JustFans (v6.4.3) Premium Content Creators SaaS platform Nulled

JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform
JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform

Download Free JustFans – Premium Content Creators SaaS platform v6.4.3

JustFans Premium Content Creators SaaS platform Free Download v6.4.3 – ThemeForest | JustFans Premium Content Creators SaaS platform Nulled v6.4.3| is an all-inclusive PHP platform that lets users to create their own premium social media platform in a short time.

justfans-premium-content-creators-saas-platform-nulled.zip (LATEST)

The user experience is driven by a mobile-first, simple and user-friendly design that includes Dark and Light modes, RTL, and localization capabilities. The platform allows creators to sell their premium content through monthly subscriptions bundles, offers tips, or paying to unlock content.

JustFans Core Features:

Advanced post creation module

  1. Multiple file uploads
  2. Previews of files uploaded
  3. Post draft save
  4. Video conversion using ffmpeg fallback to only uploads in mp4 format
  5. Watermarking of videos and images

Advanced feed module

  1. Bidirectional feed module, with slide-able gallery and full-screen view
  2. Media galleries that support video, audio and images
  3. Comment, reactions and comments reactions

Search Module (Posts & Users search, top, latest, photo video filters)

Multiple payment providers and methods of monetizing content

  1. Stripe and Coinbase, as well as Paypal and payment processors
  2. Monthly/Biannual/Annual subscriptions
  3. Limited time user subscriptions to users
  4. Post & User tips
  5. To unlock posts, you must pay
  6. Ads spots
  7. Free profiles

Multiple storage drivers supported

  1. Locally hosted files
  2. Wasabi stored files
  3. AWS S3 storage files (CDN and Presigned URLs are supported)
  • Notifications to users (Email and on-site and live notifications)
  • Live user chat and upload of files
  • Bookmarks for users (Allow the users to bookmark content to be saved for future reference)
  • Lists of users (Allow users to record their users on custom lists)
  • Multiple emailing drivers (Log/Mailgun/SMTP)
  • Possibility to enforce creators’ identity verification
  • The ability to deactivate right-click on posts by users
  • Print invoices for every transaction

User settings

  1. Settings for your profile (username bio, name birthdate, address web site)
  2. Account (Reset password)
  3. Settings for the wallet (Deposit and Withdraw)
  4. Settings for payments (View the details of transactions and invoices)
  5. Rates setting (General price bundles, offers and general price)
  6. Settings for subscriptions (View and control subscriptions)
  7. Settings for Notifications
  8. Security settings (Set your privacy profile as either public or private)
  9. Verify your identity settings
  • Fluent, mobile-first design (PWA App included)
  • Dark and Light themes – Simple to change through SCSS Variants.
  • Ready to translate and RTL/LTR

Advanced administrator panel

  • Strong SEO practices (Sitemap, schema.org, Social media meta)
  • GDPR & Cookies policy banner
  • Unique, hand-drawn vector illustrations
  • Logins to social networks (Facebook, Twitter & Google)
  • And much more


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Changelog JustFans Nulled Premium Content Creators SaaS platform

[8/11/2023] v6.4.0

* Added pinned posts feature - creators can now pin a single post on the top of their profiles
* Added new storage solution based on pushrCDN
* Added ability to select all followers/fans when creating a new messenger conversation
* Added a new admin setting, allowing to skip browser locale check in favor of the site's primary language
* Added a new admin option to "Auto-follow the user that has referred the newly register account" 
* Added a new `Hidden` flag over the Admin taxes area, now allowing to have certain taxes hidden from the payment form
* Added pdf & excel files upload support for the ID-verify area
* Added notes on supported files to upload over the ID-verify & Wallet deposit areas
* Added attachment preview field when browsing attachments over the admin panel
* Enhanced offline payments module, added 'Offline payments details box', 'Make the notes field mandatory' & 'Minimum file attachments required' options, facilitating the use of manual, custom offline payment alternatives
* Improved the way assets of ID verify & (manual) Payment deposit requests are shown in the admin panel
* Improved the video uploading state when conversion is taking place for non-playable videos
* Removed Block/Report/Unfollow actions from post-box when browsing own profile
* Fixed a bug where the "Hide links from profile" admin option would get inversed 
* Fixed a CCBill payment provider issue, happening on some environments, causing subscriptions to stay on pending status
* Fixed a bug when social media login/registers made on the profile page, would have redirected to the feed after logging in
* Fixed an issue where creators wouldn't be able to preview the post page for non-released/non-approved/expired posts
* Fixed an admin dashboard bug, where the Earnings & Payments stats boxes were including the deposits & withdrawals
* Fixed a bug where blocked users would still have been able to post comments on the creator's content
* Fixed some dark mode inconsistencies related to the profile markdown editor
* Fixed an admin wallets issue when creating new wallet entries
* Fixed Notifications' area "X time before" label to "X time ago" 
* Small translation strings-related improvements
* Other small fixes and improvements
* Small documentation-related updates
[7/7/2023] v6.3.1

* Fixed an issue where withdrawal confirmation emails wouldn't calculate the sum correctly
* Fixed an issue where admins would see all posts marked as pending when browsing feeds
* Other small documentation-related updates
[7/3/2023] v6.3.0

* Added a "Followers" list so users can preview the profiles following them, over the users lists module
* Added an admin option that can disable showing the user's website link on the profile page
* Added an admin "Enable post description excerpts" over the "Feed" settings
* Added an admin option to "Hide non-ID-verified users from the search page" 
* Added an admin option to enforce ID-check over the referral system,
* Added an admin "Streams" category, so streams and stream messages can be managed
* Added an admin "Referrals" category over the "Money" section, where admins can manage the referral entries
* Updated the admin file manager to only allow image, audio, and video type upload, avoiding potential security risks
* Fixed a scheduled posts bug when they would appear in the latest media widget and counted in the media total numbers
* Fixed an admin panel issue when saving a user, his avatar/cover paths would get broken
* Fixed a few admin-related UI bugs and other adjustments
* Fixed missing video thumbnails for ios devices
* Small translation strings improvements and fixes
* Other small bugfixes and tweaks
[6/13/2023] v6.2.1

* Updated the post like event icon & removed the post-reaction toast dialog confirmation
* Fixed a scheduled post access error when visiting from un-registered accounts
* Fixed a user lists UI bug, when no profiles are available within a list, after deleting entries
* Fixed a small UI bug on the new message input, over the messenger area, on mobile devices
[6/10/2023] v6.2.0

* Added mass messaging feature within user messenger, users can now send the same message to multiple users
* Added post-scheduling features - Release & Expire date, can be turned on or off from the admin panel
* Added "Max height post box media preview" option, locking and cropping feed posts to enforce height dimensions
* Added a new PPV content unlock notification, which can be disabled within the User notifications panel
* Added  a new email stream start email notification, which can be enabled within the User notifications panel
* Added a warning over admin dashboard page, if PHP's pdo_mysql extension is not using the mandatory mysqlnd driver
* Added "CCBill skip subaccount from cancellations" admin option, for rare CCBill accounts that requires this setting
* Added DB events for user and subscription delete, so their recurring subscriptions will be canceled as well
* Added a 6-hour user messenger email notifications throttle to avoid email spam
* Updated the User payments area, allowing people to only see invoices for approved transactions
* Fixed the auto-ordering of the latest messages within contact lists when sending/receiving a message
* Fixed the user messenger UI state when deleting the last message out of a conversation
* Fixed a user messenger bug, showing invalid contacts when creating a new conversation
* Fixed a messenger bug, where invalid contacts were shown, due to expired sub/follow relation
* Fixed an invoice bug related to the transaction type field
* Fixed an Admin > Invoices > View button link bug, sending to same invoice id
* Fixed a user profiles geo-blocking access bug
* Fixed a feed's bug where tooltips wouldn't get shown for new pages
* Fixed a user settings bug, when using markdown for the profile bio page, on some mobile devices
* Fixed the RTL issues over the admin panel side
* Multiple translation strings improvements and fixes
* Other small fixes and improvements
[4/30/2023] v6.1.0

* Added OpenAI-based suggestions for post creation and profile bio. Can be enabled from the admin panel.
* Added a new email deliverability enforcement admin setting, via Abstract API
* Added a new "New content from people you follow" notification
  - Users can choose whether they get this kind of notification(s) or not 
  - Creators can choose whether they send notifications on each individual post create
  - Admins can turn this option on or off entirely from the admin panel
* Added an Admin > Settings > Site option to set the default `og:image` asset
* Split the user's "Subscribers" area into "Subscribed" & "Subscriptions"- so users manage both their subs and subscribed fans
* Re-categorized & re-ordered the Admin Settings, added a new `Profiles` category & moved related settings into it
* Updated the Admin > Payments > Subscriptions & Transactions tables prefilled their status, type & provider fields
* Re-designed the social login buttons to stand in line with Google's branding guides
* Made the sidebar "Fans" count represent the number of followers instead of subscribers
* Fixed an access issue over the subscription canceling endpoint
* Fixed a global RTL bug, when RTL was enforced by default, via the admin panel
* Fixed a UI bug with the emoji picker button on the mobile RTL version
* Fixed a user offers-related bug when using empty values for 3/6/12 months subs, while under active offer
* Fixed a small mobile UI bug over the post-create page, related to its action buttons
* Fixed a small bug with CCBIll's prefilled payment form, on the country field
* Fixed a missing redirect on the email verification page, if the user is already verified
* Fixed a navigation buttons issue on mobile devices, when a big number of pages were available
* Fixed mobile version UI issues with user subscriptions table
* Other small UI&UX tweaks and improvements
* Documentation updates
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