Click to Chat Pro (v3.30.5) + v1.9 Unlimited Websites Free Download

Click to Chat Pro Nulled
Click to Chat Pro Nulled
Click to Chat Pro
Click to Chat Pro 

Free Download Click to Chat Pro v3.30.5 Unlimited Websites

Click to Chat Pro Unlimited Websites Nulled v3.30.5 | Click to Chat Pro Unlimited Websites Free Download v3.30.5 | Let’s make your Web page visitors Contact you through “WhatsApp” or “WhatsApp Business” with a single Click to Chat Pro Nulled (WhatsApp Chat, Group, Share)

WhatsApp connectivity for WordPress websites! Engage customers and generate leads!

Add ‘WhatsApp’ or ‘WhatsApp Business’ Number. And let your website visitors contact you with a single click.

Select a Style that matches your Website design.

  • 8 pre-defined customizable style/designs
  • Add your own Image/GIF
  • Custom Element/Design (convert any element as WhatsApp Chat element)
  • Shortcodes (Add WhatsApp button/icon with inline the content)
  • Different Styles, Positions for Mobile, Desktop
  • Select the style and customize to match the website design

For Shop, Cart, Checkout, and Account pages can overwrite at page level settings


  • Before Main Content
  • Before Product
  • Before Product Summary
  • Product Summary
  • Before Add to Cart Form
  • Before Cart Button
  • After Cart Button
  • After Add to Cart Form
  • After Product
  • After product summary

At the page level, we can overwrite the settings for each post. we can add different Whatsapp Number, Prefilled Message, Call to Action for each post
(while editing the post, at the right sidebar ‘Click to Chat Nulled’ meta box)

  • WhatsApp Number
  • Call to Action
  • Pre-filled Message
  • Display Settings


  • Styles
  • Time Delay
  • Scroll Delay
  • Greetings Template
  • Greetings Header, Main, Bottom Content

Click to Chat Pro Free Download Link

Changelog Click to Chat Pro Unlimited Websites Nulled

Enhancement: Admin Live Preview

Admin live preview on changes of number, call to action, styles, customization of styles, animations, notification badge.

Fix: Greetings Dialog position, if mobile and desktop have different positions

Fix: undefined function santize_textarea_field

Improvement: Performance – click to chat admin pages

Fix: Admin settings page number not saving

Increased Greetings Dialogs max height. If it overflows, the main content alone will scroll
Enhancement: Admin interface

Greetings dialogs size – settings to set full width for mobile devices
Enhancement: Admin interface

Fix: Call to Action not showing properly.

Fix: Greetings dialogs blur at border

= 3.27 =

Fix: Browser compatibility issue
Enhancement: Greetings dialog-1
Enhancement: Admin interface
= 3.26 =

New: Notification badge
= 3.25 =

Fix: Greeting-1 if main content is not added.
Enhancement: Admin content, links.
tested upto: 6.2
= 3.24 =

Enhancement: Webhooks
= 3.23 =

URL Structure(web WhatsApp) is moved to ‘Click to Chat’ main settings page
Fix: style 3 shortcode image height and width both not added. Thank you Heliflieger for reporting the issue.
Fix: number not saving. conflict issue.
= 3.22 =

Webhook data can share in JSON or String (stringify JSON) format
= 3.21 =

Hide Chat widget While editing the page using page builders
Fix: intlinput function not defined.
= 3.20 =

Enhancement: AMP Compatibility
= 3.19 =

Enhancement: Greetings
Fix: prefilled message if % sign is added
Fix: themes styles conflict with svg images
= 3.18.1 =

Enhancement: Shortcodes
= 3.18 =

Enhancement: Greetings Actions
Add class name ‘ctc_greetings’ or ‘ctc_greetings_now’ to any element to display greetings dialog on click.
PRO: Add class name ‘ctc_greetings_now’ to any element to display greetings dialog when element reached viewport.
= 3.17.1 =

Fix: TypeError
= 3.17 =

Fix: TypeError
= 3.16 =

Enhancement: Shortcodes
PRO: Greetings Multi Agent
= 3.15 =

Fix: Style-7 Extend – shortcode – fontsize settings
Fix: prefilled message with special characters
= 3.14 =

Enhancement: Sortable items with handler
Analytics count – track all clicks or one click per session
= 3.13 =

Fix: svg icon not displaying properly while using some cache plugins
= 3.12.2 =

Enhancement: Greetings settings
WhatsApp popup window width updated to display qr code in initial viewport
= 3.12.1 =

WhatsApp popup window dimensions adjusted for better appearance
Enhancement: compatibility with amp plugin
= 3.12 =

New: URL Open Target window – New, Same, popup.
URL structure for desktop:, web.whatsapp
URL structure for mobile:, WhatsApp://
Web WhatsApp settings moved to other settings page with Enhancements.
= 3.11 =

Enhancement: added hooks for developers to create Extenstions
Updated Admin settings page content
= 3.10 =

More position to Add WhatsApp at WooCommerce Single product pages
= 3.9.11 =

Fix: compatibility issues
= 3.9.10 =

Fix: uncaught error at Greetings page
= 3.9.9 =

Enhancement: opt-in, greetings features
= 3.9.8 =

Enhancement: Admin Greetings page
= 3.9.7 =

New: opt-in – user consent before initiate the chat
Enhancement: Greetings Text Editor, can add background color to text.
= 3.9.6 =

Enhancement: click to chat admin page for WooCommerce
= 3.9.5 =

Fix: display settings for custom post types
= 3.9.4 =

Enhancement: Webhooks, greetings, admin interface.
= 3.9.3 =

Enhancement: Greetings feature
Open Greetings dialog:
Click on any element which contains Class /Id name: ‘ctc_greetings’
When an element is in viewport(25% margin) which contains Class name: ‘ctc_greetings_now’ [PRO]
= 3.9.2 =

Enchantment: Greetings feature
= 3.9.1 =

Enchantment: Greetings feature
= 3.9 =

New: Greetings Dialogs
Greetings 1: Customizable Design
Greetings 2: Content Specific
= 3.8.1 =

Enchantment: Pre-filled message, Call to Action settings
= 3.8 =

Enchantment: Style-1 button with icon.
Enchantment: WhatsApp at WooCommerce Shop, single product pages
= 3.7.1 =

Fix: Variables for WooCommerce
= 3.7 =

Enchantment: Admin settings
Enchantment: Add your own image style.
update z-index now for chat, group, share features
= 3.6 =

Enchantment: settings pages
= 3.5.3 =

New: Display settings for WooCommerce Thank you page
Fix: Display based on Category settings not found issue
= 3.5.2 =

New: z-Index settings
Enchantment: Admin settings.
= 3.5.1 =

Fix: Customize styles settings not saving
= 3.5 =

New: Add Styles at WooCommerce Shop page. (Products Archive)
Enchantment: Style-7 font size settings.
Enchantment: Custom Element (convert any element to navigate to WhatsApp Chat)
= 3.4 =

New: Add Styles with in WooCommerce Product pages
= 3.3.11 =

Fix: Dynamic Variables on archive pages getting the last value.
Enchantment: Add own image Style
= 3.3.10 =

Enchantment: Number field, added helper text
Enchantment: Position Type
= 3.3.9 =

Introducing PRO Version
Enchantment: variable for prefilled, call to action for WooCommerce pages at page level settings
= 3.3.8 =

Fix: syntax error while updating the plugin.
= 3.3.7 =

Enchantment: Webhook feature
Fix: admin menu icon issue
= 3.3.6 =

Enchantment: Customize styles settings
= 3.3.5 =

New: aria-hidden attribute settings for Accessibility API
Enchantment: Call to Action, Pre-filled Message (supports emojis)
Enchantment: User Interface
Show effect is now called as Entery effects
= 3.3.4 =

Display Settings for WooCommerce Cart, Checkout, Account, Shop page
Enchantment: WhatsApp Number field
= 3.3.3 =

User Interface: Display settings
New: Display settings for custom post types
User Interface: same_settings for mobile, desktop
User Interface: WooCommerce related settings now in seperate page
= 3.3.2 =

Enchantment: Google Analytics
Enchantment: Web WhatsApp
code: php echo shorthand
= 3.3.1 =

New: Webhooks
Enchantment: position to place settings
= 3.3 =

New: Custom Element/Design, Create an element/design and add
Class name: ctc_chat (or)
ID name: ctc_chat (or)
Href/link attribute: #ctc_chat
= 3.2.9 =

Performance Improvement
Fix: WooCommerce Prefilled Message Muliple lines
Removed recommended tools page
= 3.2.8 =

Google Ads – If enabled, calls gtag_report_conversion.
Enhancement: User Interface
= 3.2.7 =

Enhancement: WhatsApp Number field. (country code and Number)
Enhancement: Change Settings at page level. (Click to Chat – Meta box)
= 3.2.6 =

Enhancement: AMP Compatibility
Fix: Shortcode prefilled, call to action for WooCommerce single product pages
Updated: dashicons
= 3.2.5 =

Show/Hide settings at page level
Fix: Shortcode navigation, if loaded dynamically.
= 3.2.4 =

AMP Compatibility – 1st version
Updated: Positions to place
Fix: Shortcode hover color effects
= 3.2.3 =

Updated Show/Hide settings
Fix: Style-7 Background-color on hover issue
= 3.2.2 =

Font size settings for Call to Action – Style 2, 3, 3 Extend.
Fix: Facebook Pixel integration for Shortcodes
= 3.2.1 =

Updated Share feature variable {url} on loop pages
Fix: Shortcode click action,
= 3.2 =

prefilled message at page level
Style-1 customize text and background color
Updated User Interface
= 3.1 =

Updated: Full Width Style-1, Style-8 for mobile.
Add Animation Delay, Animation Iteration
New Animations – heartBeat, flip
Shortcode style-5 new attributes – s5_img_url, s5_line_2
Fix: Group ID Page level settings
RTL Compatible for Styles.
Updated Admin User Interface
= 3.0.4 =

Style-1, Style-8 Full width option for Mobile, Desktop
bug fixes
= 3.0.3 =

Updated Animations
Fixed: {url} variable at WooCommerce Pre-filled message.
= 3.0 =

Call to Action for Style-2, 3, 7.
New ‘Style-7 Extend’.
Style-3 is now Style-3, ‘Style-3 Extend’.
Improved Style-7, Style-8.
New Variable for prefilled message. [url] – replaces with full url including parameters.
Updated User Interface
= 2.12.1 =

Fix: Style-4 img position issue.
Updated: admin page
= 2.12 =

Localization – compatibile with WPML, Polylang.
WhatsApp Number
Call to Action
Pre-filled Message
= 2.11 =

User Interface: Desktop, Mobile settings
Updated: Style-3, extended Settings
Updated: Style-4 Emebed default svg image, Image size, position
Updated: Style-8
= 2.10.2 =

performance improvement
Fixed minor issues
= 2.10.1 =

Updated: Position to Place
= 2.10 =

New: position for mobile (now can set different positions for mobile, desktop)
Improved User Interface, Performance
Admin side changes
Enable/disable Group, Share feature options swifted to “Customize” -> “Other Settings”
“Customize Styles” menu renamed as “Customize”
= 2.9.2 =

Improved User Interface, Performance
Updated: Change values at page level settings
= 2.9.1 =

Option to set delete settings when plugin uninstalls
Updated: WooCommerce related features
Updated: if number blank
Added a fallback call_to_action for some styles
= 2.9 =

Introduction WooCommerce related features
‘Pre-filled message’ for single product pages
with variables {product}, {price}, {regular_price}, {sku}
‘Call to Action’ for single product pages
Admin notice – if WhatsApp number not added.
Updated Style-4
= 2.8.5 =

Style-2, Style-3 Improved.
Updated: Show/Hide Settings
Updated: Hide based on device (Mobile, Desktop)
Updated: Customize Styles
Updated: Style-5
Updated: Style-7
Fix: ‘&’ symbol at prefilled message
Fix: Style-1 if no Call to Action
= 2.8.4 =

Updated: WhatsApp number at page level settings
Updated: Display Styles after WhatsApp Number is added.
Updated: Shortcode number attribute
= 2.8.3 =

Fix: Cache issue – Hide based on device – now detects based on screen size
= 2.8.2 =

Display Styles after WhatsApp Number is added.
Default sytles changed.
= 2.8.1 =

Fix: Color picker conflict
= 2.8 =

Hide based on device – now detects based on screen size
Facebook Pixel
Google Analytics values udpated
= 2.7 =

Fix: position to place suffix
Default image for style-99
= 2.6 =

Pre-filled message:
Now can add multiple lines.
new variable {site}
Fix: Shortcode Style-5 click, full width issue
style-8 more customize options
= 2.5 =

Share feature: Web version
Fix: number filed issues
= 2.4 =

Detect device based on screen size for link generate
Fix: + sign issues for ios
FB analytics using js sdk deprecated
= 2.3 =

Analytics for gtm
Fix: font conflict issue
improved styles
= 2.2 =

Simplified admin pages
Performance improvement
= 2.1 =

New interface – docs
= 2.0 =

New interface
= 1.7.2 =

Style-8 shortcode issue fixed
= 1.7.1 =

Style-8 simplified
= 1.7 =

Improved plugin performance
Style-4 simplified
Style-1 – default theme button
Fixed some issues
= 1.6 =

Google Analytics
Facebook Analytics
= silent release =

App First option to fix cache issue
shortcodes new attribute
= 1.5 =

Initial message – {{url}} placeholder
new style – Add own Image
Hide Style based on Device in shotcodes
= 1.4 =

New style-9, Green Square
Supports Analytics – using google tag manager
animations – alpha version
style-3 can choose .svg or .png image versions
style-4 image size reduced, ~ 2kb
performance improvement.
= 1.3 =

can add pre-filled text
style-1 – can change button text.
setting page link added in plugins page
show / hide is now changed to hide on – based on page types
= 1.2 =

improved: code on how to detect mobile device.
sticky save button in options page – easy to save.
option page – Documentation links.
= 1.1 =

convert plugin to bit of OOP style
= 1.0 =

Initial release.
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