.
Fixed an issue with the Heading field not being reactive when using dependent fields.
Fixed an issue where Repeater fields were incorrectly expecting a Nova resource when using the JSON preset.
Fixed an issue preventing VaporImage fields not saving to the database through an inline MorphOne relationship.
Fixed an issue where modals were not resetting their working state after failing.
Fixed a visual issue with notifications when the message was too long.
v4.26.3 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 30, 2023

Renamed an internal method.
v4.26.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 30, 2023

Renamed an internal method.
v4.26.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 28, 2023

Fixed references to filled utilities.
v4.26.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 27, 2023

Added new Repeater field. (Beta) Docs
Added performance improvements when using Laravel Scout, pagination and filters.
Added ability to set the default ordering when defining Lens queries.
Added new openInNewTab option for Notification actions.
Tag fields will now avoid fetching all resources when clearing the input.
Tag fields will now automatically attach a newly created resource.
Metrics will now throw an Exception when trying to use onlyOnDetail combined with refreshWhenFiltersChange.
Improved redirect logic for cancel buttons on forms.
Added new Action::sole method to simplify displaying actions only when a certain resource is selected.
Fixed an issue preventing setting the BooleanGroup field's value via dependsOn.
Fixed an issue where Date fields were incorrectly displaying a timezone.
Fixed an issue with filterable DateTime fields when using timezones.
Fixed an issue preventing filterable BelongsToMany fields from working correctly on detail pages.
Fixed a visual issue with Code fields when using right-to-left layouts.
Fixed missing help text when using HasOne panels.
Fixed a visual issue where Nova's auth layout was hardcoding text color.
Fixed an issue where a peekable relation's hover card was getting stuck when a lot of hover cards were being displayed.
v4.25.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 06, 2023

Fixed a visual issue with help text on panels.
Nova will now throw an error when attempting to call help on HasMany fields.
v4.25.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 06, 2023

Added new Nova::userLocale method adding the ability to resolve a user custom locale.
Nova will send a new fromResourceId parameter when replicating resources.
Added support for invokable actions when using the dependsOn field method.
Improved IDE support.
Fixed a visual issue where global search was not scrollable.
Fixed a visual issue where Markdown field previews showed disabled scollbars regardless of content length.
Fixed a visual issue where textareas were not being shown with consistent text color in light and dark modes.
Fixed an issue where filter dropdowns would not closing when opening another dropdown.
Fixed a visual issue where a BelongsToMany field's select options were hidden due to overflow issues.
Fixed an issue where cascading dependency updates caused fields to not update correctly.
Fixed an issue where selected resources were missing on action fields.
Fixed an issue where searchable and filterable BelongsTo fields were incorrectly showing all options when their search term was reset.
Fixed an issue where Trix fields were not updating if their value was changed programmatically.
v4.24.4 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 19, 2023

Fixed an issue where the File field would not display .webp files.
Fixed a visual issue with the peekable relation hover card.
v4.24.3 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 16, 2023

Fixed a regression with the multi select component.
Fixed an issue with translations when using searchable fields.
Fixed an issue navigating to resource detail pages when using big ints.
Fixed an issue with KeyValue field not respecting the fullWidth method.
Fixed a regression with the ExportAsCsv action.
Fixed an issue where the action dropdown didn't reset the selected value when closing the confirmation modal.
Fixed an issue with dependent fields when setting the field value programmatically.
Fixed an issue with Tag field when nested inside parent resource form.
v4.24.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 10, 2023

Fixed an issue with PendingTranslations.
v4.24.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 05, 2023

Fixed an issue where importing localization mixin would fail for custom components.
Fixed an issue when testing action handle methods.
v4.24.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 04, 2023

Added a new standalone action dropdown component next to the creation button.
Added new "Closure Actions" feature. Docs
Added new "Static Actions" feature. Docs
Fixed a visual issue with search input's clear button.
Fixed an issue with translations sometimes not working depending on when they were registered.
Fixed an issue with Nova's File field dropzone.
Fixed an issue where users would incorrectly get 200 responses on edit pages.
Fixed an issue with Markdown fields being affected by other Markdown fields.
Fixes an issue with trend metrics generating an incorrect timezone offset when combined with Daylight Saving Time.
Fixed issues with BelongsTo, MultiSelect, and BooleanGroup fields when using dependent fields.
v4.23.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 07, 2023

Added option to Tag to preload all available tags.
Added ability to "peek" at relations inside the preview modal.
Added some missing translations.
Added ability for Trix fields to be dependent.
Added ability to customize the logic for determining a menu item's current active state.
Added ability to unlock BelongsTo and MorphTo fields when editing resources.
Added ability to replicate Markdown and Trix field content when not using attachments.
MorphTo relation modals now support sizing options.
Nova will now check for "view" authorization when visiting Detail pages.
Nova will now validate field attachments by default and display validation.
Improved the display of preview modal titles.
Fixed a visual issue with Date fields.
Fixed an issue where field attachments didn't emit proper events.
Fixed an issue with table sorting not following the viaRelation query string.
Fixed an issue with Date fields where they would become unresponsive.
Fixed an issue with URL fields not being copyable.
Fixed an issue where attachments were not being properly discarded.
Fixed a visual issue with table metrics when using long titles.
Fixed an issue with custom route bindings conflicting with Nova.
v4.22.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Mar 07, 2023

Nova now supports laravel/scout version 10.
Fixed various visual issues.
Fixed an issue where filterable fields within stacks weren't shown in Lens filters.
Fixed an issue with missing getStoragepath when using the Markdown field.
Fixed an issue where select components converted string values of options to a big integer value.
Fixed an issue where Lens were resolving values twice.
Fixed an issue where toast messages couldn't be seen inside Auth views.
v4.22.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Feb 23, 2023

Added ability for fields within a Stack field to be filterable.
Fixed an issue causing Trix field content to be duplicated on the update view.
Fixed a zero-division issue with Progress metrics.
Fixed an issue where search on a BelongsToMany relationship was broken when using Laravel Scout.
Fixed an issue where Boolean field values were always false when using dependent fields.
Fixed a visual issue with spacing on checkboxes with labels.
Fixed an issue with peekable BelongsTo when used within a HasManyThrough relationship.
Fixed an issue with Markdown field.
Nova will now scroll to the top when using Create and Add Another buttons.
Fixed an issue where MultiSelect fields were incorrectly showing a placeholder.
v4.22.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Feb 08, 2023

Added Laravel 10 support.
Redesigned the "select all dropdown" to show the current selection count and adds easy selection clearing.
Added ability to use merge, mergeWhen, and mergeUnless on panels.
Fixed a visual issue with margins on Heading fields.
Fixed an issue when using the Line::extraClasses method on the detail view.
Fixed several issues with the Markdown field.
Fixed an issue where the preview click action didn't check whether the resource was authorized to be viewed.
Fixed an issue with using the incorrect query when running actions on a single resource.
Fixed an issue where a user couldn't navigate away from an invalid page.
v4.21.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jan 17, 2023

Lenses now support searching.
Collapsable relationships no longer make API requests before they're revealed when collapsed by default.
Added ability to hold Command or Ctrl while clicking global search results to open them in a new tab.
Added Ctrl to the recognized modifier keys for other shortcuts.
Fixed an issue with click actions on many to many relationships.
Fixed an issue with Status fields not using the correct field value.
Fixed an issue with validating unfillable fields.
Fixed an issue with nested relationships when using HasOne or HasOneThrough fields.
Fixed an issue with collapsable cards localStorage state.
v4.20.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jan 11, 2023

Fixed an issue where Gravatar fields using the attribute "email" would not allow a Text field with the same attribute to be replicable.
v4.20.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jan 11, 2023

Fixed an issue with collapsable elements.
v4.20.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jan 10, 2023

Added the ability for menu sections, menu groups, detail relation fields, and panels to be collapsed by default with the collapsedByDefault method.
Fixed an issue where HasOne fields weren't use the correct policy.
Fixed a visual issue with partition metrics when resizing the viewport.
v4.19.6 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jan 03, 2023

Added ability to preview SVG when using File fields.
Added some missing language strings for File fields.
Nova will now prioritize the thumbnail preview vs the preview url on index views.
Updated the name of Turkey to the new official name "Türkiye".
Fixed an issue where MorphTo fields were not correctly initializing their types.
Fixed an issue where eloquent filters were preloading values incorrectly.
Fixed a regression with PartitionResult.
Fixed an issue with Status fields when using displayUsing.
Fixed an issue where Nova's user resolver was not being passed in some circumstances.
Fixed an issue where storeOriginalName was not working with inline relationships.
Fixed a visual issue with excerpt line breaking.
v4.19.5 (Silver Surfer)
Released Dec 14, 2022

Added new Audio field.
Improved visual style of Trix fields in dark mode.
Fixed and updated some Heroicons icons.
Fixed and issue with related resource indexes appending pivot fields.
Fixed a regression with Carbon 2.64 using subDays(null).
Added useLocalization composable to laravel-nova package dependencies.
Fixed an issue where Select fields would display the first option even if the underlying value was null.
Fixed an issue preventing Ctrl-clicking view and edit buttons.
v4.19.4 (Silver Surfer)
Released Nov 29, 2022

Added support for ulid as an identifier when using action events.
Added improvements for Nova's User stub files.
Updated Trix field to use Laravel's built-in model pruning.
v4.19.3 (Silver Surfer)
Released Nov 22, 2022

Added shortcuts for "Select All" (ctrl+a/command+a) and "Select All Matching" (ctrl+shift+a/command+shift+a).
Fixed an issue where the Tag field always removed the first tag.
Fixed an issue where copyable was not working on Email index fields.
Fixed an issue where BelongsTo fields weren't broadcasting their changes.
Fixed an issue where Select filters were not using the searchable option.
v4.19.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Nov 16, 2022

Fixed an issue preventing using displayUsing on ID fields.
v4.19.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Nov 16, 2022

Fixed an issue where relatable fields could cause n+1 queries.
Fixed an issue where Boolean fields could not be set to false when using dependent fields.
Added a missing translation for breadcrumbs.
Gave breadcrumbs a little more visual space.
v4.19.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Nov 15, 2022

Added new breadcrumbs menu via the Nova::withBreadcrumbs method.
Added ability to see the raw metric value in a tooltip.
Added ability to copy the raw value of Value metrics using the copyable method.
Added ability to customize the associatable query for BelongsTo and MorphTo fields.
Added a link to view the full resource when viewing the resource preview modal.
Added ability to translate select control default state text.
Nova will now hide resource buttons if the user can't see any of them in the current result set.
Nova will now display HasOneThrough fields the same way as HasMany fields.
Fixed a visual issue with search input clear buttons.
Fixed an issue with Trix endpoints not receiving all props.
Fixed an issue where action fields were not showing correctly.
Fixed an issue with filling attributes when cast as array.
Fixed an issue when filling fields with wrong number of parameters.
Fixed an issue with canSee not working on MorphTo fields.
Fixed an issue with validating and resolving fields.
Fixed an issue where the default help dashboard was showing its title incorrectly.
v4.18.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Nov 03, 2022

Various visual fixes
v4.18.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Nov 02, 2022

Various visual fixes
Some code cleanups
Fixed an issue where dependent event listeners weren't properly unloaded.
v4.18.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Nov 01, 2022

Added new indexWidth and detailWidth methods to Image and Avatar fields.
Nova now throws a 404 when attempting to replicate a resource that doesn't exist.
Nova will now handle namespaces when generating Resource clases.
Nova will now disable the resource table row buttons instead of hiding them.
Fixed an issue with partition metrics.
Fixed an issue where Tag fields were using the attribute instead of the resource name.
Fixed a visual issue with Tag fields when using dark mode.
Fixed a visual issue with Heading fields. Heading fields also got a visual refresh.
Nova will now use data_set when filling fields to allow for casting json and AsArrayObject attributes.
Fixed some visual issues with File, Image, and Avatar fields.
v4.17.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Oct 26, 2022

Fixed a couple of issues with the new Tag field.
v4.17.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Oct 25, 2022

Added a new Tag field for creating BelongsToMany relationships inline.
Added ability to set the inline creation modal's size using the modalSize helper.
Added some missing translations.
Fixed an issue with HasOne fields not correctly excluding irrelevant fields.
Fixed an issue with N+1 queries when using peekable relations.
Fixed an issue preventing the peekable view from persisting when trying to hover over a field in the view.
Fixed an issue with Eloquent's new strict modes.
Fixed a visual issue with Nova's modal backdrops not following the window scroll position.
Fixed an issue with MultiSelect fields not triggering readonly when used with dependent fields.
Fixed an issue with resolving relationships.
Fixed an issue where NotExactlyAttached rules were not correclty validating in some scenarios.
v4.16.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Oct 12, 2022

Fixed some issues that arose from 4.16.0.
v4.16.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Oct 12, 2022

Added new fieldsForPreview method for specifying the fields displayed in the preview modal.
Added support for Laravel 9's InvokableRule.
Added ability to "peek" at BelongsTo and MorphTo relations when hovering over them using the peekable helper.
Added maxlength helper to Text and Textarea fields which also displays the allowed characters left.
Improved HasMany field authorization.
Nova will now generate Trix field drafts server-side.
Added new fullWidth helper to all fields to allow them to take up all the horizontal space in the panel.
Fixed an issue where Nova wasn't binding the current resource when using dependent fields.
Fixed an issue where null image fields caused the index view to show a confusing state.
Fixed an issue where Date fields were displaying differently on detail views vs update views.
Fixed an issue where a potential race condition could occur when using dependent fields.
Fixed a visual issue where Trend metric tooltips could cause the page to show a horizontal scroll bar.
Fixed an issue where Heading fields could send invalid data when submitting forms.
Fixed an issue where Badge icons were using the incorrect value for display.
Fixed a visual issue with the Heroicons 'academic' outline icon.
Fixed a visual issue when using fields with centered text.
Fixed an issue with Value metrics where using negative previous values resulted in inconsistent change percentages.
Fixed a visual issue with Create and Attach buttons on smaller viewports.
Fixed an issue with placeholders not being respected on some fields.
Fixed an erroneous translation.
Fixed a visual issue with Trix field CSS.
Fixed an issue when pressing the return key on attach and update views.
v4.15.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Sep 27, 2022

Fixed an issue where VaporFile fields were not uploading correctly.
Fixed an issue where Markdown previews could error when previewing empty values.
Fixed an issue where filter fields could not be correctly closed in some circumstances.
v4.15.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Sep 21, 2022

Fixed an issue where Heading fields wouldn't correctly reactive to field changes.
Fixed an issue where morph types were not emitted when using searchable.
v4.15.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Sep 20, 2022

File fields have been redesigned, show a preview, and now support drag and drop.
Added ability to prevent ordering of many to many relationships when using Scout.
Added even more sizing options to action confirmation modals.
Improved the styling of checkboxes throughout Nova's interface.
Fixed an issue where no loading indicator was shown when deleteing or force-deleting resources.
Fixed an issue preventing Axios errors from being properly intercepted.
Fixed an issue where Nova's exception reporting was being ignored.
Fixed an issue where Color fields would display with a disabled state.
v4.14.3 (Silver Surfer)
Released Sep 14, 2022

Fix error in compilation for 4.14.2
v4.14.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Sep 14, 2022

Improve the visual style and UX for copyable fields.
v4.14.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Sep 13, 2022

Fixed an issue with determining whether a dashboard is Nova's help card.
v4.14.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Sep 13, 2022

Added ability to show a refresh button for Dashboards using the showRefreshButton helper.
Added ability to set the action modal size via the size helper.
Added ability to make the action modal fullscreen via the fullscreen helper.
Badge fields are now filterable.
Added ability to set a custom redirect after impersonating another user.
Added missing translations for the export to CSV action.
Added ability to add job batching within an action's handle method.
Slug fields now return their preview from the server.
Added Field::isValidNullValue helper method to fields.
Added ability to pass a callback to showOnPreview.
Fixed an issue with displayUsing when using File fields.
Fixed an issue where resources without an ID field would throw an Exception in some cases.
Fixed an issue where using displayUsing on DateTime fields would incorrectly show the value as null.
Fixed an issue where metrics would refresh twice on initial page loads.
Fixed an issue where Markdown field previews would not work if using model data in its view policy.
Fixed an issue with nested relationships when creating/updating outputting incorrect form data.
Fixed an issue with filling pivot fields when using readonly fields.
Fixed an issuw with actions failing when ran against a row excluded by the parent resource's indexQuery.
v4.13.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 23, 2022

Nova can now use any hsl(), rgb(), or rgba() string as valid branding color values.
Added visual improvements for fields with previews like Twix, and Markdown.
Added ability for user-defined presets when using Markdown fields.
Added ability for users to specify the target window when using menu items.
Panels will now listen for changes, which allows them to be shown or hidden based on other fields.
Added a developer API which allows fields to return a preview.
Added ability to specify suggestions for Color fields.
Improved error messaging for fields.
Improved error messaging for VaporFile and VaporImage fields when users are not authorized to upload.
Lots of code cleanups, new tests, and refactors.
Fixed issue with branding colors where valid rgba strings were not honored.
Fixed an issue where DateTime filters fields weren't respecting the user's timezone.
Fixed an issue where Markdown fields weren't emitting change events.
Fixed an issue where KeyValue fields were not reactive when a default value was specified.
Fixed an issue where toggling between fields using dependent fields when fields shared the same component.
Fixed an issue with DateTime fields no respecting the value from displayUsing.
Fixed an issue where global search wasn't disabling page scroll
Fixed an issue where email fields weren't showing in the filter list.
Fixed a visual issue with KeyValue fields when using them in an action modal.
Fixed an issue where Nova wouldn't correctly apply validations from inline HasOne relationships.
Fixed an issue where Nova wouldn't close a search input when clicking away.
Fixed an issue where Markdown fields were not reactive when a default value was specified.
Fixed an issue where global search wasn't closed correctly when the value is set to an empty string
v4.12.14 (Silver Surfer)
Released Aug 02, 2022

Added support for laravel/ui version 4.
Added support for fast-excel version 4.
Fixed an issue with Date and DateTime fields not using the correct value for display.
Fixed an issue with missing relation creation button on MorphToMany fields.
Fixed a visual issue with toggling relation views.
Fixed an issue with redundant serialization on URL fields.
Fixed an issue where clicking on actions in table metrics would not open external links.
v4.12.13 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 27, 2022

Fixed an issue where Text fields wouldn't always consistently return a string.
Fixed an issue where Value metric results using the transform helper weren't being serialized correctly when cached.
Fixed an issue where default values weren't being updated when using dependent fields.
Nova will now handle policy responses.
MenuSection and MenuGroup will no longer show when there they have no children.
Fixed an issue with Badge, PanelItem, Code, and Stack, when using displayUsing.
Fixed a visual issue where there was no visual indiciation of the page when using link pagination type.
Internal refactors and testing improvements.
v4.12.12 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 21, 2022

Fixed an issue with Select filters not working correctly in certain circumstances.
Fixed an issue preventing custom action response modals from being shown on index views.
v4.12.11 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 20, 2022

Queued actions will now use the last result for the action success message if provided.
v4.12.10 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 20, 2022

Nova will now show destructive actions in red text on the detail inline action dropdown.
v4.12.9 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 20, 2022

Nova will now show destructive actions in red text on the inline action dropdown.
v4.12.8 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 20, 2022

Fixed an issue where table metrics could not be properly cached.
Nova will now throw an exception when trying to use an unsupported helper on TextArea fields.
v4.12.7 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 19, 2022

Fixed an issue where Nova wouldn't restore the "remember me" state after impersonating another user.
Fixed an issue where BelongsTo fields wouldn't submit their value when using dependent fields.
v4.12.6 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 13, 2022

Fixed an issue with the table metric stub.
v4.12.5 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 13, 2022

Nova will now hide a menu group if it doesn't contain any items.
Fixed an issue where date filters would send an array back to the server.
v4.12.4 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 13, 2022

Allow index fields to show displayedAs value.
Improved field stubs.
v4.12.3 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 13, 2022

Fixed missing nova:table command.
v4.12.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 12, 2022

Added 'preview' option to the available resource row click actions to open the preview modal.
v4.12.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 12, 2022

Fixed issue causing RTL to not be generated.
v4.12.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jul 12, 2022

Added ability to customize the action taken when clicking on table rows.
Added new "Table Metrics" which allow you to show lists inside dashboard.
Added authorizedToSee helper to Menu Groups.
Nova will now retain the user-defined panel sort order.
Fixed an issue with clicking collapsable icons.
Fixed an issue causing a Vue warning with the user menu.
Fixed an issue where no visible feedback was given on certain 500 responses.
Fixed an issue where HasOne inline forms were treated as optional when marked as required.
Fixed an issue where dependent BelongsTo fields with defaults set didn't update.
Added a few missing translations.
Fixed a visual issue with multi-line MenuSection and MenuGroup.
Fixed several issues where displayedUsing wasn't being honored.
Fixed an issue where dependent action fields were not initially synced.
Fixed an issue with action event casting.
Fixed an issue with MorphTo fields not emitting some events.
Reverted a behavior change with the select all checkbox.
v4.11.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 29, 2022

Fixed an issue where external user menu items didn't open in a new window.
v4.11.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 28, 2022

Added ability to use dependent fields on actions.
Added new Nova::__() translation method which fixes issues where Nova would return JSON incorrectly.
Nova will now force a full page reload when redirecting to the login page.
Fixed an issue where cancel buttons in the confirmation action modal didn't use customized cancel button text.
Fixed an issue where a unique rule used on a HasMany field would receive the wrong resource ID.
Fixed an issue where the user menu was hidden on mobile viewsports.
Fixed an issue where help text was not reactive unless defined on first page load.
Fixed an issue with Number fields min and max attributes being incorrectly set in HTML.
Fixed an issue with action events casting values incorrectly.
Fixed an issue where boolean filters were not correctly reset.
Fixed an issue where BelongsTo fields were missing in HasOne detail panels.
Fixed a visual issue where Trix field list items had no style type.
v4.10.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 23, 2022

Extend action dropdown width changes to the detail view
v4.10.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 21, 2022

Added preliminary support for right-to-left languages vis Nova::enableRTL().
Added the ability for MenuItem labels to be translatable.
Nova will now show more of the name when displaying actions with long names.
Nova will now avoid logging the underlying model's hidden attributes when updating resources.
Fixed a visual issue with the alignment of resource table row icons in certain scenarios.
Fixed an issue with Dashboards when using PHP 7.
Fixed an issue when creating related MorphOne relations.
Fixed an issue preventing the usage of ID fields inside panels.
Fixed a visual issue with copyable fields.
Fixed an issue where impersonated users wouldn't see the "Stop Impersonating" menu item.
Fixed an issue where the index was incorrectly determining which preview fields to use.
v4.9.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 16, 2022

Fixed a regression with the delete notification modal.
v4.9.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 15, 2022

Added a missing translation.
Fixed an issue where Dashboard and Resource menu items couldn't be customized.
v4.9.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 14, 2022

Added ability to have badges on user menu items.
Added a loading indicator to Dashboards when fetching cards.
Added new onlyOnPreview helper method for fields.
Added all of Tailwind's colors variables as root CSS declarations.
Nova will now hide the inline actions dropdown if there are no options available to the user.
Fix an issue preventing fields marked as full width from being the correct size.
Fixed a visual issue with Global Search's z-index.
Fixes an issue where HasOne relationships resolved incorrectly via nested resources.
Fixes an issue where MorphOne relationships stopped working on edit views.
Fixed an issue where a form cancel button wouldn't do anything if there was no browser history.
Fixed an issue where the select all checkbox would be incorrectly shown in an indeterminate state.
Fixed an issue with Date and DateTime fields in Chrome.
v4.8.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 08, 2022

Fixed an issue with truthy false request parameters.
v4.8.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Jun 08, 2022

Added new MenuSection::lens, MenuSection::resource, and MenuItem::lens helpers.
Added new withBadgeIf to allow for conditional badges.
Added ability to customize the fields used for inline creation modals.
MenuSection, MenuGroup, and MenuItem classes are now Macroable.
Improved logic in Metric date ranges.
Improved the visual look of stacked fields.
Nova assets are now compiled with the exposeFilename option to allow for easier theming overrides.
Nova will now load only the current BelongsTo resource when the fields is set to readonly.
Nova is now compiled using Tailwind CSS version 3.
Heading fields now support dependsOn.
Nova nows runs the Authenticate middleware on Intertia routes for custom tools.
Fixed an issue preventing Lenses from being reusable.
Fixed a visual issue with the soft-delete badge in dark mode.
Fixed an issue where Number fields would display as null when the value was 0.
Fixes an issue where Currency fields as minor unit were not displaying correct output.
Fixed an issue with login redirects not being interpreted by the browser correctly.
Fixed an issue where bigInt IDs were not being handled correctly in Global Search.
Fixed a visual issue with the app logo on mobile.
Fixed an issue with keys named 'length' inside KeyValue field.
Fixed a visual glitch with the index table row checkbox in certain scenarios.
Fixed an issue with pivot IDs showing a confusing link.
Fixed an issue where fields would be resolved even if excluded from update forms.
Fixed an issue where navigating to Lenses would trigger a full page load.
v4.7.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 25, 2022

Added ability to have badges on MenuSection and MenuItems.
Added preview fields to action resources.
Improved compatibility with Vite.
Improved compatibility for copyable fields.
Fixed an issue with Icons being sent the wrong prop types.
Fixed an issue with Dashboards causing scrolling to lock intermittently.
Fixed an issue where focusing an input and pressing enter key caused the create modal to open
Fixed a visual issue where long single words would break the layout on mobile screens.
Fixed an issue with dependent Select fields when options are dynamically changed.
Fixed an issue preventing dependent BooleanGroup fields from being reactive.
Fixed an issue with lenses not filtering their fields correctly.
Fixed an issue with Currency::fillUsing not being used when using an inline HasOne field.
Heading fields now support dependsOn.
Fixed an issue where the trashed filter didn't work correctly on lenses.
Fixed an issue causing namespace collisions when using a resource named "Notification".
v4.6.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 18, 2022

tabindex will be set to 0 when KeyValue fields are configured with read-only keys.
Fixed and issue where scrolling locked incorrectly.
v4.6.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 17, 2022

Added support for multiple layer relationship search.
Nova will now hide the mobile menu when clicking or tapping a menu item.
Adds missing translation for "Remember me".
Fixed an issue preventing third-party addons from overriding core Nova components.
Fixed an issue with an incorrect exit code for the license-check command.
Fixed an issue with Slug fields and attributes with multiple words.
Fixed an issue preventing field dependency events from being fired when creating inline relations.
Fixed an issue where KeyValue fields did not focus the key field when creating a new entry.
Fixed an issue where tooltips would sometimes not be hidden.
Fixed an issue with page reloading with active search queries.
v4.5.4 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 12, 2022

Fixed a visual regression from the previous release.
v4.5.3 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 12, 2022

Improved support for using BackedEnum with fields.
Improved dependent fields with show and hide toggling.
Reverted a change that caused scrolling issues with the sidebar.
Fixed some visual issues with dark mode and ring colors.
Fixed a visual issue with dropdowns.
Fixed a visual issue with KeyValue fields in Safari.
Fixed a visual issue with images in portrait orientation on index views.
Fixed an issue preventing panels from receiving extra data via withMeta.
Fixed an issue with Trix fields emitting change events on mount.
v4.5.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 11, 2022

Added partial resources/views/partials/meta.blade.php
Added ability to customize more colors inside of Nova when theming.
Improved Badge and Status visual styling.
Fixed issue where Nova's sidebar was not scrollable with a lot of resources.
Fixed an issue with Panels when no fields were present.
Fixed visual issues with dark focus ring styles.
Fixed some visual issues with dark mode.
Fixed an issue with duplicate failed case logic in Status fields.
v4.5.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 10, 2022

Updated intertia-laravel dep to support 0.6.0.
Improved themability of Nova.
Removed a stray ray call in Badge field.
Fixed incorrect return type in Badge field.
v4.5.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 10, 2022

Added ability to copy Text fields on index views.
Added new Email field for showing email columns with a mailto link.
Added ability to show icons in Badge fields.
Added ability to configure the step, min, and max value of Date and DateTime fields.
Improved visual styling of KeyValue fields.
Fixed a visual issue with restore icon on trashed resources.
Fixed an issue with fetching related fields when defined using fieldsForDetail.
Fixed a visual issue with search inputs squishing the preview avatar when using long subtitles.
Fixed an issue with recursion refreshWhenActionsRun on metrics.
Fixed an issue preventing using a separate user table in Nova and using custom policies.
Fixed an issue with dependent Select fields when set to searchable.
Fixed an issue when clicking "Create and add another".
v4.4.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 05, 2022

Added friendly date with full date hover to Notifications.
v4.4.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 05, 2022

Added hover style for copyable fields on dark mode.
v4.4.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 05, 2022

Added search type to global search input.
Added ability to disable and hide Global Search, Light/Dark mode dropdown, and Notifications.
Added ability to set full-width Cards to have the same fixed height as non-full-width ones.
Added 'YESTERDAY' constant helper to Value metrics.
Added ability to copy text field values on detail views and the preview modal to the system clipboard.
Fixed visual issue with the cursor color for Markdown and Code fields in dark mode.
v4.3.4 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 04, 2022

Added missing translations for Notifications.
v4.3.3 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 03, 2022

Fixed issue with notifications.
v4.3.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 03, 2022

Fixed issue where choosing "read all" on Notifications wouldn't mark all unread notifications as read.
v4.3.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 03, 2022

Fixed a visual issue with notification delete and read buttons.
v4.3.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released May 03, 2022

Make sure to run php artisan migrate to use Nova's new notification improvments.

Added visual improvements to Status fields.
Added ability to mark notifications as viewed and deleted.
Added ability to customize Nova's footer text using Nova::footer.
Fixed an issue where the page would jump when using searchable fields.
Fixed an issue when hitting enter key when composing using IME characters.
Fixed a typehint issue when using custom ActionResource classes.
v4.2.7 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 26, 2022

Improved visual style of the Status field.
v4.2.6 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 26, 2022

Added ability for panels to be collapsible.
Fixed a visual issue with KeyValue fields on dark mode.
Fixed a visual issue with date icons in dark mode.
Fixed an issue with empty panels.
Nova will now transform trend result values with the same strategy as the main value.
Fixed an issue with dependent fields and readonly fields.
Fixed an issue with DateTime fields and null values.
Foxed an issue with dependent fields showing incorrect values on edit views.
Fixed an issue with filters causing the page to jump when clicked.
Fixed an issue with memory leaks when using Laravel Octane.
Fixed an issue with clearing Select fields.
v4.2.5 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 21, 2022

Added new authorizedToSee method to menu sections, items, and groups.
Added few other code cleanups and small improvements.
Fixed visual issue with excerpt buttons.
Fixed timezone issues when using firstDayOfQuarter and firstDayOfPreviousQuarter on metrics.
v4.2.4 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 20, 2022

Added hover with full date value to DateTime and Date fields.
Fixed an issue with Date and DateTime formatting when using displayUsing.
Fixed an issue with BelongsTo relatinonship guesser.
Fixed an issue with Eloquent filters not showing when the parent field is searchable.
Fixed a visual issue with empty dropdowns
Fixed a visual issue with rounded corners Avatar and Image
Fixed a visual issue with the sort icons in dark mode.
Fixed an issue preventing global search from appearing in certain setups.
Fixed an issue with showing active states on the sidebar menu.
Nova will now install its NPM modules when creating custom fields.
v4.2.3 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 19, 2022

Added a new nova:check-license command to help verify license configuration.
Fixed a visual issue with progress metrics in dark mode.
Fixed an issue with custom tools showing the wrong path to edit the tool.
Fixed visual issues with dropdown menu items when displayed as buttons.
Fixed a visual issue with global search positioning.
Fixed an issue preventing panel collapsing not being applied.
Fixed a visual issue on Status fields on detail pages.
Fixed an issue preventing menu items from being highlighted when visiting sub pages.
Fixed a visual issue with action menus.
Fixed an issue with MultiSelect fields when using numeric keys.
Fixed an issue with the resource detail screen when using morphOne relationships.
Fixed an issue preventing dependsOn from working with multiple dependencies.
Fixed an issue with belongsToMany relationship references to the same model with different resources.
v4.2.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 15, 2022

Fixed an issue with a translation.
Fixed an issue preventing stacked fields from displaying correctly.
Fixed an issue with the styling of Heading fields on detail and forms.
Fixed an issue with the display of checkboxes in dark mode.
Fixed an issue with pivot column ordering for BelongsToMany fields.
Fixed an issue with the styling of action menu buttons.
Fixed an issue with default values on select controls
Fixed an issue with MultiSelect fields.
Fixed an issue with BelongsToMany filterable fields.
Fixed an issue with Date and DateTime fields resetting when validation fails.
v4.2.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 13, 2022

Added transform helper to progress and trend results.
v4.2.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 13, 2022

Added transform helper to value results.
Fixed issue with filterable BelongsToMany fields.
v4.1.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 12, 2022

Fixed an issue with Main dashboard name function.
Fixed an issue where click events from table rows displayed as html would bubble out.
Fixed an issue preventing globalSearchResults value to not be honored.
Added missing translations.
Fixed an issue preventing avatars from displaying when viewing custom tools.
Nova will now hide certain dropdowns when no value is present.
Fixed display issue with stacked fields.
Fixed an issue with DateTime fields and timezones.
Fixed visual issue with the new notification center badge.
Fixed an issue preventing DateTime fields from being able to clear their value.
Fixed an issue when guessing relation names.
Removed Nova's requirement for using JsonResource::withoutWrapping.
Fixed missing VaporFileField components.
Fixed an issue preventing MorphTo fields from submitting their relation data.
Fixed an issue where Nova would throw a 403 error when editing resources with HasOne relationships.
Fixed an issue where native functions match certain column names.
Fixed an issue with inconsistent local time formats with DateTime fields.
v4.1.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 07, 2022

Added ability to toggle between light, dark, and system mode themes
Added a few missing translations
Added a default height to the logo
Fixed an issue preventing syncing between more than one field depending on another field
Fixed an issue where options weren't being synced on MultiSelect fields.
Fixed an issue when using filterable fields marked as readonly
Fixed an issue with setting Nova's base url to an empty string
Fixed an issue with Nova's exception handling
Fixed an issue with invalid user foreign keys in action events
v4.0.6 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 06, 2022

Fixed a few visual issues.
Fixed issue causing password resets to not work.
Fixed issue with submitting Select fields.
v4.0.5 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 06, 2022

Fixed issue preventing HTML from being displayed in help text.
v4.0.4 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 06, 2022

Fixed issue where previous card widths were not available.
v4.0.3 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 06, 2022

Includes various bugfixes and improvements.

v4.0.2 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 06, 2022

Address release issue with 4.0.1.
v4.0.1 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 06, 2022

Fixed issue with Nova's use of JsonResource::withoutWrapping() affecting the host application.
Fixed issue with flushing session data when stopping impersonation.
v4.0.0 (Silver Surfer)
Released Apr 03, 2022

Initial release of Nova 4.0. 🥳

Check out the release notes and upgrade guide to learn more about this amazing update!
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